Recent content by elephantorz

  1. E

    How Does Being an INTP Woman Influence Perceptions in Tech and Art?

    Yeah, life happens, sometimes. And no, I am pretty much an intp still...>>.
  2. E

    Schools Grad School Advice -- Physics MS or PhD?

    I am going to be majoring in Engineering Physics at the School of Mines in Colorado. I also want to major in CS, seeing as I am a female and already considered worth less than my male counterparts [salary-wise]. I might be thinking ahead, I am taking the required science still to get into a...
  3. E

    How Does Being an INTP Woman Influence Perceptions in Tech and Art?

    I believe people can change temperament, people change, things happen to them and they can test different. =]
  4. E

    Wavelength in an electron transition

    I did, three times...I guess I will just have to lose points for this.
  5. E

    Wavelength in an electron transition

    1. Is a 4p -> 4s transition allowed in sodium? If so, what is the wavelength? If not, why not? (Z = 11 for sodium) 2. \Deltal = |l2 - l1| = 1 That is for the first question, in which case it is allowed, hence |0-1| = |-1| = 1, and meets the requirements for the equation. The second...
  6. E

    Physics Computational Physics: Careers & Demand - Brin

    This really interests's what I want to do as well, But are there no jobs in the Sustainable Energy field? I am going for a BS in Engineering Physics and an MA in CS, I would be very interested if you find what courses you need to take.
  7. E

    How Do Red and Blue Laser Photon Emissions Compare at Equal Power?

    Ok...that was...really weird, I guess I somehow reversed wavelengths? I simply did the reciprocal and it worked, thanks all!
  8. E

    How Do Red and Blue Laser Photon Emissions Compare at Equal Power?

    [SOLVED] I'm doing something wrong... 1. A red laser with a wavelength of 650 nm and a blue laser with a wavelength of 450 nn emit laser beams with the same light power. How do their rates of photon emission compare? Answer this by computing R_{red} / R_{blue} 2. P = Rhf = dNhf / dt =...
  9. E

    Speed with a de Broglie wavelength.

    Is it possible that my teacher is wrong? I think she copied down her answer wrong on my paper...
  10. E

    Speed with a de Broglie wavelength.

    1. At what speed is an electron's de Broglie wavelength: (a) 1.0 pm (b) 1.0 nm (c) 1.0 \mum (d) 1.0 mm2. \lambda = \frac{h}{mv} 3. I have solved for v, and I plugged in values, it gives me, for a = 4.54 x 10^(27) m/s, the ANSWER is: 2.77 x 10^(8) ms, it's way off, I tried converting energy into...
  11. E

    Engineering Physics & CS: A Sustainable Energy Career?

    I would if I could...right now I am just looking at CO School of Mines for stuff, but I am just trying to get info about things, I still need a degree first :D.
  12. E

    Why is coffee such a popular drink among scientists?

    Nope, don't drink it, only decaf because I like it with milk now and then. Caffeine isn't good for me, I get shaky :D.
  13. E

    Engineering Physics & CS: A Sustainable Energy Career?

    I don't know where this goes, Mods, I'm sorry :[ . I'm interested in sustainable energy as a career, I know the market right now for it is not that awesome, but I believe it will be in the future. There is a degree here in CO called Engineering Physics, I want to double major in it and CS...
  14. E

    How Many Photoelectrons Are Ejected Per Second in This Experiment?

    Nm, you just have to divide max current since it's C/s by 1.60E-19 C.
  15. E

    How Many Photoelectrons Are Ejected Per Second in This Experiment?

    1. To make it easier I just scanned it" I am supposed to find how many photoelectrons are ejected per second in the experiment represented by the graph. 2. See link 3. Also see link, all of my work so far is there...