Digital Logic - Timing Analysis

In summary, when using a clock frequency of 50MHz instead of 45MHz, the circuit may not function properly due to limitations in certain integrated circuits. This could be due to the maximum frequency at which they can operate or the specific division ratio they use, which may not match the desired output frequency. Further information about the specific chip being used would be needed to fully understand the issue.
  • #1
What do they mean by saying that " If the clock frequency is 45MHz and we use 50MHz then the circuit will not work".

I am confused :rolleyes: I don't understand the timing analysis in digital logic.

Please help me out

Engineering news on
  • #2""

I'm hoping this will shed some light on your questions.
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  • #3
The circuit in the link provided should answer your question completely:"
When J = K = 1, flipping the Clock signal should cause the flipflop to toggle, but because of the timing signal it won't.
To see how the circuit is actually supposed to work, set J = K = C = 1 then continuously click somewhere else on the board to witness the toggle action.

I hope this help. If you have more questions let me know.
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  • #4
ECE said:
What do they mean by saying that " If the clock frequency is 45MHz and we use 50MHz then the circuit will not work".

I am confused :rolleyes: I don't understand the timing analysis in digital logic.

Please help me out


Here's an old app note that talks about memory timing:

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  • #5
45 MHz is near the upper limit of some integrated circuits.

Counters in the 74HC family of chips stop working at about 45 MHz so you could get an individual chip that will count 45 MHz pulses but will not count 50 MHz properly, or at all.

Another reason 50 MHz might not be suitable is that simple counters divide by some fixed integer quantity. They may divide by 10 to give 4.5 MHz from 45 MHz, for example.
If you clocked such a chip with a 50 MHz signal, the output would be 5.0 MHz and this may not be useful because you want 4.5 MHz.

You would need to ask about how the chip was being used, and what sort of chip it was.

FAQ: Digital Logic - Timing Analysis

1. What is digital logic timing analysis?

Digital logic timing analysis is the process of evaluating the timing characteristics of a digital circuit or system. It involves analyzing the propagation delays and timing constraints of logic gates and other components to ensure that the circuit operates correctly and meets its performance requirements.

2. Why is timing analysis important in digital logic design?

Timing analysis is crucial in digital logic design because it helps ensure that the circuit functions correctly and meets its timing requirements. It also helps identify potential timing hazards and design flaws that could lead to incorrect operation or failures in the circuit.

3. What are the methods used for timing analysis?

The two main methods for timing analysis are static timing analysis (STA) and dynamic timing analysis (DTA). STA involves calculating the timing of a circuit based on the worst-case delay between inputs and outputs. DTA, on the other hand, simulates the actual operation of the circuit and takes into account factors such as clock skew and glitches.

4. What is a setup and hold time in timing analysis?

In timing analysis, setup time refers to the minimum amount of time that a data input signal must be stable before a clock edge to be reliably captured by a flip-flop. Hold time, on the other hand, refers to the minimum amount of time that the data input signal must remain stable after the clock edge to be reliably captured by the flip-flop.

5. How does timing analysis impact the performance of a digital circuit?

Timing analysis plays a crucial role in determining the performance of a digital circuit. It helps identify critical paths and timing constraints that must be met for the circuit to operate correctly. By optimizing these factors, timing analysis can improve the speed, power consumption, and reliability of the circuit.
