Hi, Physics Forums
I haven't found any clue on Wiki, though this website is updated to two hours ago. I suppose this is not good news.
Does anybody know anything?
Love and Peace
After 5 months of sending a repeating loop of meaningless bits, the 46 year old Voyager 1 is back to sending actual data.
The NASA engineering team fixed it
We're trying to build working models of "whisper dishes" -- two large parabolic dishes placed at a distance and pointed at each other, allowing two people to communicate by whispering at the focal point of one dish and listening at the focal point of the other (or vice versa). At a fairly...
It is clear that a server and a client are programs communicative iwth each other using one or more protocols (HTTP, TCP, etc.)
I conceptually understand what an API is: it is like an intermediary between two programs that makes integration easy. For example, we build app A and want to connect...
I am looking for the thesis Frequency stabilized solid-state lasers for coherent optical Communications by Day, Timothy. I am working with laser stabilization so can anyone share this thesis? I am trying to understand the basic of this topic. This thesis is suggested by others but failed to get...
So the generic question here is, how to improve communication?
Recently I started a review task for a coworker's analysis. One of the items in the report for the analysis is a graph with a linear fit of some data. And the linear fit has uncertainty reported in the fitting parameters. So I ask...
Let's say there is an audio oscillator on earth sending a 440 Hz audio tone over radio to a spacecraft. There is also an audio oscillator on the spacecraft sending a 440 Hz audio tone over radio to earth. Time is slower in the high gravity of earth than the weak gravity in space. Is the 440...
I'm stuck on this because v is a 2 tone signal, so it's not as simple as Am/Ac. The teacher said I will need to differentiate it and equate it to zero, which I thought made sense. Differentiating v gives me: [- mwsin(wt) - mwsin(2w*t)], so there's still unknown variables. I don't know how I'm...
If correct, as non-physicist, I wonder why the vast jump to "spooky action" is seen as more plausible as some new type of particle faster than the speed of light. Consider the time long before the discovery of radio communication, how weird it must have been to theorize about that. The speed of...
I was wondering if humans send spacecraft far enough into space in the future (for example Alpha Centauri or other star systems further away), is there any particular distance where it might make more sense to communicate between star systems by making a star blink with some sort of shutter...
I'm putting this here because the ideas just a result of hours in traffic, but I'm curious what people would say about it.
It would be a device for drivers to communicate with each other to decide who should go first when it's ambiguous (e.g. merging, changing lanes in front of someone...
Moderator's note: Spin-off from previous thread due to topic change.
Not in the sense in which it is used in the no communication theorem. That sense is basically the information theoretic sense, which in no way requires humans to process or even be aware of the information.
Summary:: I am stuck on a problem on dish antenna C/N and it's relation to frequency. Please see below for thought process.
Problem Statement:
Link budget formula in dB form: Pr = Pt + Gt + Gr + 20*log10(lambda/(4*pi*distance)) - Losses [dB]
C/N = Pr - Pn [dB], where Pn = 10*log10(k*T*B)...
I just saw a great discussion with Brian Cox and Jim Al-Khalili, which covered a number of topics including science communication and the role and importance of popularizations, e.g. documentaries, books etc, including criticisms and praise of such. They also touch a number of other topics...
Error Vector Magnitude is widely used in the telecommunication industry to assess the performance of the users. In the given formula, Sr(n) is the received symbol and St(n) is the ideal symbol. N is the total number of symbols received. I have a Multi-User MIMO system simulation where there are...
I am not sure this is the right section to ask this question, but here it goes. So, I was studying Stat. Physics and I came across this paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication. What it's so important about this paper?
Summary:: Hypotetical structure in the style of Dyson ring
In the style of Dyson's proposal of an orbital superstructure, I wonder if in the specialized literature wasn't suggested that an evolved civilization could make a kind of orbital shutter, in order to delivery optical signals...
first from all, I am completely new and uneducated in physics. But from nothing I have had idea how to make this invention. And I have quite strong need to share it.
My mind found out how we can communicate with no delay through out our universe.
Seems quite fancy, isn't it? Yes, quantum...
This weekend (June 26-28) the IEEE Information Theory Society is showing a free screening of The Bit Player - a movie about Claude Shannon (the "father" of information theory)
The website below has the link and password for Vimeo...
I suspect many here are published within their fields.
What is your general advice for writing academic papers in mathematics, physics or any other "hard" science discipline?Were there any resources that helped you?What have you found to be the most successful aspects of your approach to...
Poll Question:I'm wondering what your opinion is on netequette - internet etiquette.For example, if I give someone an answer and they say "Thanks", should I reply with a "your welcome", or if someone answers me, should I say "thanks"?This message was written entirely with recycled...
Basement physics:http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992796-----------------------------------------------------You explain through explanations that avoid explanation.
