Recent content by Jef123

  1. J

    Biochemistry: Tryptophan fluorescence

    1. A 100-residue globular protein contains two Trp residues, and has two segments with the same 9-amino acid sequence, SSSLWLAAA. One segment is residues 1-9, and one segment is residues 44-53. What would the complete fluorescence spectrum of the protein MOST LIKELY contain? a) It would contain...
  2. J

    Ideal Gas Law solve for partial pressure

    Oh, so two moles of O2 were formed and 1 mole of Xe were formed. So i just needed to multiply the amount of moles by 2 to solve for O2. Thanks!
  3. J

    Ideal Gas Law solve for partial pressure

    1. Gaseous compound Q contains only xenon and oxygen. When 0.100 g of Q is placed in a 50.0 mL steel vessel at 0 °C, the pressure is 0.229 atm. When the vessel and its contents are warmed to 100 °C, Q decomposes into its constituent elements. What is the total pressure, and what are the partial...
  4. J

    Relationship between Free energy change and Equilibrium constant (K)

    Here's the problem: A humidity sensor consists of a cardboard square that is colored blue in dry weather and red in humid weather. The color change is due to the reaction: CoCl2(s) + 6 H2O(g) ⇌ [Co(H2O)6]Cl2(s) For this reaction at 25 °C, ΔH° = -352 kJ/mol and ΔS° = -899 J/(K mol)...
  5. J

    Relationship between Free energy change and Equilibrium constant (K)

    1. I have a question regarding the equation ΔG° = -RT lnK. When solving for the equilibrium constant K, what is the relationship between the vapor pressure of each molecular compound in a reaction? ΔG° = Free energy change R = Universal gas constant T = Temperature K = equilibrium...
  6. J

    Predict whether the following is neutral, basic, or acidic and the pH

    I actually just the got answer. But if someone could reply in regards to why the pH of the salt solution of o,25 M NH4Br = the dissociation of NH4 to give H3O?
  7. J

    Predict whether the following is neutral, basic, or acidic and the pH

    1. 0.250 M of NH4Br 2. Ka for NH4 = 5.52 x 10-10 and Kb for NH3 = 1.81 x 10-5 3. So I broke the salt down into its constituents and considering Br is neutral and NH4 is an acid, NH4Br is acidic. I am just confused with how to calculate the pH. I thought that I should do this...NH4 +...
  8. J

    The Van't hoff factor for CaCL2 is 2.71

    1. The van't hoff factor for CaCL2 is 2.71. What is its mass % in aqueous solution that has Tf = -1.14°C The Attempt at a Solution So I think I am suppose to use the change in freezing point equation: ΔTf= kfmi. Where kf = is the molal freezing point depression constant, i = van't hoff...
  9. J

    Proof that sqrt(2) is not a rational number

    Hi SpecialPerson, So after substituting a = 2k into the equation, I get 4k^2=2b^2. This means that a and b are still divisible and not in lowest terms. Is that the contradiction? Because both a and b are even numbers, meaning they can still be factored
  10. J

    Proof that sqrt(2) is not a rational number

    Can I show that a/b can't equal 1?
  11. J

    Proof that sqrt(2) is not a rational number

    Okay so that would mean that a is an even number, so it technically be written in the form 2a? And if it is written like that, then the equation can take the form 4a2 = 2b2. Thus, b is also an even number.Since they are both even numbers, this means that they have not been factored to their...
  12. J

    Proof that sqrt(2) is not a rational number

    I was using the fact that any rational solutions of a polynomial equation must be an integer that divides the last coefficient c0, which in this case is -2. So the only rational solutions in the form \frac{c}{d} where c divides -2 and d divides 1 are \pm 1,2 . \sqrt{2} solves the polynomial, but...
  13. J

    Proof that sqrt(2) is not a rational number

    1. Prove that \sqrt{2} is not a rational number using the rational zero theorem 2. Homework Equations : x2-2 The Attempt at a Solution So, I was thinking to just show that the only rational numbers that have the form \frac{c}{d} are \pm 1, \pm 2, but \sqrt{2} is not any of those...
  14. J

    Is Induction the Key to Proving n^2 > n+1 for n ≥ 2?

    Induction is the only method to go about proving something that I have learned, other than proof by contradiction, but this is the first chapter, so I would assume that I will learn other ways along the way. The text asked to prove by induction, but I am open to other forms of proofs, since I am...
  15. J

    Calculating n!/(k-1)!(n-k+1)! from Binomial Theorem

    I just got it after i typed that out. I can't believe i didnt notice that