Calculating Position and Distance in Simple Harmonic Motion: A Case Study

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics question about the position and distance traveled by an object hanging on a spring. The solution involves using equations and finding the constant k, as well as using the amplitude and time in a trigonometric equation to find the position at a certain time. The concept of displacement is also mentioned and there is a brief apology for double posting on the forum.
  • #1
Hi, I would really like to know if my solution to the following question is correct, I would really really really appreciate it.

A hanging spring stretches by 35cm when an object of mass 450g is hung on it at rest. In this situation, we define its position as x=0. The object is pulled down an additional 18cm and released from rest to oscillate without friction. What is its position x at a time 84.4s later?
Find the distance traveled by the vibrating object.

Well, by using the equation -ky-mg=0 (at rest) I derived the equation
y=-mg/k. So i replaced y with 35 cm and m with 0.45kg in order to find k.
With k, i set the equation: x(t)= Acos(wt+c) c=phase constant w=angular frequency
and since this started at rest, there is no phase constant, and amplitude is 18cm so i made the equation
then i replace the t with 84.4. Is this right?
And I'm having problems finding the distance traveled by the vibrating object.
Thanks a lot. And please, help! :confused:
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  • #2
You want distance traveled not displacement, right?

During the given time how many complete oscillations. For each complete oscillation the distance traveled is 0.18 x 4 m.
  • #3
Thank you so much. But i have another question, how do you find the displacement?
and did i answer the question itself correctly?
  • #4
The magnitude of the displacement is the distance between the final and initial position, no matter how many full oscillations are completed.

May you please explain the double posting?
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  • #5
Sorry about that

Yes, I'm sorry i didn't know that double posting was not permitted on this forum, i sincerely apologize for violating that rule as this will never happen again. And thank you very much for assisting me and pointing that out for me. Greatly appreciate it.

FAQ: Calculating Position and Distance in Simple Harmonic Motion: A Case Study

1. What is Simple Harmonic Motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion is a type of periodic motion in which a body oscillates back and forth around a central equilibrium point, with a restoring force that is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium point.

2. What are the key characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion?

The key characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion include a constant frequency, amplitude, and period, as well as a sinusoidal displacement and velocity graph.

3. What is the equation for Simple Harmonic Motion?

The equation for Simple Harmonic Motion is x = Asin(ωt + φ), where x is the displacement, A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the phase angle.

4. What are some examples of Simple Harmonic Motion?

Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion include a mass on a spring, a pendulum, and a mass attached to a horizontal spring.

5. How is Simple Harmonic Motion related to Hooke's Law?

Simple Harmonic Motion is related to Hooke's Law because the restoring force in Simple Harmonic Motion is due to a spring, and Hooke's Law states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position.

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