Is K2 Positive in the Spring Mass Damper State Space Equations?

In summary, The conversation is about a problem that the forum member is having with their homework, specifically with writing state space equations and determining if a dynamic equation for mass is true or not. The forum member is seeking help and guidance, but is reminded that they need to do the work themselves. The conversation also touches on the importance of using positive values for variables and the use of lagrange method.
  • #1

I'm sorry that post my problem picture, there is a reason that our lecturer doesn't allow this,
he can find this problem using keyword included in question.

the problem is i want to write state space equations also output. the sate variables x1 v1 and theta

dynamic equation for mass

i want to konw this equation is true or not?
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Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi z_e_u_s! welcome to pf! :wink:
z_e_u_s said:
… there is a reason that our lecturer doesn't allow this,
he can find this problem using keyword included in question.

sorry, but on this forum you need to do the work yourself :redface:

show us what you've tried, and where you're stuck, and then we'll know how to help! :smile:
  • #3
yes i tried but homework has one question and 18 parts
the other parts related with first part.
i try to use lagrange method and equations doesn't fit the sate space...
  • #4
i stuck in that equation

is this dynamic equation for mass

or K2springs tensile force be positive not negative?
  • #5
K2 should be positive
  • #6
henlus said:
K2 should be positive

Are you sure the all forces are positive then equals to zero...

FAQ: Is K2 Positive in the Spring Mass Damper State Space Equations?

What is the Spring Mass Damper Problem?

The Spring Mass Damper Problem is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a mass attached to a spring and damper system. It is commonly used in engineering and physics to study the response of mechanical systems to external forces.

How is the Spring Mass Damper Problem solved?

The Spring Mass Damper Problem is typically solved using differential equations and mathematical techniques such as Laplace transforms. The resulting equations can then be solved using numerical methods or by hand using algebraic techniques.

What are the applications of the Spring Mass Damper Problem?

The Spring Mass Damper Problem has various applications in engineering fields such as mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering. It is used to analyze and design systems such as suspension systems, shock absorbers, and earthquake-resistant buildings.

How does the damping coefficient affect the response of the system in the Spring Mass Damper Problem?

The damping coefficient in the Spring Mass Damper Problem represents the resistance to motion in the system. A higher damping coefficient leads to a greater dissipation of energy, resulting in a slower response and decreased amplitude of oscillations. A lower damping coefficient leads to a more rapid response and larger oscillations.

What is the significance of the natural frequency in the Spring Mass Damper Problem?

The natural frequency in the Spring Mass Damper Problem is the frequency at which the system will oscillate without any external forces acting on it. It is a characteristic property of the system and can be calculated using the mass, spring constant, and damping coefficient. It is used to determine the stability of the system and the frequency at which resonance may occur.
