What is the Meaning of Life for the Universe?

  • Thread starter chosenone
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In summary, the conversation discusses different perspectives on the meaning of life. Some believe that life has a set meaning that we must discover, while others question if there is any purpose at all. The idea is brought up that perhaps we are just part of God's existence, and that our purpose is to be the meaning of life for others in their own universes. However, the idea is also challenged that life is just a game for God to pass the time, and that it is not a very entertaining or fulfilling one.
  • #1
I have a bazzare thought.if god exists and created everything right,than the meaning of life is that,the meaning of life is to be the meaning of life to another being as he exists in his universe,and we are what he does in his to kill time!and that's all we are his his life not ours!
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  • #2
Be careful of mentioning God, chosenone, your topic may be moved. Anyway, I like your idea (not necessarily agree with it, but like it), I think it has true merit.
  • #3
thanks mentat I liked it to It better that anything I've ever heard anyone else say other that we create our own because to future is our to create it
  • #4
Originally posted by chosenone
thanks mentat I liked it to It better that anything I've ever heard anyone else say other that we create our own because to future is our to create it

I had a little difficulty understanding this post, but your welcome (I guess:wink: )
  • #5
Yeah,I know,I alway forget to proof read it before I post it!I just think I got it right the first time,Oh well,I'll try better next time.so anyway about the meaning of life.do you think there a set meaning that exists and we have to find it.do we know it and we just don't know it,or are we just wondering why we exist at all,and if so what for,and if it had purpose what are we suppose to do in the pursuit of that purpose as are meaning.do you agree?
  • #6
Originally posted by chosenone
Yeah,I know,I alway forget to proof read it before I post it!I just think I got it right the first time,Oh well,I'll try better next time.so anyway about the meaning of life.do you think there a set meaning that exists and we have to find it.do we know it and we just don't know it,or are we just wondering why we exist at all,and if so what for,and if it had purpose what are we suppose to do in the pursuit of that purpose as are meaning.do you agree?

Well, yeah, that's pretty much the problem. You see, there is no agreement on the subject of whether life even has a purpose (alexander - from the old PFs (where the heck is he?) - would tell you that asking what the purpose of life is is like asking what the purpose of cell-division is, or what the purpose of rusting is. He says that they are all just chemical processes, that are trying to reach higher levels of entropy), let alone what that purpose might be.
  • #7
Well since I've read enough of you posts,you believe in god,so your trying to debate how to prove god exist ,to be able to prove what the answers to the questions you have are,so you understand what life means like everyone else.either you accept the answer that god gives you by believeing in him"faith"that with the laws of physics which is god doing it,then you ask god what his purpose for you is than what it is for everybody else,and look to electronics digital displays that said something until you looked again and you were wrong or when your computer crashed for no reason,gods number other than 7 or the beasts 6 is 8 which is infinity in math side ways he might give you a sign if you ask the right question!
  • #8
Originally posted by chosenone
Well since I've read enough of you posts,you believe in god,so your trying to debate how to prove god exist ,

In what post did I ever imply this?
  • #9
Well let me see!if you click on your name you get you profile,and it say one of my intests is bible study!if I am wrong please tell me that i assumed to much!
  • #10
Studying the bible doesn't mean you believe in it. :wink: I for one probably studied the bible far more than you have, and I don't believe in it.
either you accept the answer that god gives you by believeing in him"faith"that with the laws of physics which is god doing it,then you ask god what his purpose for you is than what it is for everybody else,and look to electronics digital displays that said something until you looked again and you were wrong or when your computer crashed for no reason,gods number other than 7 or the beasts 6 is 8 which is infinity in math side ways he might give you a sign if you ask the right question!
Hmm... Pardon? All I got from that is that God is ambiguous and different people get different perspectives on this matter, which they attribute to God, which I agree with.
  • #11
I believe that there is no one meaning for life. I believe that everyone is different so that the meaning of their life is going to be different than mine.
  • #12
Soooooo, life is movie and we all have our part to play in this passion play. If so, I for one want my money back! What a stupid horror movie! Only a jerk would think this is entertaining! People are suffering and dying out there! I used to fantasize I would spit in God's face if given the chance.

Nahhh, just a nightmare someone thought up. If God exists and created everything I feel pretty confident it was just to have something to do rather than entertainment. Why not when you have all eternity to waste? As Allan Watts put it, maybe God is just playing "Peek-a-boo" with himself. Sounds better than the horror movie scenario. :0)
  • #13
Originally posted by FZ+
Studying the bible doesn't mean you believe in it. :wink: I for one probably studied the bible far more than you have, and I don't believe in it.

