Two blocks with masses of 4kg and 8kg

In summary: N as the tension in the string when the 4kg block is above the 8kg block. When the positions are reversed, the 8kg block will have a higher acceleration of 1.148 m/s^2 and the tension in the string will be 3.44 N. In summary, the two blocks have different accelerations due to the different coefficients of friction, but the tension in the string remains the same. When the positions are reversed, the acceleration and tension in the string change for each block.
  • #1
Two blocks with masses of 4kg and 8kg are connected by a string and slide down a 30 degree inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction between 4kg block and the plane is 0.2; that between 8kg block and the palne is 0.35.
A) calculate the acceleration of each block.
b) calculate teh tension in the string
c) what happens if the positions of the blocks are reversed, so the 4kg block is above teh 8kg block?


4kg ------- 8kg
the inclination goes up as it goes right so


Like that.
I assumed that the acceleration of block a and b are teh same. can i assume that? and i soloved it using ma equals w times sin30 - uwcos30 - T
and Ma = mg sin20 - .25 times mg cos30 - T

and so on,. I got 2.21 as the accelration. can anybody confirm and tell me how they got it? and for the rest too?
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  • #2
THe accelerations would be the same in the first scenario, but this is the end result, not the initial assumption.

THe coefficients of friction are different, so one will drag more than the other.

THe force of friciton is equal to "mu" times the perpendicular componant of the weight (since that will be the magnitude of the normal force)

Find the net force that is parallel to the plane for both objects as a system, then divide that force by the total mass.

I got 0.718 m/s^2 as the acceleration
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  • #3

A) To calculate the acceleration of each block, we can use the equation F=ma. The forces acting on each block are the weight (mg), the normal force (N), and the force of friction (f). Since the blocks are connected by a string, the tension (T) in the string is the same for both blocks.

For the 4kg block:
F = ma
mg sin30 - μN = ma
(4kg)(9.8m/s^2)sin30 - (0.2)(4kg)(9.8m/s^2)cos30 = (4kg)a
a = 2.21 m/s^2

For the 8kg block:
F = ma
mg sin30 - μN = ma
(8kg)(9.8m/s^2)sin30 - (0.35)(8kg)(9.8m/s^2)cos30 = (8kg)a
a = 2.21 m/s^2

B) To calculate the tension in the string, we can use the equation ΣF = ma, where ΣF is the sum of all the forces acting on the block. For both blocks, the tension is the same.

For the 4kg block:
ΣF = ma
T - μN = ma
T = ma + μN
= (4kg)(2.21m/s^2) + (0.2)(4kg)(9.8m/s^2)cos30
= 8.84N + 6.86N
= 15.7N

For the 8kg block:
ΣF = ma
T - μN = ma
T = ma + μN
= (8kg)(2.21m/s^2) + (0.35)(8kg)(9.8m/s^2)cos30
= 17.68N + 10.78N
= 28.46N

C) If the positions of the blocks are reversed, the 8kg block will now be above the 4kg block. This will not change the acceleration of the blocks since it is determined by the forces acting on them, not their positions. However, the tension in the string will change.

For the 8kg block:
ΣF = ma
T - μN = ma
T = ma

FAQ: Two blocks with masses of 4kg and 8kg

1. What is the total mass of the two blocks?

The total mass of the two blocks is 12kg.

2. What is the individual mass of each block?

The first block has a mass of 4kg and the second block has a mass of 8kg.

3. What is the combined weight of the two blocks?

The combined weight of the two blocks would depend on the gravitational force acting on them. If the blocks are on Earth, where the gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s², the combined weight would be 117.6 Newtons (N).

4. How does the mass of the blocks affect their movement?

The mass of an object affects its movement by determining how much force is needed to accelerate it. In this case, the 8kg block would require twice as much force as the 4kg block to accelerate at the same rate.

5. Can the two blocks be considered as one system?

Yes, the two blocks can be considered as one system if they are connected in some way and move together. The total mass of the system would be 12kg, and the center of mass would be located closer to the heavier block.

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