Wave on a Wire: Finding Equations and Tension

  • Thread starter ~christina~
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    Wave Wire
In summary, a transverse wave on a taut wire has amplitude of 0.200mm and a frequency of 500Hz. It travels with a speed of 196m/s.
  • #1
Gold Member
[SOLVED] Wave on a wire

Homework Statement

A transverse wave on a taut wire has amplitude of 0.200mm and a frequency of 500Hz. It travels with a speed of 196m/s.

a) write an equation in SI units of the form [tex]y(x,t)= Asin( \omega t- kx) [/tex] for this wave

b)The linear mass density of this wire is 4.10g/m Find the Tension in the wire

c) what are the transverse velocity and the acceleration of the wave when x= 19.7m and t= 0.101s

Homework Equations

F= -kx
[tex] v= \omega/ k [/tex] ==> teacher gave me this equation but I can't find it in the book...is it valid?
[tex] f= 1/T= \omega/ 2 \pi [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex] f= 1/T= \omega/ 2 \pi [/tex]

[tex]T= 0.002s[/tex]

[tex] v= \omega/ k [/tex]

[tex]2 \pi (500Hz)= \omega [/tex]

[tex] \omega= 3151.59rad/s [/tex]

[tex]k= \omega / v [/tex]

[tex]3141.59rad/s / 196m/s= 16.02[/tex] => I'm not sure it's suppsosed to be that large

I guess I'd just plug in the numbers but I'm not sure if the way I got the numbers is correct.

b) I don't know how to find this

c) I think I would just differentiate the original equaiton with the numbers included and then just plug in the values given and find the numbers.

I have a question though.

Is the transverse velocity always found through the the differential equation?

Thank you very much
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  • #2
Part a looks ok. For part b, the speed of a wave on a string with tension [itex] T [/itex] and mass per unit length [itex] \rho[/itex] is:

[tex] v= \sqrt{\frac{T}{\rho}} [/tex]

For part c you would just differentiate wrt time.
  • #3
Kurdt said:
Part a looks ok. For part b, the speed of a wave on a string with tension [itex] T [/itex] and mass per unit length [itex] \rho[/itex] is:

[tex] v= \sqrt{\frac{T}{\rho}} [/tex]

For part c you would just differentiate wrt time.

Oh okay.
Thanks a lot Kurdt :smile:
  • #4
Kurdt said:
For part c you would just differentiate wrt time.

I have a Question about this don't I have to differentiate with respect to BOTH time and displacement?.. the problem said that I had to find the transverse veloicty and acceleration of the wave when x= 19.7m and t= 0.101s so how would I do this?

I know that I differentiate but I'm not sure how it would look if I differentiate with both x and t together...

I do know that if it's just t and theta then it would be

[tex] y(t)= A cos(\omega*t + \theta) [/tex]

[tex]v(t)= y'(t)= -\omega A sin(\omega*t + \theta)[/tex]


[tex]a(t)= v'(t)= -\omega^2 A cos(\omega t + \theta)[/tex]

But what would it be with 2 variables??

would it be

[tex] y(x/t)= (8x -8a)((Asin (omega*t- kx)) ? => (for here sinc they start with sin
Thank you Kurdt
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  • #5
You just differentiate wrt time. You treat the x variable as a constant when you do this. Then once you've differentiated you plug in the numbers.
  • #6
Kurdt said:
You just differentiate wrt time. You treat the x variable as a constant when you do this. Then once you've differentiated you plug in the numbers.

alright. but does this apply always when they ask you these questions? do I just differentiate partially and then plug in?
  • #7
~christina~ said:
alright. but does this apply always when they ask you these questions? do I just differentiate partially and then plug in?

Yes, that is the only way to find the transverse velocity and acceleration when you're given the wavefunction.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
Yes, that is the only way to find the transverse velocity and acceleration when you're given the wavefunction.

Thank you Kurdt :smile:

FAQ: Wave on a Wire: Finding Equations and Tension

What is a wave on a wire?

A wave on a wire is a type of mechanical wave that travels along a thin, taut wire or string. It is caused by a disturbance or vibration at one end of the wire, which creates a series of oscillations that travel along the wire.

How does a wave on a wire differ from other types of waves?

A wave on a wire is a type of longitudinal wave, meaning that the particles of the medium (the wire) vibrate in the same direction as the wave is traveling. This is different from transverse waves, where the particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

What factors affect the speed of a wave on a wire?

The speed of a wave on a wire is influenced by the tension of the wire, the linear density (mass per unit length) of the wire, and the type of material the wire is made of. Increasing tension and decreasing linear density will increase the speed of the wave.

How is a wave on a wire created?

A wave on a wire is created by a disturbance or vibration at one end of the wire. This disturbance causes the particles of the wire to vibrate, which then transfers energy to the neighboring particles, creating a series of oscillations that travel along the wire.

What are the applications of studying waves on a wire?

Studying waves on a wire can provide insights into the behavior of waves in other systems, such as sound waves in air, electromagnetic waves, and seismic waves. It also has practical applications in areas such as telecommunications, musical instruments, and medical imaging.
