Rotational Velocity with 2 Gears

In summary, the problem involves a small gear with mass m and radius r rotating around a central axis, with a force of 4N applied to an interior hub at a radial distance r/2 from the axis. To find the angular velocity of the small gear after 10 seconds, we can use the equations T = R x F and T = I x alpha, where T is torque, R is the distance from the axis, F is the applied force, I is the moment of inertia, and alpha is the angular acceleration. Solving for alpha and plugging it into the angular velocity equation, we get an angular velocity of 40/mR. Once the small gear is engaged with a larger gear next to it, of mass
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Homework Statement

A small gear with mass m and radius r rotate around a central axis. A force is applied to an interior hub at a radial distance r/2 from the axis.
A. If a force of 4N is applied for 10s, what is the angular velocity of the small gear, assuming it starts at rest?
B. Once it reaches this speed, the small gear is engaged with a larger gear next to it, of mass 4m and radius 4r. If the angular speed of the small gear is maintained, what is the angular velocity of the larger gear, assuming no slipping?

Homework Equations

R x alpha= At
omega= omega initial + alpha x T
I=1/2 MR^2

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first piece, I tried to answer it by setting up F=MAt as 4=MAt and At=r x alpha, and then setting them equal and solving for omega, and then plugging them into omega= omega initial + alpha x T. I feel like this isn't correct and that it is leaving out some key pieces. Any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
I assume At stands for tangential acceleration. Fnet=ma is a standard enough equation, but the applied force is not the net force in this case. There is also a force from the axle, holding the centre of the gear in place. Besides, not all of the gear's mass has the same linear acceleration. Think about moments and torque instead.
  • #3
So, I can relate the moment of inertia to torque through the following:
T= R x F= 4 x R/2 = 2R
I= 1/2mR^2
So, since T=I x alpha --> 2R=1/2mR^2 x alpha

Is this in the right direction? I'm not exactly sure how to get to velocity from here. Should I isolate for alpha and use one of the rotational kinematic equations?
  • #4
PrettyLights said:
So, I can relate the moment of inertia to torque through the following:
T= R x F= 4 x R/2 = 2R
I= 1/2mR^2
So, since T=I x alpha --> 2R=1/2mR^2 x alpha

Is this in the right direction? I'm not exactly sure how to get to velocity from here. Should I isolate for alpha and use one of the rotational kinematic equations?
Yes, that's right so far.
You get angular velocity and displacement from angular acceleration and time in just the same way that you do for linear velocities, accelerations and displacements.
  • #5
Gotcha- so, alpha=4/mR and (4/mR)x10= 40/mR

Thank you!

FAQ: Rotational Velocity with 2 Gears

1. What is rotational velocity?

Rotational velocity is the measure of how fast an object is rotating around an axis. It is usually measured in radians per second or revolutions per minute.

2. How do you calculate rotational velocity?

To calculate rotational velocity, you divide the angular displacement by the time taken to complete that displacement. This can be represented by the formula v = ω/t, where v is the rotational velocity, ω is the angular velocity, and t is the time.

3. What are the units of rotational velocity?

The units of rotational velocity are radians per second (rad/s) or revolutions per minute (rpm).

4. How does rotational velocity change with two gears?

In a system with two gears, the rotational velocity of one gear is equal and opposite to the rotational velocity of the other gear. This is due to the conservation of angular momentum in a closed system.

5. How does the size of the gears affect rotational velocity?

The size of the gears does not affect the rotational velocity. As long as the gears are connected in a closed system, the rotational velocity will remain constant regardless of the gear size. However, the torque or force required to rotate the gears may be affected by their size.
