Change of variables Definition and 219 Threads

In mathematics, a change of variables is a basic technique used to simplify problems in which the original variables are replaced with functions of other variables. The intent is that when expressed in new variables, the problem may become simpler, or equivalent to a better understood problem.
Change of variables is an operation that is related to substitution. However these are different operations, as can be seen when considering differentiation (chain rule) or integration (integration by substitution).
A very simple example of a useful variable change can be seen in the problem of finding the roots of the sixth-degree polynomial:







{\displaystyle x^{6}-9x^{3}+8=0.}
Sixth-degree polynomial equations are generally impossible to solve in terms of radicals (see Abel–Ruffini theorem). This particular equation, however, may be written










{\displaystyle (x^{3})^{2}-9(x^{3})+8=0}
(this is a simple case of a polynomial decomposition). Thus the equation may be simplified by defining a new variable




{\displaystyle u=x^{3}}
. Substituting x by



{\displaystyle {\sqrt[{3}]{u}}}
into the polynomial gives




{\displaystyle u^{2}-9u+8=0,}
which is just a quadratic equation with the two solutions:




{\displaystyle u=1\quad {\text{and}}\quad u=8.}
The solutions in terms of the original variable are obtained by substituting x3 back in for u, which gives








{\displaystyle x^{3}=1\quad {\text{and}}\quad x^{3}=8.}
Then, assuming that one is interested only in real solutions, the solutions of the original equation are














{\displaystyle x=(1)^{1/3}=1\quad {\text{and}}\quad x=(8)^{1/3}=2.}

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  1. Z

    Determine limits of integration in double integral change of variables

    $$h(t)=f(t)*g(t)=\int_0^t f(\tau)g(t-\tau)d\tau=\int_0^t g(\tau)f(t-\tau)d\tau\tag{1}$$ The Laplace transform is $$H(s)=\int_0^\infty h(t)e^{-st}dt=\int_0^\infty\left ( \int_0^t g(\tau)f(t-\tau)d\tau\right )e^{-st}dt\tag{2}$$ The Laplace transforms of $f$ and $g$ are $$F(s)=\int_0^\infty...
  2. P

    I Change of Variables in Double Volume Integral

    In Greiner's Classical Electromagnetism book (page 126) he has a derivation equivalent to the following. $$\int_V d^3r^{'} \nabla \int_V d^3r^{''}\frac {f(\bf r^{''})}{|\bf r + \bf r^{'}- \bf r^{''}|}$$ $$ \bf z = \bf r^{''} - \bf r^{'} $$ $$\int_V d^3r^{'} \nabla \int_V d^3z \frac {f(\bf z +...
  3. T

    I Quick Change of Variables Question

    Hey all, I am currently struggling with a change of variables step in my calculations. Suppose the solutions ##f_{1}(x)## and ##f_{2}(x)## of the following system of differential equations is known: Now the system I wish to solve is: Upon first glance, it seems that the association ##f_{2}(-x)...
  4. SchroedingersLion

    I Integral change of variables formula confusion

    Greetings all. I just got confused by the following. Consider volume integral, for simplicity in 1D. $$ V(A) = \int_{A} dz. $$ If ##z## can be written as an invertible function of ##x##, i.e. ##z=f(x)##, we know the change of variables formula $$ V(A)=\int_{A} dz= \int_{z^{-1}(A)} |z'(x)|dx...
  5. WMDhamnekar

    Evaluation of integral having trigonometric functions

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  6. WMDhamnekar

    I Which of the two answers is correct?

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  7. WMDhamnekar

    MHB How to use change of variables technique here?

    Find the volume V inside both the sphere $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 =1$ and cone $z = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$ My attempt: I graphed the cone inside the sphere as follows. But I don't understand how to use the change of variables technique here to find the required volume. My answer without using integrals is...
  8. WMDhamnekar

    Change of variables in multiple integrals

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  9. WMDhamnekar

    HP 50g calculator's answer is correct or author's answer is correct?

