Static Electricity and particles

In summary, the problem involves three particles of different charges (+70, +48, and -80 μC) placed in a line with the center one at a distance of 0.35 m from the others. The task is to calculate the net force on each charge due to the other two using the equation F=kq1q2/d^2. After attempting the solution, the student received feedback from their teacher that they are not doing it correctly and was advised to draw a diagram, consider one charge at a time, and be careful with the signs and units. The student then showed their calculation for the middle charge and attempted to find the net force by adding the individual forces using the superposition principle. However, the answer they
  • #1

Homework Statement

Particles of charge +70, +48, and -80 [tex]\mu[/tex]C are placed in a line, in the previous order. The center one is .35 m from each of the others. Calculate the net force on each charge due to the other two.

Homework Equations

F=kq1q2/ d2

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the force between each but according to my teacher I am not doing this correctly could someone please tell me how i should go about doing this problem.
Physics news on
  • #2
Draw a diagram. Consider one charge at a time.

The ones on the end will be .35 and .7 distant from the other 2 respectively.

Be careful with the signs. Be careful with the units.

Be careful that you have taken care to note the direction of the force in each equation. (+,-) attracts and same sign repels.

Since forces are vectors then you must take that into account when you add them by superposition.
  • #3
I thought that's what I was doing but after trying again i got the same wrong answer, I'm so confused about wht i should do with this problem!
  • #4
Show your calculation then for the middle charge.
  • #5
LowlyPion said:
Show your calculation then for the middle charge.

F1= (9x109)(70 x 10-6)(48x10-6)/ .352

this equals: 246.86

F3= (9x109)(-80 x 10-6)(48x10-6)/ .352

this equals: -282.1

Then i did
(246.862)+ (-282.12)= Q2

Q= 374C

but according to my teacher this is wrong... can you tell me what it is that I am doing wrong?

FAQ: Static Electricity and particles

1. What is static electricity?

Static electricity is a build-up of electric charge on the surface of an object. It occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the surface of an object. This can happen when two objects rub against each other, causing electrons to transfer from one object to the other.

2. How is static electricity different from current electricity?

Static electricity is a stationary charge, while current electricity is a flow of electric charge. In static electricity, the charges are not moving, whereas in current electricity, the charges are constantly in motion.

3. What causes particles to become charged?

Particles become charged when they gain or lose electrons. This can happen through friction, contact with other charged particles, or exposure to certain materials.

4. How does static electricity affect everyday objects?

Static electricity can cause objects to stick together or repel each other. It can also cause objects to cling to certain surfaces, such as hair sticking to a comb or balloons sticking to a wall. In some cases, static electricity can also be a safety hazard, as it can cause sparks that can ignite flammable materials.

5. Can static electricity be controlled or harnessed?

Yes, static electricity can be controlled and harnessed for various uses. For example, static electricity is used in photocopiers and laser printers to transfer toner onto paper. It is also used in air filters to attract and trap dust and other particles. However, it can also be controlled through the use of grounding techniques, which help to discharge built-up static charges.
