Center of Mass w/ variable density

In summary, the density of a box with one corner at the origin and the opposite corner at (a,b,c) can be represented by ##\rho=\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}##. The centre of mass can be found by calculating three triple integrals: ##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dxdydz##, ##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}y dxdydz##, ##\int_0^a\int
  • #1

Homework Statement

A box with one corner at the origin and the opposite corner at (a,b,c). The density is:##\rho=\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}##

Homework Equations

##r_{cm}=\frac{\int\vec{r}dm}{\int dm}##

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated the mass:


But I'm not sure what the top of the equation is suppose to mean. Am I suppose to multiply the density by the direction it is changing (z) then integrate? I can't find an example anywhere that explains it well enough so that I can understand.

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
scorpius1782 said:
I'm not sure what the top of the equation is suppose to mean.
Top (numerator?) of which equation?
Am I suppose to multiply the density by the direction it is changing (z) then integrate?
It asks for the centre of mass, so that requires three co-ordinates. In vectors, ∫ρ(r)r.dv/mass
E.g. to get the x-co-ordinate, ∫ρ(x,y,z).x.dxdydz/mass.
  • #3
so I would need to do:

##\int_0^a\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dx##
##\int_0^b\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}y dy##
##\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}z dz##

Am I understanding correctly then?

edit: also, by top equation I meant the position integral. I should just solve these 3 integrals and then divide by the mass then.
  • #4
scorpius1782 said:
so I would need to do:

##\int_0^a\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dx##
##\int_0^b\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}y dy##
##\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}z dz##

No, each one is a triple integral, dxdydz.
  • #5
That is
[tex]\int_{x=0}^1\int_{y=0}^1\int_{z= 0}^1\rho_0\frac{z}{c}dzdydx[/tex]
By "Fubini's theorem" that can be written as a product of integrals:
[tex]\dfrac{\rho_0}{c}\left(\int_{x=0}^1 dx\right)\left(\int_{y= 0}^1 dy\right)\left(\int_{z= 0}^1 z dz\right)[/tex]
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
That is
[tex]\int_{x=0}^1\int_{y=0}^1\int_{z= 0}^1\rho_0\frac{z}{c}dzdydx[/tex]
By "Fubini's theorem" that can be written as a product of integrals:
[tex]\dfrac{\rho_0}{c}\left(\int_{x=0}^1 dx\right)\left(\int_{y= 0}^1 dy\right)\left(\int_{z= 0}^1 z dz\right)[/tex]

This has me confused. It appears like my first equation but with (a,b,c) replaced with (1,1,1) and you've dropped the squares for z and c. Is this suppose to be another method to find the CM?


So, I should have something that looks like:

##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dxdydz##
##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}y dxdydz##
##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}z dxdydz##

which would give me ##\hat{x}+\hat{y}+\hat{z}## all divided by the mass I found?

If I understand it correctly now:

##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dxdydz=\frac{\rho_o}{c^2}\frac{a^2c^2b}{4}=\frac{\rho_oa^2b}{4}##
so for ##\hat{x}## I would get ##\frac{\frac{\rho_oa^2b}{4}}{\frac{\rho_0abc}{3}}##

Which is just## \frac{3a}{4c}\hat{x}##

Thanks for the help.
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  • #7
scorpius1782 said:
##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dxdydz##
##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}y dxdydz##
##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}z dxdydz##
which would give me ##\hat{x}+\hat{y}+\hat{z}## all divided by the mass I found?
I don't understand the plus signs. Each integral gives you one co-ordinate of a vector.
If I understand it correctly now:

##\int_0^a\int_0^b\int_0^c\rho_o\frac{z^2}{c^2}x dxdydz=\frac{\rho_o}{c^2}\frac{a^2c^2b}{4}=\frac{\rho_oa^2b}{4}##
That doesn't look right. The dz should still be giving you a factor 1/3.
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  • #8
Ack, I forgot to square the z's for integration. Don't know why I did that. But, I get the gist so I'll be good from here. I just did plus instead of commas.

Thanks for all the help!

FAQ: Center of Mass w/ variable density

What is the center of mass?

The center of mass is the point at which an object can be balanced or the point at which the mass of an object is evenly distributed. It is also known as the center of gravity.

How is the center of mass calculated?

The center of mass can be calculated by finding the weighted average of the positions of all the particles that make up an object. This is done by multiplying the position of each particle by its mass and then dividing the sum of these products by the total mass of the object.

What is variable density?

Variable density refers to a situation where the density of an object is not constant throughout. This can occur when an object is made up of different materials or has a non-uniform distribution of mass.

Why is it important to know the center of mass with variable density?

The position of the center of mass is important in determining the stability and equilibrium of an object. With variable density, the center of mass can shift and affect the overall balance and behavior of the object.

How can the center of mass with variable density be used in real-world applications?

Knowing the center of mass with variable density can be useful in designing structures and vehicles, as well as predicting the behavior of objects in motion. It is also important in fields such as astrophysics and fluid dynamics.

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