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  10. F

    Change of variable for Jacobian: is there a method?

    Hello, This problem comes just prior to introducing change of variables with Jacobian. Given the following region in the x-y plane, I have to choose (with justification) the correct change of variables associated, for ##u\in [0,2]## and ##v \in [0,1]##. The correct choice here is a), but I do...
  11. J

    I Integral-form change of variable in differential equation

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  12. chwala

    Solving the wave equation with change of variables approach

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  13. cwill53

    I Change of Variables in Thermodynamics

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  14. M

    Solving an inequality for a change of variables

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  15. V

    Change of Variables: Integrals w/Polar Coordinates

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  16. M

    Probability: Multivariate distribution change of variables

    Hi, I was attempting the problem above and got stuck along the way. Problem: Suppose that ## Y_1 ## and ## Y_2 ## are random variables with joint pdf: f_{y_1, y_2} (y_1, y_2) = 8y_1 y_2 for ## 0 < y_1 < y_2 < 1 ## and 0 otherwise. Let ## U_1 = Y_1/Y_2 ##. Find the probability distribution ##...
  17. I

    I Understanding the change of variables for PDEs

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  18. A

    I Change of variables in the Density of States function

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  19. P

    Double Integral via Appropriate Change of Variables

    Summary:: Calculate a double integral via appropriate change of variables in R^2 Suppose I have f(x,y)=sqrt(y^12 + 1). I need to integrate y from (x)^(1/11) to 1 and x from 0 to 1. The inner integral is in y and outer in x. How do I calculate integration(f(x,y)dxdy) ? My Approach: I know that...
  20. J

    Change of variables in a propagator

    I'm guessing that there must be some nuance that I do not quite understand in the difference between ##|p\rangle## and ##|E\rangle##? Like, later in the book even ##dk## is used as a variable of integration, where ##k = p/\hbar.## Surely this has effects on the value of the integral - wouldn't...
  21. MathematicalPhysicist

    Change of variables in a simple integral

    So we have ##x=\beta(1/2 mv^2-\mu)##, i.e ##\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}=v##. ##dv= \sqrt{2/m}dx/\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}##. So should I get in the second integral ##(x+\beta \mu)^{1/2}##, since we have: $$v^2 dv = (2(x/\beta+\mu)/m)\sqrt{2/m} dx/\sqrt{2(x/\beta+\mu)/m}$$ So shouldn't it be a power...
  22. R

    I Change of variables for this derivative in a heat transfer equation

    Hello- In the attached screenshot from my textbook, I am trying to understand how they get from equation 6.5 to 6.5a. I have attached my attempt to solve it, but I am stuck evaluating the left side. I do not see how to get their result. Relevant information: k, T_w, T_inf, h and L are all...
  23. M

    I PDEs: Diffusion Equation Change of Variables

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  24. M

    Solving Variable Change: Difficulties Understanding ##V(x)## & ##y##

    Summary: When ##V (x) = \frac 1 2 mω^2x^2 + mgx## ##H=\frac p 2m +V(x)## Difficulty understanding how these change on variables came about ##y = x+\frac mg mω^2 = x+\frac g ω^2## Apologies if this is not the appropriate thread. I chose this one because even though it's physics, I'm having...
  25. Beelzedad

    I Multiple integral Jacobian confusion

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  26. GlassBones

    Change of variables on autonomous systems solutions

    Homework Statement Given that ##x=\phi (t)##, ##y=\psi(t)## is a solution to the autonomous system ##\frac{dx}{dt}=F(x,y)##, ##\frac{dy}{dt}=G(x,y)## for ##\alpha < t < \beta##, show that ##x=\Phi(t)=\phi(t-s)##, ##y=\Psi(t)=\psi(t-s)## is a solution for ##\alpha+s<t<\beta+s## for any real...
  27. TheMercury79

    Diff.equation transformation by change of variables

    Homework Statement The assignment is to transform the following differential equation: ##x^2\frac {\partial^2 z} {\partial x^2}-2xy\frac {\partial^2 z} {\partial x\partial y}+y^2\frac {\partial^2 z} {\partial y^2}=0## by changing the variables: ##u=xy~~~~~~y=\frac 1 v##Homework Equations...
  28. Hiero

    I Change of variables; why do we take the absolute value?

