Finding induced emf of solenoid

In summary, the short coil will experience an induced emf of 3.6*10^-5A when current is increased uniformly from 0 to 3.1A in 0.28s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 800-turn solenoid, 18 cm long, has a diameter of 2.9 cm. A 15-turn coil is wound tightly around the center of the solenoid.
If the current in the solenoid increases uniformly from 0 to 3.1 A in 0.28 s, what will be the induced emf in the short coil during this time?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I keep getting the wrong answer. Originally I just plugged in 800 and 15 for the n's, but then I used turns per meter. Both were wrong. I think I may be using the wrong equation. Any help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
Hi number14,

number14 said:

Homework Statement

A 800-turn solenoid, 18 cm long, has a diameter of 2.9 cm. A 15-turn coil is wound tightly around the center of the solenoid.
If the current in the solenoid increases uniformly from 0 to 3.1 A in 0.28 s, what will be the induced emf in the short coil during this time?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I keep getting the wrong answer. Originally I just plugged in 800 and 15 for the n's, but then I used turns per meter. Both were wrong. I think I may be using the wrong equation. Any help would be appreciated!

What did you do to get your answers? (what equations did you use, and what numbers did you plug into them)
  • #3
I used B=(mu_0 *N*I)/l delta_flux = B*pi*r^2 and
Emf=-N * delta_flux/delta_t

N=15, I=3.1, l=.18, delta_t=.28 , r=.0145

and I got: 3.6 * 10^-5
  • #4
number14 said:
I used B=(mu_0 *N*I)/l delta_flux = B*pi*r^2 and
Emf=-N * delta_flux/delta_t

N=15, I=3.1, l=.18, delta_t=.28 , r=.0145

and I got: 3.6 * 10^-5

I'm not getting that answer from using those numbers. What are you getting for just the B part by itself?
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  • #5
  • #6
Wait, this time i got 1.2*10^-5 . I'm using a calculator that is very finicky.
  • #7
number14 said:

I think here you are using N=15; but the B is the magnetic field from the solenoid, which has N=800.
  • #8
thanks so much for the help, i got the right answer finally!

FAQ: Finding induced emf of solenoid

1. How is the induced emf of a solenoid calculated?

The induced emf of a solenoid can be calculated using the formula: emf = -N * dΦ/dt, where N is the number of turns in the solenoid and dΦ/dt is the rate of change of magnetic flux through the solenoid.

2. What factors affect the induced emf of a solenoid?

The induced emf of a solenoid is affected by the number of turns in the solenoid, the rate of change of magnetic flux, the strength of the magnetic field, and the permeability of the material inside the solenoid.

3. How does the orientation of the solenoid affect the induced emf?

The induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the solenoid. Therefore, the orientation of the solenoid with respect to the magnetic field can greatly affect the induced emf. A solenoid that is perpendicular to the magnetic field will have a larger induced emf compared to a solenoid that is parallel to the magnetic field.

4. Can the induced emf of a solenoid be negative?

Yes, the induced emf can be negative. This occurs when the rate of change of magnetic flux through the solenoid is decreasing, which results in a negative value for the induced emf.

5. How is the induced emf affected by the resistance of the solenoid?

The resistance of the solenoid does not directly affect the induced emf. However, it does affect the amount of current that can flow through the solenoid, which in turn affects the strength of the magnetic field and the rate of change of magnetic flux, ultimately affecting the induced emf.
