How Does Recirculation Work in Steam Engines?

In summary, the conversation discussed the process of recirculating steam in a steam engine after it has been used to do work. The steam is pumped back into the boiler through a condenser, which is kept at a vacuum to increase the temperature difference between the steam and condensate. This allows for easier pumping of the liquid back into the boiler. The energy needed to pump the water comes from the heat input into the boiler, and it is possible for the engine itself to run the pump. Overall, the process of pumping feedwater back into the boiler requires a small amount of energy compared to the boiler's capacity.
  • #1
I am very fascinated by steam engines. When I took my thermodynamics course a few years back, I remember learning that the steam is recirculated after it does work. I am confused on how this happens.

After the steam is used to do work, it is expelled at a lower pressure than it started with. If this steam were to be pumped back into the boiler via a one way valve, shouldn't it need to be at a higher pressure to be able to open the valve and move back into the boiler? How can low pressure steam be pumped into a boiler of higher pressure?

Is there some external source that provides the extra energy to pump back into the boiler?
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  • #2
Steam doesn't pump very easily.
The steam exhausts to a condenser where it is cooled and collected as a liquid before being pumped back to the boiler. Another advantage to this system is the condenser can be kept close to a vacuum which increases the temperature difference between the steam and condensate. Find a mollier diagram online and look at the difference in enthalpy for different saturation pressures. There are big gains when running the condenser at a vacuum.
  • #3
montoyas7940 said:
Steam doesn't pump very easily.
The steam exhausts to a condenser where it is cooled and collected as a liquid before being pumped back to the boiler. Another advantage to this system is the condenser can be kept close to a vacuum which increases the temperature difference between the steam and condensate. Find a mollier diagram online and look at the difference in enthalpy for different saturation pressures. There are big gains when running the condenser at a vacuum.

Hmmm, I am not sure I quite understand. How can the pressure in the condenser be at vacuum if steam is being pumped into it?

So liquid water is easier to pump back into the boiler? How come?

I apologize for my confusion but I really want to understand this!
  • #4
A condenser is just a heat exchanger. Cooling water is used the cool the shell externally or is run through tubes internally. As the steam flows in and is cooled it changes phase back to a liquid.

Not all condensers operate at a vacuum.
But in a vacuum condenser the vacuum is initially established with a pump before steam is introduced. Then as steam flows in and is cooled and condensed the collapse of volume due to the phase change maintains the vacuum.

Steam is compressable and low mass to volume. After having energy extracted by the engine the steam would also be very wet. So two phases of water would have to be managed. Water is high mass to volume and low compressablity. Only small volumes as compared to steam have to be injected into the boiler. And only one phase of water has to be pumped.
  • #6
I see now! Thanks a lot!
  • #7
Oh one last question, (and I realize the answer might vary depending on design) would it be possible to run the water pump by the actual engine itself? Or would that violate conversation of energy? Does it take a great amount energy to pump the water back in the boiler?
  • #8
Sure, the engine could also run the pump. The energy comes from the heat input into the boiler. So as long as the engine is capable of driving the load plus a little extra to run the pump the boiler could be sized and fired to provide enough steam.

The water pumped to the boiler is called feedwater. The power required to drive feedwater pumps is a very small fraction of a boilers capacity.

FAQ: How Does Recirculation Work in Steam Engines?

1. How does recirculation work in steam engines?

Recirculation in steam engines refers to the process of reusing steam that has already been used to power the engine. This steam is condensed back into water and then recirculated through the system to be used again, reducing the amount of water and fuel needed to power the engine.

2. Why is recirculation important in steam engines?

Recirculation is important in steam engines because it allows for more efficient use of water and fuel. By reusing steam, less water needs to be constantly added to the system and less fuel is needed to create steam, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

3. How is recirculation achieved in steam engines?

Recirculation is achieved through a system of pipes and valves that allow for the condensation and recirculation of steam. The condensed steam is collected in a condenser and then pumped back into the boiler to be reheated and reused.

4. What are the benefits of recirculation in steam engines?

The main benefit of recirculation in steam engines is increased efficiency, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact. Additionally, recirculation can help to maintain a constant steam supply, leading to smoother and more consistent engine operation.

5. Are there any downsides to recirculation in steam engines?

While recirculation is generally beneficial, it can sometimes lead to the build-up of impurities in the steam, which can cause damage to the engine over time. To prevent this, proper maintenance and water treatment is necessary to ensure the quality of the recirculated steam.