Exactly. I happen to know of a few very bible-knowledgeable people, on the forums, that are atheists.

Anyway, I would like to comment on a statement that you made, in the original post:

Originally posted by chosenone
and that's all we are his his life not ours!

You see, this contradicts your other point, that the purpose of our life is to make more life. This is a contradiction only because, if we are only God's life, then there is no such thing as "our life". And if there is no such thing as "our life" then there is no purpose to "our life".

Perhaps you meant that our lives are the meaning of God's life?
  • #14
meaning of life is.. "asking what is the meaning of life, and making it have meaning."
  • #15
we exsist to exsist. Debate that one hehe. The meaning of life is life. No more no less. Live it. Carpe Diem or whatever motivates you.
  • #16
Originally posted by Sourire
I believe that there is no one meaning for life. I believe that everyone is different so that the meaning of their life is going to be different than mine.

One of my friends also believes that the meaning of life can mean whatever you wan't it to mean however he also believes this fact is not debatable. Don't ask why, he's just wierd.
  • #17
some believe that the meaning of life is to create your own.everybody wants to understand what life is and why we are here.people follow people with charisma,because they have this understanding about life that people latch onto.like karesh.waco,texas.they follow these idiots because they offer people a way of life that they bull**** them into thinking is the way it was meant to be lived.but its just some stupid philosophy that sounds so good to these people they buy into it.then when they have these sucker sold of their B.S. they set them up in this little community to live together in some stupid quest to follow this leaders rules of life he set forth to them.then he has them turn over all there possession to his to because he tells them give up their worldly material needs and follow him,and makes millions off these suckers,while they live in his community on some place in the middle of no where.then get them all killed because of his mistake,and takes them down with him,some leader they followed.so this is worst case senerio of someone needing to have a meaning of life.so your not that stupid ,so its either look to god and ask for him to show you make your own up,or wait for someone like this to give it to you!
  • #18
I kinda like this one;

"This question has no answer except in the history of how it came to be asked. There is no answer because words have meaning, not life or persons or the universe itself. Our search for certainty rests in our attempts at understanding the history of all individual selves and all civilizations. Beyond that, there is only awe."
-Julian Jaynes
  • #19
Greetings !
Originally posted by chosenone
I have a bazzare thought.if god exists and created everything right,than the meaning of life is that,the meaning of life is to be the meaning of life to another being as he exists in his universe,and we are what he does in his to kill time!and that's all we are his his life not ours!
There's a worse case scenario yet - if there's
no God then we exist for no purpose what so
ever. But, at least we're on even terms with
everything else... :wink:

Live long and prosper.
  • #20
I'm firmly holding on to the idea that we exist only to procreate, to pass our genes on to the next generation for the survival of our species, but that's only because I believe life is (or was, rather) an accident. And an extraordinary accident at that. :smile:
  • #21
There's a worse case scenario yet - if there's
no God then we exist for no purpose what so
ever. But, at least we're on even terms with
everything else...

I like that! but it's hard to say that if atoms can form life,that even know we may have been a random planet that formed to create life,that the universe did'nt have it in it to do to begin with.so i guess we'll have to make the best of it.ohh darn were alive,you care,at least we have that much,It's not that bad of a gig,being alive.rather have been alive and go back to the nothingness I came,that to have not lived at all.so I'll just make the best of it,instead of *****ing about why to begin with.!
  • #22
Originally posted by mouseman
I'm firmly holding on to the idea that we exist only to procreate, to pass our genes on to the next generation for the survival of our species, but that's only because I believe life is (or was, rather) an accident. And an extraordinary accident at that. :smile:

