Wondering if a machine could be said to be 100% efficient

  • Thread starter Rinnn62
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In summary, when a machine is 100% efficient, it means that all of the energy put into the machine is converted into useful work without any energy being lost as waste. While it is theoretically possible for a machine to be 100% efficient, in reality, no machine can achieve this due to factors such as friction and heat loss. Some examples of machines that are close to 100% efficient include solar panels and LED light bulbs. The efficiency of a machine can be calculated by dividing the useful output of work by the total energy input. It is important to strive for higher efficiency in machines because it leads to less energy waste, which can save money and resources, and also helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
  • #1
I was just wondering if a machine could be said to be 100% efficient if for example it gave out heat, light and sound but all I these types of energy are wanted and not wasted?
Thanks for the replies
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  • #2
If you want every output: Sure. Electric heating is basically 100% efficient, for example.
Add tiny amounts of gravitational waves, if there are moving parts ;).