Recent content by TheSpaceGuy

  1. T

    Find the final product. Organic Chemistry.

    It's alright, I figured out how to do it. Just got confused with D, and H.
  2. T

    Find the final product. Organic Chemistry.

    Homework Statement Find the product of this The Attempt at a Solution I tried this but it is wrong. Not really sure what to do now.
  3. T

    How Is Enclosed Mass Derived in the Hernquist Model?

    Homework Statement A popular model for the mass distribution in a spheroid (such as a bulge) is the Hernquist model, with density ρ(r) = M(total)*a / 2πr(a+r)^3 M(total) is the total mass. a is constant with dimensions of length. Derive the enclosed mass M(r) The Attempt at a...
  4. T

    Understanding Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues in Linear Algebra

    Thanks to the both of you. That really clears things up for me!
  5. T

    Understanding Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues in Linear Algebra

    I am trying to get an eigenvector for the following matrix, I am up to the final step. 4 1 0 0 I got it to be -1 4 is this the same as 1 -4 sorry I am pretty new to linear algebra.
  6. T

    Solve the Initial Value Problem

    Okay I just looked it up in my book and there is a procedure to do that. If (Nx-My) / M = Q where Q is a function of y only then the integrating factor of the equation is u(y) = exp (int) Q(y) dy
  7. T

    Solve the Initial Value Problem

    I was referring to finding the integrating factor of Exact equations. With the form: (M)dx + (N)dy = 0 and then to find the integrating factor you do du / dx = (My - Mx) / N * u where u is the integrating factor and when I write My I mean M derived with respect to y. An example would be a...
  8. T

    Solve the Initial Value Problem

    Thanks for the assist hunt_mat. And lineintegral1, I had a general question about finding the integrating factor for the non-exact equations. I know how to find the integrating factor when it will be dependent on x : du/dx = My - Nx / N * u where u is the integrating factor. But what about...
  9. T

    Solve the Initial Value Problem

    Wow that does make it a lot easier. I was practicing using the Integrating factor approach so I didn't even try seeing it that way, my bad. So is there a way to get an Integrating factor for this problem by making it: (2x)dx - (y + (x^2)y)dx = 0 ?
  10. T

    Solve the Initial Value Problem

    Homework Statement y' = (2x) / (y+(x^2)y) y(0) = -2 The Attempt at a Solution I tried doing this by finding the Integrating factor and I got that to be u = -1-x^2 by using the (My - Nx) / N formula. Using this did not work out for me and I'm not seeing the other approach...
  11. T

    Differential Equations Trouble

    You are correct sir. I misinterpreted the question it seems. Thanks for the save!
  12. T

    Differential Equations Trouble

    Homework Statement Verify that each given function is a solution of the differential equation. 1. ty' - y = t^2 ; y = 3t + t^2 2. y'' + y = sect , 0<t<pi/2 ; y = (cost)ln( cost ) + tsint The Attempt at a Solution int (tdy) = int(t^2 + y)dt which isn't y=3t + t^2...
  13. T

    How to Calculate the Volume of a Solid Bounded by a Sphere and a Cone?

    Isn't it? Thats what I thought. What is it then?
  14. T

    How to Calculate the Volume of a Solid Bounded by a Sphere and a Cone?

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid that lies within the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 =4, above the xy-plane, and below the cone z=sqrt(x^2 + y^2). The Attempt at a Solution Use Cylindrical Coordinates. Note that r ≤ z ≤ √(4 - r^2). These sphere and cone intersect when x^2 + y^2 +...
  15. T

    Integration and cylindrical and spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement I have three problems and I could really use some help. 1. Integrate the function f(x,y,z) = y over the part of the elliptic cylinder x^2/4 +y^2/9 = 1 that is contained in the sphere of radius 4 centered at the origin and such that x≥0, y≥ 0, z≥0. 2. Find the total...