Calculating the Force of Static Friction on a 2000kg Car

In summary, the problem involves a 2000kg car making a left turn with a radius of 6.5m in 2 seconds. Using the equations a = v^2/r and F = (m*v^2)/r, the speed of the car is calculated to be 3.25m/s and the force of the car is 3250. To calculate the distance traveled, the formula d = v*t can be used, resulting in a distance of 5.1m. However, the distance should be recalculated using the correct formula of d = 2*pi*r/4 since the car only travels a quarter of a circle. This results in a speed of 5.1m/s and
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 2000kg car makes a left run of radius 6.5 m. If this turn is made in 2 seconds, what isthe force of static friction of the car during the turn?

Homework Equations

a = v^2/r, F = (m*v^2)/r ; d = v*t;

The Attempt at a Solution

d/t = v = 3.25 m/s

Fc = (m*v^2)/r = 3250

Fs(static friction) <= Fc
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  • #2
yankees26an said:
d/t = v = 3.25 m/s
What distance is traveled in making the turn? How would you calculate it?
  • #3
Oh whoops the distance would be 2*pi*r/4 since it goes a quarter of a circle.

That would make d/t = 5.1 m/s

Fc = 3.2 kN. Still stuck from there
  • #4
yankees26an said:
Oh whoops the distance would be 2*pi*r/4 since it goes a quarter of a circle.

That would make d/t = 5.1 m/s
Fc = 3.2 kN.
Don't forget to recalculate Fc using the corrected speed.
  • #5
Doc Al said:

Don't forget to recalculate Fc using the corrected speed.

Yea I did but I forgot to square! :-p Got it now thanks

FAQ: Calculating the Force of Static Friction on a 2000kg Car

What is static friction?

Static friction is a type of force that exists between two surfaces in contact with each other, preventing them from sliding against each other when no external force is applied.

How is static friction different from kinetic friction?

Static friction only comes into play when an object is at rest, while kinetic friction acts on an object that is already in motion.

What factors affect the force of static friction?

The force of static friction depends on the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces in contact, as well as the normal force exerted on the object.

How do you calculate the force of static friction on a 2000kg car?

The force of static friction can be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of friction by the normal force exerted on the car. The normal force is equal to the weight of the car, which is 2000kg multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²). Therefore, the formula for calculating static friction on a 2000kg car is: F(static) = µ * 2000kg * 9.8 m/s².

What is the significance of calculating the force of static friction on a car?

The force of static friction plays a crucial role in determining the maximum force that can be applied to move an object without it slipping. In the case of a car, calculating the force of static friction can help determine the minimum force needed to start moving the car or to keep it from slipping on a steep slope.
