Scuba Diving and Ideal Gas Law

In summary, the ideal gas law is essential for understanding the effects of changing pressure and temperature on the gases used in scuba diving. Boyle's Law, a specific application of the ideal gas law, explains why air tanks become more difficult to breathe from as the diver descends deeper into the water. It is crucial for divers to monitor their gas consumption to ensure they have enough air to safely ascend to the surface. The ideal gas law also impacts decompression sickness in scuba diving, as it explains how dissolved gases can form bubbles in the body as a diver ascends. Temperature changes also play a significant role in the ideal gas law in scuba diving, as a decrease in temperature can result in a decrease in the volume of air in a
  • #1
Soaring Crane
Pressure, volume, and temperature of the air in the diver's lungs when the last underwater breath is taken as p1,V1 , and T1, respectively.

Pressure, volume, and temperature of the air in the diver's lungs when the surface is reached to be p2, V2, and , T2 respectively.

Salt water has an average density of around 1.03 g/cm^3 , which translates to an increase in pressure of 1.00 atm for every 10.0 m of depth below the surface. Therefore, at 10.0 m, the pressure on the diver's lungs and body is 2.00 atm.

I solved for other parts:
The average lung capacity for a human is about 6 L. Suppose a scuba diver at a depth of 15 m takes a deep breath and begins to rise to the surface. What is , the volume of the air in his or her lungs when the diver reaches the surface?

Assume that the temperature of the air is a constant 37 (body temperature).

The main idea is that changing the pressure also changes the volume of the gas. Using initial quantities, the pressure at the surface, and the ideal gas law, the final volume of the air can be determined.

Find the equation to calculate final volume. What is the equation for the final volume of the air in the diver's lungs?

Express your answer in terms of p1,V1 , p2 and .
ANSWER: V2 = p_1*V_1/p_2

Express your answer in atmospheres to three significant digits.
ANSWER: p1 = 2.50 atm

Express your answer numerically in liters to three significant digits.
ANSWER: V2 = 15.0 L

Part B.3 Find the pressure at 15 underwater
The initial pressure is related to the depth from which the diver starts the ascent.

The part I need help with is:
If the temperature of air in the diver's lungs is 37 C (98.6 F), how many moles of air n must be released by the time the diver reaches the surface to keep the volume of air in his or her lungs at 6 L ?

I know I must compute the number of moles of air in 6 L at the underwater pressure and again at the surface pressure. The difference is the number of moles of air that must be exhaled. pV = nRT is used (isolate n), but what numbers do I plug in for each scene (diff. p) and the order of the moles for the difference?

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  • #2
If the diver did not release any air, the volume would have expanded from 6 L to 15 L. So, the diver must release (15-6)/15 of the number of moles of air that she had underwater. So find the number of moles at that point. You have the equation and the data, you just need to convert the units to standard units. Express pressure in Pa, volume in cubic meters, and the temperature in degrees Kelvin.
  • #3
Suppose a scuba diver at a depth of 15 m takes a deep breath and begins to rise to the surface. What is , the volume of the air in his or her lungs when the diver reaches the surface?
Not that this helps you solve your homework, but Jeez, it is unbelievably irresponsible for a high school textbook to propose an experiment which will kill the experimenter sure as a bullet!

Holding your breath and rising to the surface is gauranteed death by embolism.

Has it ever occurred to the writers that students may not make a distinction among which particular things they can learn in school and which they can't? What if a student decided to try this experiment for real?
  • #4
(15-6)/15 = .6
n = (pV)/(RT), where R = 8.315, T = 37 C = 310 K, p = 2.5 atm *(1.013 x 10 ^5) = 253250 Pa, V = 6 L = 6,000 cm^3 = .006 m^3

n_underwater = [(253250 Pa)(.006 m^3)]/[8.315(310 K)] = 0.58949 mol

0.58949 mol (.6) = 0.3537 mol ?
  • #5
Looks OK to me. (Round it off to a reasonable number of significant figures.)
  • #6
Say, Crane, would you mind sending me the publisher's info about that textbook?

FAQ: Scuba Diving and Ideal Gas Law

1. How does the ideal gas law apply to scuba diving?

The ideal gas law, also known as the general gas equation, describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas. In scuba diving, this law is important because it helps divers understand the effects of changing pressure and temperature on the gases they are breathing.

2. How does Boyle's Law relate to scuba diving?

Boyle's Law is a specific application of the ideal gas law and states that at a constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. In scuba diving, this law explains why air tanks become more difficult to breathe from as the diver descends deeper into the water, due to the increasing pressure.

3. Why is it important for scuba divers to monitor their gas consumption?

Monitoring gas consumption is crucial for scuba divers because it ensures that they have enough air to safely ascend to the surface. The ideal gas law helps divers calculate how much air they have consumed and how much they have left in their tank based on pressure and volume measurements.

4. How does the ideal gas law impact decompression sickness in scuba diving?

The ideal gas law explains how gases dissolve into the bloodstream and tissues of the body at different pressures. In scuba diving, this is important because as a diver ascends to the surface, the decreasing pressure can cause the dissolved gases to form bubbles in the body, leading to decompression sickness.

5. How do changes in temperature affect the ideal gas law in scuba diving?

Temperature changes can significantly impact the behavior of gases in scuba diving. As the ideal gas law states, a decrease in temperature will result in a decrease in volume, causing the air in a scuba tank to take up less space. This means that divers must be aware of temperature changes in their surrounding environment to ensure they have enough air to safely complete their dive.
