Use of high frequency in communication

In summary, high frequencies are used in communication because they can be reflected from the ionosphere and travel long distances, while frequencies above 30 MHz are mostly lost in space. High frequencies also allow for higher bandwidth and smaller antennas, making them more suitable for wireless communication. However, frequencies below 2 MHz are still used for local transmissions where long distance communication is not necessary.
  • #1
can anyone tell me why do we use high frequency in communication? why we can't just use low frequency signal for these ?
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  • #2
You need to be more specific. How high do you consider high frequency and how low do you consider low frequency? We DO use low frequencies (baseband audio for instance) for communications. An intercom connected with wires would use this type of scheme. Are you concerned with wireless?
  • #3
My guess is that they require less antenna height and are not as easily attenuated. And I guess that is because they have higher energy ( E = hf ). But I would like an expert to comment.
  • #4
amaresh92 said:
can anyone tell me why do we use high frequency in communication? why we can't just use low frequency signal for these ?

This is mostly a result of the properties of the ionosphere.

This varies from time to time (and sometimes from minute to minute), but frequencies between about 2 MHz and 30 MHz can be reflected from the ionosphere and travel around the curvature of the earth.

So, quite large distances can be covered.

Above 30 MHz (again this varies), signals tend to go straight through the ionosphere into space. So, they are mostly lost unless they hit the moon or something else and get returned to earth.

This is not a bad thing if you want to have TV stations in different cities and not have them interfering with each other.
If you want to have police or ambulance or taxi signals that stay in one area, you would use frequencies above 30 MHz, and usually above 100 MHz.
This means the same frequencies can be used in different areas without them interfering with each other.

On the frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz, some frequencies perform better than others at different times of the day, for different distances, so this is used to optimize communication.
This is the "short wave" band which is probably less important now than it used to be. Transmissions here are strictly controlled (as they are on all frequencies) so that the high powered signals do not interfere with each other.

The frequencies below 2 MHz are used for local AM radio broadcasts and other transmissions where the lack of long distance transmission is an advantage.
  • #5
There are a lot of different reasons.

The biggest reason is that a higher frequency have a potential for higher bandwidth.

Other reasons are that as more and more thing use wireless communications we are naturally forced to higher frequency to find unused space.

Also, higher frequencies allow for smaller antennas.

FAQ: Use of high frequency in communication

1. What is high frequency communication?

High frequency communication refers to the use of electromagnetic waves with frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz to transmit information over long distances. These waves are able to travel through the Earth's atmosphere and are commonly used for long-range communication.

2. How does high frequency communication work?

High frequency communication works by using a transmitter to send a radio signal at a specific frequency and a receiver to pick up that signal. The information is encoded into the signal and can then be decoded by the receiver. The signal is able to travel long distances due to its ability to bounce off the Earth's ionosphere layer.

3. What are the advantages of using high frequency communication?

One advantage of high frequency communication is its ability to travel long distances. It also has a lower cost compared to other forms of long-range communication, making it a more affordable option for many industries. Additionally, high frequency waves can easily penetrate through obstacles such as buildings and mountains, making it a reliable form of communication in remote areas.

4. What are the limitations of high frequency communication?

One limitation of high frequency communication is its susceptibility to interference from other electronic devices and natural phenomena such as solar storms. This can cause disruptions or distortions in the signal. Additionally, high frequency waves have a limited bandwidth, meaning they can only transmit a certain amount of information at a time.

5. What are some common uses of high frequency communication?

High frequency communication is commonly used in military and aviation industries for long-range communication. It is also used for amateur radio, maritime communication, and emergency communication. Other applications include broadcasting, international shortwave radio, and weather forecasting.