    In transforming an integral to new coordinates, we multiply the “volume” element by the absolute value of the Jacobian determinant. But in the one dimensional case (where “change of variables” is just “substitution”) we do not take the absolute value of the derivative, we just take the...
  29. T

    Vector Calculus: Change of Variables problem

    Homework Statement Let D be the triangle with vertices (0,0), (1,0) and (0,1). Evaluate: ∫∫exp((y-x)/(y+x))dxdy for D by making the substitutions u=y-x and v=y+x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So first I found an equation for y and x respectively: y=(u+v)/2 and x=(v-u)/2 Then...
  30. F

    Curve and admissible change of variable

    Homework Statement If I have the two curves ##\phi (t) = ( \cos t , \sin t ) ## with ## t \in [0, 2\pi]## ##\psi(s) = ( \sin 2s , \cos 2s ) ## with ## s \in [\frac{\pi}{4} , \frac{5 \pi}{4} ] ## My textbook says that they are equivalent because ##\psi(s) = \phi \circ g^{-1}(s) ## where ##...
  31. Bill2500

    I Munkres-Analysis on Manifolds: Extended Integrals

    I am studying Analysis on Manifolds by Munkres. He introduces improper/extended integrals over open set the following way: Let A be an open set in R^n; let f : A -> R be a continuous function. If f is non-negative on A, we define the (extended) integral of f over A, as the supremum of all the...
  32. Peter Alexander

    Solving Second Order Partial Derivative By Changing Variable

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Given is a second order partial differential equation $$u_{xx} + 2u_{xy} + u_{yy}=0$$ which should be solved with change of variables, namely ##t = x## and ##z = x-y##. Homework Equations Chain rule $$\frac{dz}{dx} = \frac{dz}{dy}...
  33. J

    MHB Change of variables/ Transformations part 2

    I am not sure how I should set my u and v expressions into the u-v plane for this question. How should I look at the expression to set u and v expressions?
  34. J

    MHB Change of variables/ Transformations

    I have obtained as such using changing of variables/ transformations: Let u= y/x and v= xy after manipulating the equation of the curves as such xy = 5, xy = 2, y/x = 1 and y/x = 4. Then u = 1, u = 4, v = 5 and v = 2 => obtain a square on the u-v plane. Change the integrand to: Outer...
  35. M

    MHB If $x^{3/2}+y^{3/2}=r^{3/2}$, then $u=r$ and $v=r-x$.

    Hey! :o Let $D$ be the space in the first quadrant of the $xy$-plane that is defined by the inequality $x^{\frac{3}{2}}+y^{\frac{3}{2}} \leq \alpha^{\frac{3}{2}}$ with $\alpha>0$. I want to transform $\iint_D f(x,y) dx dy$ to an integral on the triangle $E$ of the $uv$-plane that is defined by...
  36. harpazo

    MHB How Do You Evaluate ∫∫∫ Over an Ellipsoid Using Change of Variables?

    Evaluate ∫∫∫ over E, where E is the solid enclosed by the ellipsoid x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 = 1. Use the transformation x = au, y = bv, z = cw. I decided to replace x with au, y with bv and z with cw in the ellipsoid. After simplifying, I got u^2 + v^2 + w^2 = 1. What is the next step...
  37. harpazo

    MHB Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals

    Let S S = double integrals S S x^2 dA; where R is the region bounded by the ellipse 9x^2 + 4y^2 = 36. The given transformation is x = 2u, y = 3v I decided to change the given ellipse to a circle centered at the origin. 9x^2 + 4y^2 = 36 I divided across by 36. x^2/4 + y^2/9 = 1 I replaced...
  38. binbagsss

