Huygens Principle - how to explain this with classical language?

In summary, the conversation discusses Huygens' principle and how it relates to the wave function and wave front. The main idea is that every point on a wavefront can be considered as a source of secondary wavelets, and the second term in the equation represents this concept in classical language. The principle is proven for the wave equation in odd-dimensional space and can be further studied in the referenced source.
  • #1
I was read this article( Notes/Lect31.pdf).

I was read this paper about Huygens' principle( Notes/Lect31.pdf)

Main idea of Huygens' principle is how wave function ##ψ(r)##
##r∈S=∂V##(S is wave front in time t) affect on shape of of wave function ##ψ(r′)## and shape of wave front ##S′=∂V′, r'∈S′## in time## t′,t<t′##

. We have:

##(∇^2+k^2)ψ(r)=0## (1)




where ##G(r,r′)##
is Green's function of (1)

First term ##\hat{n}G(r,r′)∇ψ(r)##
, can be interpeted how incident wave of point and unit source propagate in direction of surface normal of surface S′

Question is: How we can interpreted second term ##−ψ(r)∇G(r,r′)##
,respectevely how identified this therm as new source of spherical waves in point r, respectively how explain this with classical language ?

P.S. If ##−ψ(r)∇G(r,r′)## is wave of unit and point source in ##r'## is clear that amplitude in this point depend of ampliture of wave ##\psi(r)##
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  • #2
I think Huygens probably described it in classical language. Every point on a wavefront may be considered as a source of secondary wavelets. Whether it is proven, I don't know. I have never seen a finite wavefront which is not constrained in size by some object.
  • #3
Huygen's principle works for the wave equation in odd-dimensional (configuration) space for ##d \geq 3##. You get it by calculating the Green's function of the D'Alembert operator and using Green's theorem in ##(1+d)## dimensions. For a thorough treatment, see

S. Hassani, Mathematical Physics, Springer Verlag, Cham,
Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2 ed. (2013).