Electric Potential of 3 point charges

In summary, the electric potential on the x-axis at distances y>>s is V = K \sumQ/(y+s) -2Q/(y) + Q/(y-s).
  • #1

1. The arrangement of charges shown in the figure is called a linear electric quadrupole. The positive charges are located at +-s. Notice that the net charge is zero.
Find an expression for the electric potential on the x-axis at distances y>>s.

Homework Equations

V= [tex]\sum[/tex]1/4pi [tex]\epsilon[/tex]0 * qi/ri

The Attempt at a Solution

Im just not sure how to go about modeling this equation.. otherwise I don't know were to start.
I have tried: 1/4pi[tex]\epsilon[/tex]0 *Q/y thinking that it was a simple question, and I now understand that I should pick a s-value and use that to come up with the radius. However, I am stuck on how.
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  • #2
Let's start by finding expressions for the ri.

Can you express them in terms of y and/or s?
  • #3
Kittlinljd said:

1. The arrangement of charges shown in the figure is called a linear electric quadrupole. The positive charges are located at +-s. Notice that the net charge is zero.
Find an expression for the electric potential on the x-axis at distances y>>s.

Homework Equations

V= [tex]\sum[/tex]1/4pi [tex]\epsilon[/tex]0 * qi/ri

The Attempt at a Solution

Im just not sure how to go about modeling this equation.. otherwise I don't know were to start.
I have tried: 1/4pi[tex]\epsilon[/tex]0 *Q/y thinking that it was a simple question, and I now understand that I should pick a s-value and use that to come up with the radius. However, I am stuck on how.

You have the definition of the potential. Say I sit at x=0, y=10. Ignore the constants but not the charge and distance. You should be able to write down the potential at this point, (remember the distance from x=0, y=10 to each charge are 10 + s, 10, 10-s. Your general formula must take into account the fact that the charges are not at the same place.

V(y=10) = 1/(10 + s) -2/10 + 1/(10 - s)

In general V(y) = 1/(y + s) - 2/y + 1/(y - s).
  • #4
so I change the constants to -s or s depending on which direction on the direction on the y axis? that makes sense.
What I tried was V = K [tex]\sum[/tex]Q/(y+s) -2Q/(y) + Q/(y-s) , and it said that the answer does not depend on the variable s. Would this have something to do with Q= 2qs^2, being the electric quadrupole moment.
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  • #5
You solved the problem for a point on the y-axis, like Spinnor said in his example.

However, you want to take a point on the x-axis.
Did you read my post (#2) ?
  • #6
ahhhh, okay so now I see so I get:
K* Q/(y^3)
which is the answer masteringphysics took!
Thanks So much!
  • #7
I assume that you worked this out using the Pythagorean theorem, and found that s cancels out

FAQ: Electric Potential of 3 point charges

1. What is electric potential?

Electric potential is a measure of the amount of electrical potential energy per unit of charge that is present at a given point in space.

2. How is electric potential calculated?

The electric potential at a given point can be calculated by dividing the electric potential energy by the charge at that point. It is also dependent on the distance from the source of the potential, as well as the magnitude and direction of the electric field.

3. How is the electric potential of 3 point charges determined?

The electric potential of 3 point charges can be determined by first calculating the electric potential at each individual point charge using the formula mentioned in the previous question. Then, the total potential is found by adding the individual potentials together.

4. What is the relationship between electric potential and electric field?

Electric potential and electric field are closely related, with electric potential being a measure of the potential energy per unit charge and electric field being a measure of the force per unit charge. The electric potential is the negative gradient of the electric field, meaning it is the change in potential per unit distance in the direction of the electric field.

5. How does the sign of the charges affect the electric potential?

The sign of the charges does affect the electric potential. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) will have a positive potential, whereas opposite charges (positive-negative or negative-positive) will have a negative potential. This is due to the attractive or repulsive forces between the charges.
