Rotational Energy Levels: Equally Spaced or Not?

In summary, rotational energy levels in molecules are not equally spaced, but the spacing increases with energy. For simple diatomic molecules, the rotational energy levels are separated by a 2B distance, but they get closer when increasing frequency.
  • #1
Are rotational energy levels of a molecule in general equally spaced or does the spacing increase with energy? How about a diatomic molecule; I have seen a derivation showing that the rotational levels in a diatomic molecule are equally spaced, but when drawn in an energy level diagram they clearly aren't? What is right?

And another thing; in my book the expression for the rotational and vibrational energies of a diatomic molecule is derived in terms of a classical "dumb-bell"-picture? How is this justified taking quantum mechanics into account?
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  • #2
broegger said:
Are rotational energy levels of a molecule in general equally spaced or does the spacing increase with energy? How about a diatomic molecule; I have seen a derivation showing that the rotational levels in a diatomic molecule are equally spaced, but when drawn in an energy level diagram they clearly aren't? What is right?

Hi broegger,

No, even in the most simple diatomic molecule rotational levels are not equally spaced. If you look at any rotational spectrum of such molecules you will clearly appreciate it. You will see how the first lines are separated more or less a 2B distance (B is the rotational constant) but they get closer when increasing frequency. But be carefull with this, the energy levels get more separated when you increase J, but the transition frequency values: E(J+1)-E(J) get closer between them when increasing J. This is the real behaviour.

The question is what model do you choose to theoretically calculate those energy levels (and the frequency values). The most simple quantum model is the rigid rotor (exuse me if that isn´t the correct word, I´m spanish). The energy expression derived from that model is:

E(cm-1)=B J (J+1)

then the frequency expression F=2B (J+1). Frequencies are equally separated. But this is not real. In order to get a better description elastic rotor is used:

[tex] E(cm^-1)=BJ(J+1)-DJ^2 (J+1)^2 [/tex]
[tex] F=2B(J+1)-4D(J+1)^3[/tex]

This model introduces the "D" constant to allow the variation of bond length (in fact vibration movement). The frequency values obtained get closer between them while increasing J, It´s more real but It continues being a model. Theese expressions are only for diatomic molecules.
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  • #3
Thank you.

FAQ: Rotational Energy Levels: Equally Spaced or Not?

1. What are rotational energy levels?

Rotational energy levels refer to the quantized energy states that a molecule can occupy as it rotates around its center of mass. These levels are determined by the molecule's moment of inertia and the allowed rotational quantum numbers.

2. How are rotational energy levels calculated?

Rotational energy levels are calculated using the rotational energy equation, which takes into account the molecule's moment of inertia, the rotational quantum number, and the reduced Planck's constant. This equation is derived from the Schrödinger equation and the principles of quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of rotational energy levels?

Rotational energy levels are significant because they provide information about the structure and behavior of molecules. The spacing between energy levels can reveal the molecule's moment of inertia, which is related to its shape and size. Rotational energy levels also play a role in molecular spectroscopy and can be used to identify and study different molecules.

4. How do rotational energy levels change with temperature?

As temperature increases, molecules gain thermal energy and their rotational energy levels become more closely spaced. This means that at higher temperatures, molecules can occupy a larger number of rotational energy levels. At very high temperatures, molecules may even reach a state of continuous rotation where all energy levels are occupied.

5. Can rotational energy levels be manipulated?

Yes, rotational energy levels can be manipulated through various techniques such as applying an external magnetic or electric field, or using lasers to induce specific transitions between energy levels. These methods are commonly used in molecular spectroscopy to study the properties and behavior of molecules.

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