But, does the fact that it's cause was accidental immediately rule out the possibility of their being a purpose? After all, the existence of God could be an accident (hey, it's an idea), and thus He could set out a purpose for us, after we have already come into existence. Or, from an atheistic stand-point, perhaps we do make our own purposes.
  • #23
maybe the meaning of life is for a species of being to live and die,until they've advanced themself to achieve light speed,and explore the universe,because its there to be done.and where not it,we have to live a meaningless existence never seeing it happened but we were there when it started.if we can keep ourselfs from destroying the Earth at the same time,and achieve technological advancement and repair it before its to late. then our meaning was to watch ourself let it all go to hell,and stand by and watch it happen,and do nothing then blame everybody else for it instead of taking responcibility for it themself,because there apart of the human race,what happens to anyone happens to everyone.so stopping it from happening should be everybodys meaning!.
  • #24
Maybe the meaning of life is to have fun...:wink:
  • #25
yeah,life can be fun,if you have a brain that can make you money,or else your working 9-5 digging a ditch for 5 dollars an hour,and never amounted to anything,or in pain from being hurt,or crippled your whole life anbd were never given the chance to have a good one,then yeah lifes fun for the rest of us
  • #26
Originally posted by Mentat
But, does the fact that it's cause was accidental immediately rule out the possibility of their being a purpose?
Well, I just feel it's more unlikely.
Originally posted by Mentat
Or, from an atheistic stand-point, perhaps we do make our own purposes.
I think I'd have to agree with that notion.
Originally posted by chosenone
maybe the meaning of life is for a species of being to live and die,until they've advanced themself to achieve light speed,and explore the universe,because its there to be done.
But what about the dinosaurs? They never got their chance. They were "God's creatures" for millions of years before we got here. I probably know what you're going to say, and my answer would be that it wouldn't be fair to rule them out.
Originally posted by chosenone
and where not it,we have to live a meaningless existence never seeing it happened but we were there when it started.
What's so bad about that. If we could all agree that we have no real purpose here in the universe and could realize that the fact that we are here is a "blessing" enough, I believe the human race will be better off than it ever was.
Originally posted by chosenone
if we can keep ourselfs from destroying the Earth at the same time,and achieve technological advancement and repair it before its to late. then our meaning was to watch ourself let it all go to hell,and stand by and watch it happen,and do nothing then blame everybody else for it instead of taking responcibility for it themself,because there apart of the human race,what happens to anyone happens to everyone.so stopping it from happening should be everybodys meaning!.
Right. That would be a part of the survival of the species. We can use our reasoning and intellect to foresee our self-induced demise and overcome it and THAT, my friends, gives us an advantage over all other species on Earth. But I would like to add that with that advantage comes incredible responsibility, as far as watching over our fellow terrestrial inhabitants. We need to care for other things as we tend to our own needs. Blah, blah, blah! I'm rambling again.

Time out for another beer.
  • #27
Originally posted by Jack
One of my friends also believes that the meaning of life can mean whatever you wan't it to mean however he also believes this fact is not debatable. Don't ask why, he's just wierd.
Actually it makes sense if it's up to each of us to ultimately decide for ourselves. In which case it can't be up for debate.
  • #28
well I think the dinosaurs were created by god for one purpose,and that was to give us fossil fuel.with out it we would be where we are right now,and destroying the planet at the same time.
  • #29
Originally posted by chosenone
well I think the dinosaurs were created by god for one purpose,and that was to give us fossil fuel.with out it we would be where we are right now,and destroying the planet at the same time.
What is the truth behind crude oil? I've heard dinosaurs, rotten vegetation, naturally occurring. I thought dinosaurs had been pretty much ruled out.
  • #30
Crude oil is basically preserved organic material (dead plants and animals). It was sealed away from the elements so well that only bacteria could get to it. So basically its bacteria-poop.
This is just an assumption. I don't know the real answer. And don't ask me why I posted this. I don't know that either.
  • #31
I am rather fond of saying "The purpose of life is to determine the purpose of life."
  • #32
Originally posted by chosenone
well I think the dinosaurs were created by god for one purpose,and that was to give us fossil fuel.with out it we would be where we are right now,and destroying the planet at the same time.
Nonsense. We were created by God to act as a galactic whipping boy for the great race of alien moulds, the real focus of all creation, to calibrate their weapons in their holy war against the devilish alien scums. All the stuff he told you about being made in his own image is wrong - see how quickly moulds grow? This universe is designed for them!

Crude oil is decayed organic matter. Mostly thought not to be dinos, but deep sea sediment from dead ocean creatures. eg. plankton, fish etc.
  • #33
So far, from what I can tell, nothing can have a meaning in and of itself. Meaning is ascribed to an object or entity through it's relationship with other objects and entities. What is the meaning of a fork? Ask the knife. What is the meaning of life? Ask the Universe. How do you ask the Universe a question? Science.
  • #34
The meaning of existence is 42... :wink:
Now, what's the question ?
  • #35
Originally posted by drag
The meaning of existence is 42... :wink:
Now, what's the question ?

What is 6 multiplied by 7?


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