Lets say say you have a pole running from space station alpha to space station beta 1,000,000 miles away, two space walkers go to each end of the pole. Space walker on beta sends a radio message to alpha signalling the pushing of the pole while at the same time pushing the pole, now would...
I thought you all would appriciate this.http://research.microsoft.com/~mbj/Smiley/Smiley.html__________________________"A Physicist is an atom's way of learning about atoms"G. Wald
Just a thought experiment:Assume that a person on the earth and one on the moon are connected by a wire (an ideally inelastic string).What time would it take until one would feel the effect of the other person pulling the string (assuming there is no slack)?Knowledge is Power
I have some questions from the post ALL THE MATTER HAS A DEEP CONNECTION.It's possible to change the spin of one of this "twin" photons?Are there another properties that we can change in another type of "twin" particles?
How wrong one definition can be?What if two persons have different definitions about same thing?Ain't it similar to two PCs one with UNIX,other with MS WINDOWS?What role File Transfer Protocol - FTP has in this situation?Do you think that the schools will be better if the kids learn only...
On star trek i've seen that they can send and receive communications from light years away in much less time than it would take a radio wave to get there. I was wondering how they did that and if it is possible, and if there is anything like that at the present time.
You're probably all familiar with SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) which searches for radio signals (like in the movie "Contact"). Now they're starting an Optical SETI search. IIRC, the idea is that targeted, rapid laser flashes would be an effective means of interstellar...
I have a question. I have heard of an experiment where light was accelerated past c. Apparently it has something to do with intereference.Someone said it cannot be used to convey information because you need to receive the entire wave before you can determine the peak.Well, say there is a war...
Advanced civilizations may most effectively generate interstellar/intergalactic signals in spacetime by colliding together (prime value modulated) streams of charged quantum black holes. The gravitational radiation produced would arrive remotely instantaneously (relative to E-M), according to...
1.If I had an infinate amount of energy available could I go on to make my own galaxy if I could convert the K.E. into mass, and how would I convert K.E. into mass.2.To make intersteller communication readily available what if I had satellites that travell at near speed of light velocties, and...
I recently saw a threat that stated:"For the present you just have to accept that in particle physics the mathematics are way ahead of the explanation and no one is prepared to play 'catch up'."after just two days lurking around on this forum, i'd have to say they this quotation is one of the...
I'd like that someone could give me two cents about Bell's inequality, in a no very technical lenguage. What means and what imply to the world. All i have read about this is very strange. Seems that particles that are very separatedcan exchange information instantaneouslly. How is possible, if...
Not to put pressure on a (most likley) already pressurised administrator.There is a REALLY great selection of symbols here like orHowever humans are never satisfied :EI was thinking the board could do withg the partial derivative symbol delta, that curly 'd' thing."May the maths be with you"
Hello, problem of type:�If x already obtained, how do you calculate the probability that the next symbol will be y, P(y/x)�Communication along a noisy channelEx: Binary system transmits pulses with equal probability for 1 and 0.Results of a transmission are:Transmitted digits (x) �...
Hello PF!
I have developed a recent interest into electro-optics used in communication systems. Specifically speaking, I am mostly interested into Optical wireless communications and their applications, for terrestrial to satellite communication. I am considering to do a research project for my...
[Mentors' note: This thread was split from https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/can-we-carbon-date-a-gas.981218/]
Empirical test:
If one wished to implement a controlled experiment of this sort, start with separating stocks of pure C12 and pure C14 with a mass spectrometer. Use the C12 to...
I am building an SF universe. While it is very similar to ours, but casual FTL exists. I don't think Lorentz transformations shouldn't work at all, but rather extra dimensions can somehow circumvent them. One kind of FTL is direct communication through entanglement.
There can be two version of...
As far as I can tell nobody actually knows how quantum entanglement really works, and yet everyone assumes that quantum states are teleported faster than light. But what if there isn't any actual teleportation, because both sides still share the same position? Maybe in a dimension we cannot...
Is it possible that some light signals will never reach the Rindler observer?
Just to be clear, by Rindler observer I mean an observer undergoing constant acceleration (as measured in his own rest frame).
On my website (unnamed since I have been previously reprimanded for "promoting" the site!) I got a question, pretty straightforward, the essence of which is: Two long wires are not parallel and make an angle θ with each other; they cross at one point and one wire is moving with velocity v...
Have followed the work of Anton Zeilinger for some time, noticed it's mostly centered in a quest to close Bell test loopholes for the sake of quantum communication integrity but how about if by relaxing this he could overcome the need of the classical channel for communication...take for...
1. Is it correct that gateway stations (or teleports?) must be used for spot beam satellite systems? That means, two user terminals cannot communicate directly with each other.
2. Are satellite beacons widely used?
If we were to discover a way to lower the electric and magnetic constants of free space, would this allow faster than light communications? This would probably only be useful for some sort of hyper-fast computers in the future, but I don't see of a physical reason why this wouldn't be feasible...