Solving for the Double Integral: A Change of Variables Problem

In summary, the problem at hand involves a double integral over a triangular region R, where the integrand is a continuous function f(x+y). In order to solve this problem, a change of variables is necessary. By setting u=x+y and v=x, the jacobian is found to be 1 and the integral can be rewritten as the integral from 0 to 1 over u f(u) du. However, in order to obtain the desired result, adjustments must be made to the integration constant. By using integration by parts and adjusting the constant, the double integral can be expressed as x+y as the argument, resulting in the final solution of the integral from 0 to 1 over f(u) du.
  • #1
let f be continuous on [0,1] and R be a triangular region with vertices (0,0), (1,0) and (0,1). Show:

the double integral over the region R of f(x+y)dxdy = the integral from 0 to 1 over u f(u)du

I recognize it is a change of variables problem but I'll be damned if I can create a set of functions u and v that yield the right jacobian. If anyone can help, its much appreciated.
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  • #2
I think it's obvious that u=x+y, v=x for example for v...this leads to |det(Jacob)|=1..then byconstruction of u and v, f(x+y)=f(u) which is independent of v, hence you can integrate over v (take care of the limit of integration, i was not able at first glance to be convinced of the u limit, but for v you get integral from 0 to 1 dv, which gives 1, and hence "disappears")...which hence lead an integral of the form integral from 0 to 1 over f(u) du...
  • #3
yeah that certainly would be a nice result if that were the answer to the problem but theree is a u out front and so a jacobian of 1 will not get the right results, but thanks anyway.
  • #4
Oh, ok, then u could do something like : int{0,1}du[u f(u)]=F(1)-int{0,1}du[ F(u)] .where F(u)=int{0,u}ds[ f(s)] integration by parts,you have to adjust the integration constant c so that only the double integral remains...then use the first computation backward and get x+y as argument...does it work like this better...?
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FAQ: Solving for the Double Integral: A Change of Variables Problem

1. What is the "Change of variables problem" in mathematics?

The "Change of variables problem" is a mathematical concept that involves transforming a function or equation from one set of variables to another. This is often done to simplify a problem or make it easier to solve.

2. Why is the "Change of variables problem" important in scientific research?

The "Change of variables problem" is important in scientific research because it allows scientists to study complex systems and phenomena by simplifying them through a change of variables. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and mechanisms at work.

3. What are some common techniques used to solve the "Change of variables problem"?

Some common techniques used to solve the "Change of variables problem" include substitution, partial differentiation, and the Jacobian transformation. These techniques involve manipulating the variables in an equation or function to transform it into a more manageable form.

4. How does the "Change of variables problem" relate to real-world applications?

The "Change of variables problem" has many real-world applications, particularly in physics and engineering. It is often used to solve differential equations and model complex systems, such as fluid flow or heat transfer. It can also be applied in economics, biology, and other fields to analyze and understand complex systems.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to using the "Change of variables problem"?

While the "Change of variables problem" can be a powerful tool, it also has its limitations. One challenge is choosing the right variables to transform an equation or function into a simpler form. This requires a deep understanding of the problem and the underlying principles. Additionally, the transformation may not always be possible or may introduce errors in the solution.