    Differential Equation, Change of variables

    Homework Statement Hi, I am looking at this question: With this (part of ) solution: Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I follow up to the last line- I do not understand here how we have simply taken the ##1/t^{\alpha m + \alpha}## outside of the derivative...
  39. I

    Change of variables when minimizing a function

    Homework Statement I am trying to minimize the function ##f(a) = (1+4a^2)^3 \left( \frac{1}{4a^2} \right)^2##. Here we are given that ##a>0## Homework Equations Definition of a minimum of a function The Attempt at a Solution Now the derivative here will be ugly and equating it to zero and...
  40. B

    Integrating a Rhombus: Solving for Area Using the Change of Variables Formula

    Homework Statement Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I solved part a. I got an answer of 140. For part b, however, I am stuck. I came up with a set of points for D in the xy plane [(0,3)(0,6)(4,5)(4,8)] giving me a rhombus. How do i integrate this? I tried to split up the...
  41. Crush1986

    Change of Variables Legendre's Equation

    Homework Statement Determine the spherical harmonics and the eigenvalues of \vec{\hat{L}}^2 by solving the eigenvalue equation \vec{\hat{L}}^2 |\lambda, m \rangle in position space, [\frac{1}{sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} ( sin \theta \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} ) +...
  42. J

    I Multi-dimensional Integral by Change of Variables

    Hi All, $$\int{\exp((x_2-x_1)^2+k_1x_1+k_2x_2)dx_1dx_2}$$ I can perform the integration of the integral above easily by changing the variable $$u=x_2+x_1\\ v=x_2-x_1$$ Of course first computing the Jacobian, and integrating over ##u## and ##v## I am wondering how you perform the change of...
  43. N

    Change of variables in Heat Equation (and Fourier Series)

    Q: Suppose ##u(x,t)## satisfies the heat equation for ##0<x<a## with the usual initial condition ##u(x,0)=f(x)##, and the temperature given to be a non-zero constant C on the surfaces ##x=0## and ##x=a##. We have BCs ##u(0,t) = u(a,t) = C.## Our standard method for finding u doesn't work here...
  44. J

    I Chain rule and change of variables again

    We start with: d2y/dx2 And we want to consider x as function of y instead of y as function of x. I understand this equality: dy/dx = 1/ (dx/dy) But for the second order this equality is provided: d2y/dx2 =- d2x/dy2 / (dx/dy)3 Does anybody understand where is it coming from? The cubic...
  45. saybrook1

    Change of variables and gravity constants

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I'm struggling to figure out how the solution in the picture that I posted was able to get rid of their mg factors and then come up with a factor of k for x_1 in their eigenvalue equation. You can see that in the second equation of motion there is no k*x_1 but it...
  46. J

    Change of variables in a differential equation

    Homework Statement Transform the equation: x2 * d2y/dx2 + 2 * x * dy/dx + (a2/x2)*y = 0 Using: x=1/t Homework Equations The differential of a function of several variables, and the common rules of differentiation. The Attempt at a Solution As...
  47. R

    I Change of variables many-to-many transformation

    With the change of variables-method for a many-to-one transformation function Y = t(X), what's the logic behind summing the different densities for the roots of x = t^-1(y)? Probabilities should be ok to add, but densities? Also, is there no way to extend this method for many-to-many...
  48. H

    I Change of variables in double integral

    I get two different answers, ##a^2## and ##0.5a^2##, by using two different methods. Which is the correct answer? The family of curve for ##y^2=4u(u-x)## is given by the blue curves, and that for ##y^2=4v(v+x)## is given by the red curves. Method 1: Evaluate the integral ##I## directly in...
  49. T

    I Change of variable - partial derivative

    I am trying to prove that the above is true when performing the change of variable shown. Here is my attempt: What I am not quite understanding is why they choose to isolate the partial derivative of ##z## on the right side (as opposed to the left) that I have in my last line. This ultimately...