Recent content by A Dhingra

  1. A

    I Volume of light cones of two events

    Thanks robphy. That's what I was looking for. Thanks Dale as well.
  2. A

    I Volume of light cones of two events

    Hi I have a few questions about light-cones. I have read the previous threads related to my question and have a few things to clarify. I have taken two events say p and q . (1+2 D - so that its easier to imagine) CASE A : Flat spacetime Case 1 : If p and q occur at the same place (according...
  3. A

    How Should I Tailor My Statement of Purpose for a PhD in Quantum Gravity?

    This person isn't in SixtySymbols. It is Prof Kirill Krasnov. And Thank you for the other part of the advice.
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    How Should I Tailor My Statement of Purpose for a PhD in Quantum Gravity?

    Hi there, I am applying for a Phd in mathematical Physics (actually towards Quantum gravity at Nottingham). I recently wrote a Statement of purpose for another university but my focus there was a bit different. For this PhD at nottingham I clearly know who I want to work under, why I am...
  5. A

    Diagonalising an n*n matrix analytically

    Hi ... I have managed to find an iterative expression to solve for the eigenvalues. But without selecting a fixed value of n I can't do anything with it. Any suggestions how I can go ahead with it. Thanks mfb
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    Diagonalising an n*n matrix analytically

    Hi everyone I am trying to diagonalise a (2n+1)x(2n+1) matrix which has diagonal terms A_ll = (-n+l)^2 and other non vanishing terms are A_l(l+1) = A_(l+1)l = constant. Is there any way I can solve it for general n without having to use any numerical methods. I remember once a professor...
  7. A

    What to choose: Physics vs geometry

    Hi everyone, I have an undergrad in Physics from an Indian University. And presently I am pursuing a masters in theoretical physics in UK. Here I got a chance to explore courses in the math department. I took two courses in geometry : Differential geometry and Geometry of General Relativity. I...
  8. A

    Ising Model and Partition FUnction

    Hi all This is probably a naïve question to ask, but I am puzzled by it and need an answer. The first time I encountered the term 'partition function' that was in context of Boltzmann distribution. But the same formulas of manipulating a partition function ( to obtain free energy, temperature...
  9. A

    Wave Vector Collapse: Solving the Math Puzzle of Position and Momentum Operators

    okk... So to be precise I shouldn't call such a state : a superposition of state. Leaving that aside, I want to write an equation that says when a measurement (of either position or momentum) is made the wave vector collapses.. how is that written and solved? I was assuming that by the action of...
  10. A

    Wave Vector Collapse: Solving the Math Puzzle of Position and Momentum Operators

    Hi everyone When a momentum operator followed by a position operator acts on a wave vector what does it give? (or the other wave around, changing the order) Is this the collapse of a wave function? And if so, can we solve this to predict the answer or not? I tried but got stuck in the math...
  11. A

    How Do I Decide on a PhD Field in Physics?

    It is related to the main question: Can someone give me a brief idea of fields of work in Particle Theory Physics these days? I would really appreciate if you could explain a little bit about it in the simplest possible ways. I hope this is not too much to ask. I mean, I have done a course on...
  12. A

    Meaning of Commutation Relation

    Hi.. I want an explanation of the commutation relation. According to what I understand if two operators commute then they can be measured simultaneously. If they do not commute then the measurement of one depends on other as per the value of the commutator..I hope this is correct by far. In...
  13. A

    How Do I Decide on a PhD Field in Physics?

    Hi.. JJminusl I am planning to apply in my university as well as outside. Thank you.
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    How Do I Decide on a PhD Field in Physics?

    Hi jedishrfu Thanks a lot for replying. I weighed the pros and cons, and have been able to decide what field is best for me. It is application of Feynman diagrams and perturbation theories to understand the behavior of matter, in any form except Phenomenology of particle collisions. And this...
  15. A

    How Do I Decide on a PhD Field in Physics?

    Hi there.. I have been away from PF for a long time now. But I need some guidance and I have come back here. I am describing all the fields that I believe I have some degree of interest in, and now I need to decide which one to take up for a Phd. I am currently doing a Masters in Theoretical...