Steady State Circuit Analysis with Phasors

In summary, the student tried to solve for the equivalent impedance of the circuit, but their math wasn't correct. They then tried to find the current delivered to the circuit and the equivalent impedance of the circuit, but their math wasn't correct again. They then tried to find the equation of the current and voltage drop for each element of the circuit, but their math wasn't correct again.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello everyone! I have the following circuit to solve, and my result is a bit wrong... can you tell me please where's the mistake?


Find the current delivered to the circuit. Find the equivalent impedance of the circuit. Find the equation of the current and voltage drop for each element of the circuit.

Homework Equations

I tried first to solve for the equivalent impedance.

Xc= -j * 1/wc
Xl = jwl
w=1000 rad/s

The Attempt at a Solution

R1=100Ω, R2=20Ω, R3=50Ω, Xc=-100j, Xl=40j
therefore equivalent impedance is: 100+40j+ ((1/(50-100j))+0.05)^(-1)=40j+100, in polar form: 107.7 < 21.8, so the impedance=107.7/√2(1000t+ 21.8°)Ω.
Is that correct?


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  • #2
Check your math on the impedance calculation. Your expression looks okay but your result does not.
  • #3
checked it on wolframalpha... what's wrong? :(
  • #4
alexmath said:
checked it on wolframalpha... what's wrong? :(

It's not the same as the result I get. Maybe break down your calculations and show some intermediate results? Start with the parallel combination of the 20 Ω resistor with the capacitor and 50 Ω resistor. What impedance do you get for those components ?
  • #5
only two first components added up give 40j+100 ( i did not even check the calculation) , wolframalpha was wrong haha... the correct answer is:

123.47<17.53 right?

so the final impedance is 123.47 over sqrt 2 or not here? (1000t + 17.53 degrees converted in radians)
  • #6
alexmath said:
only two first components added up give 40j+100 ( i did not even check the calculation) , wolframalpha was wrong haha... the correct answer is:

123.47<17.53 right?
Close enough! I'm seeing (extra digits kept for intermediate value to prevent roundoff/truncation errors creeping into future calculations) Z = 123.875 Ω ∠7.532° .

so the final impedance is 123.47 over sqrt 2 or not here? (1000t + 17.53 degrees converted in radians)

No root 2 involved in impedance ... RMS values apply to voltages and currents. Usually it's best just to convert the input voltage to an RMS value right at the start and then everything will take care of itself from then on.

In this problem, since you aren't calculating any powers (for which RMS values are key), you could get away with leaving the input voltage as 10 V (peak), do the calculations for the circuit, and write the time domain results as peak voltages.

Take care when you calculate the phase of the current! Your impedance is in the denominator of I = E/Z, so the angle of the current will be the negative of the angle of the impedance (assuming that the voltage E is the reference phasor with angle zero).

FAQ: Steady State Circuit Analysis with Phasors

1. What is steady state circuit analysis with phasors?

Steady state circuit analysis with phasors is a method used to analyze and solve alternating current (AC) circuits. It involves representing the circuit elements using complex numbers and using phasors to represent the current and voltage at different points in the circuit.

2. Why do we use phasors in steady state circuit analysis?

Phasors simplify the analysis of AC circuits by allowing us to represent sinusoidal voltages and currents as a single complex number. This makes calculations easier and more efficient as compared to using trigonometric functions.

3. How do you convert circuit elements to phasor notation?

To convert a circuit element to phasor notation, we use the impedance or admittance of the element, which is the complex ratio of voltage to current. For resistors, the impedance is equal to the resistance; for capacitors, the impedance is equal to 1/jwC; and for inductors, the impedance is equal to jwL.

4. What is the difference between steady state and transient analysis?

Steady state analysis is used to analyze the behavior of a circuit after it has reached a stable state, meaning all voltages and currents have settled to their steady state values. Transient analysis, on the other hand, is used to analyze the behavior of a circuit during the transition from one steady state to another, such as when a switch is turned on or off.

5. How do you determine the steady state response of a circuit using phasors?

To determine the steady state response of a circuit using phasors, we first convert all circuit elements to phasor notation. Then, we use Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis techniques, such as Ohm's law and the voltage divider rule, to solve for the phasor values of voltage and current at different points in the circuit. Finally, we convert these phasor values back to their corresponding sinusoidal forms to obtain the steady state response of the circuit.

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