What are the different ways to control a wind turbine

In summary, the conversation discusses different methods of controlling wind turbines and maximizing power output. The main methods mentioned are adjusting blade pitch, speed, and yaw, as well as using PI or PID control and sensorless control. Other methods mentioned include using a Furling tail for small scale turbines, which turns the turbine perpendicular to the wind direction but may result in a loss of power. The speaker is looking for more information on different control methods and whether they use sensors or are sensorless, for both small and large scale turbines.
  • #1
I understand that in theory one can adjust the blade pitch or the speed or the yaw to control a wind turbine. Every time I do a search on turbine control this is all I come across. However I want to ask the question at a more "actual" level. What actually happens.
Do they use PI control? Measure the wind and calculate a setpoint and just use PI or PID control to follow it?

In my project I am doing sensorless control. And I had learned a little about how they might program a turbine to check what the power is now, increase slightly, check the power again, decrease below its original startpoint, check again, then compare all three, Pick the best, remain there for a length of time, repeat.
This was for yaw i believe. But I don't see why it wouldn't work for the speed.

But basically the reason I'm asking here is what other methods exist? What different ideas are popular in the field? for small scale and large scale? with or without sensors. I would like to find out about any of the techniques.

Everytime I google wind turbine control or maximum power point tracking I come across introductory theoretical explanations. Even if someone could just give me some buzzwords to google I'll do it myself.
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  • #2
For small scale turbines you can use a Furling tail. It's designed so that at a critical wind speed the wind force on the tail exceeds its weight and lifts it upwards. This results in the turbine turning perpendicular to wind direction. This is sensor-less but it when it turns out of the wind, power won't be generated.

Does that help?
  • #3
For small scale turbines you can use a Furling tail. It's designed so that at a critical wind speed the wind force on the tail exceeds its weight and lifts it upwards. This results in the turbine turning perpendicular to wind direction. This is sensor-less but it when it turns out of the wind, power won't be generated.

Does that help?
  • #4
Yes that's perfect. More of that. i want to look at methods outside of my project too. So sensors or sensorless, and small or large. thanks for that

FAQ: What are the different ways to control a wind turbine

1. What is the most common method of controlling a wind turbine?

The most common method of controlling a wind turbine is through pitch control. This involves adjusting the angle of the blades to regulate the amount of wind they capture and the speed of rotation.

2. What is the purpose of yaw control in a wind turbine?

Yaw control is used to orient the turbine towards the direction of the wind. This ensures that the blades are always facing into the wind, maximizing efficiency and power generation.

3. How does active stall control work?

Active stall control is a method of controlling a wind turbine by adjusting the angle of attack of the blades. This allows for a wider range of wind speeds to be captured and can improve the turbine's efficiency.

4. What is the difference between mechanical and electrical brake systems in wind turbines?

Mechanical brake systems physically stop the rotation of the blades, while electrical brake systems use an electric generator to slow down the turbine. Electrical brake systems are more commonly used as they allow for more precise control over the speed of the turbine.

5. Can wind turbines be controlled remotely?

Yes, many modern wind turbines have remote control capabilities. This allows for more efficient monitoring and control of the turbine's performance and maintenance needs.
