Recent content by GreenAce92

  1. GreenAce92

    Variable strength electric motor

    So it would be an AC motor then, no magnets. Yeah I wanted to apply it to a Lamborghini Aventador, but I want to match the same specifications as a gas version which my friend argues is not really possible or likely due to weight of batteries and turbocharging of gas motors. Still, I also...
  2. GreenAce92

    Variable strength electric motor

    yeah pretty lame design, not even logical I would go off something like centrifugal force making the tolerance higher and higher consequently increasing the repulsion forces
  3. GreenAce92

    Variable strength electric motor

    The title may seem dumb because increase in voltage but I wanted to have sort of like a transmission for an electric motor which again... increase in voltage which may make this idea unnecessary but I wanted to have a motor that was built like a cone within a cone so that you could slide the...
  4. GreenAce92

    See Earth's Surface from the Past: Resolution Possible?

    If you can "catch up" to the light reflected from the Earth at that time in the past. What kind of resolution would you get? Could you zoom into the surface such that people/animals could be visible.
  5. GreenAce92

    Can energy be taken away from an object without touching it?

    Wow thank you guys/gals for the mostly serious answers. Yes the conditions are not to touch the object physically. The three balls method isn't what I was after but is technically correct. A moving body is a different kind of "energy" right? I mean, light is different than mass although if...
  6. GreenAce92

    Can energy be taken away from an object without touching it?

    The title isn't exactly accurate in describing what I am after. There is a ball moving along the ground, it was given an initial impulse, and now it is moving following conservation of momentum, gravity, air-resistance, friction, etc... If I wanted to take the energy from that rolling...
  7. GreenAce92

    Is it possible to use air as a medium to display images?

    Isn't that using non-normal gas? That's a defined shape too No control It's like, screens are 2dimensional so the format of the holgram ought to follow a similar suite though I suppose you might as well take advantage of the extra dimension. Now pages can truly appear to be stacked.
  8. GreenAce92

    Is it possible to use air as a medium to display images?

    Is that sort of event replicable without any crazy technology? I mean, marketable anyway The Earth's magnetic field isn't very strong right? What about the energy from the sun? The solar flares? Is that a lot? MeV's or something?
  9. GreenAce92

    Can I split up the left hand side of an ODE?

    Thank you for the responses, reading my own posts it would seem clear that I have not been doing my work thus I don't even know what words I am using. I have been studying and the material has been making sense Still I find that lately I haven't had a good learning experience...
  10. GreenAce92

    Is it possible to use air as a medium to display images?

    Yes holographs but not really So... I guess what I'm trying to get around is energy levels I will admit that my understanding is vague I believe I understand that certain gases are easier to excite (to give off light when going back down) like xenon but what about the general...
  11. GreenAce92

    Can I split up the left hand side of an ODE?

    Should I just assume that any problems that involve integrating factor will always result in a perfect integral pair? That's probably not the right terminology but for instance if I have a differential equation which has had an integrating factor multiplied to both sides, then the left hand side...
  12. GreenAce92

    Possible to extract energy from magnetosphere?

    No need to be sorry, it was just an open question without backing. I read this 'fact' from a book I found in the basement of the physics department of a University I used to attend. For every square mile of direct sunlight exposure, there is five million horsepower. Does that seem right...
  13. GreenAce92

    Possible to extract energy from magnetosphere?

    I just had this idea/vision of panels being placed in front of the sun, then the energy collected is beamed to a receiver/transmitter orbiting Earth. I suppose with an energy 'Magnitude' of the sun, a little bit of 'loss' due to Earth's atmosphere is not a big deal but... I wondered what if you...
  14. GreenAce92

    Why doesn't my air vacuum device work?

    I think I sort of know the answer but I'm still wondering how I can achieve what I want to achieve. I basically want to use the stored 'work' in the compressed air can to pressurize a different container and while doing so, taking in particulates from the ambient air to be contained into the...
  15. GreenAce92

    Particle acceleration for Hyper drives?

    Alright well thanks