I have a really bad girl problem. me.

  • Thread starter Gothic_Freddy
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In summary, the speaker is a high school student who has developed a crush on a goth/punk girl named Haley. They have started to hang out and talk more, and the speaker decides to ask her out. However, they get nervous and accidentally ask her out on behalf of their friend, Zayne. The speaker is now seeking advice on what to do, and others are suggesting ways to make Zayne look like a loser in order to improve the speaker's chances. Some also suggest seeking fashion advice from others. The speaker is also criticized for seeking girl advice on a physics forum.
  • #36
Hey, look on the bright side. If you're still in high school, if you actually asked her out, you probably would have broken up in a couple months anyway (if she didn't dump you after the first date). So, at least this way it was all done in your own control rather than her dumping you. :wink: Really, just move on. Girlfriends and boyfriends come and go in high school. Each time you screw it up with one, you learn something more about relationships for the next one until you finally meet the one where it counts.
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  • #37
Moonbear said:
Each time you screw it up with one, you learn something more about relationships for the next one until you finally meet the one where it counts.
No comment. When I was that age, women were like trolleys, another one came along every 5 minutes. Now that I have improved a few years, they are like trolleys, forever raising a racket.
  • #38
jimmysnyder said:
No comment. When I was that age, women were like trolleys, another one came along every 5 minutes. Now that I have improved a few years, they are like trolleys, forever raising a racket.

Yeah, but you finally figured out where the trolley stop was and where to hop on. Much better than when you were getting passed by every 5 min without knowing how to even find the stop. :biggrin:
  • #39
No comment. When I was that age, women were like trolleys, another one came along every 5 minutes. Now that I have improved a few years, they are like trolleys, forever raising a racket.

The cost of the ticket for the trolley seems to increase substantially later on in life too. Its sort of like those variable mortgages that crashed the economy...get into one thinking its a good deal, and then a few years later the rates seem to go higher and higher until you can no longer afford one.
  • #40
Note to self: To get laid, learn what a trolley is.
  • #41
Renge Ishyo said:
The cost of the ticket for the trolley seems to increase substantially later on in life too. Its sort of like those variable mortgages that crashed the economy...get into one thinking its a good deal, and then a few years later the rates seem to go higher and higher until you can no longer afford one.

This is why you never upgrade from girlfriend to wife (it's like upgrading to Vista, only worse). Also, trying to downgrade back to girlfriend will cost you quite a bit.

Reminds me of a joke I heard from Bill Handel once about how every morning he checks to see what it will cost him to trade Marorie in for a young blonde and every day he realizes he can't afford it.
  • #42
franznietzsche said:
This is why you never upgrade from girlfriend to wife (it's like upgrading to Vista, only worse). Also, trying to downgrade back to girlfriend will cost you quite a bit.

Only Franz Nietzsche would say that one!
  • #43
franznietzsche said:
Also, trying to downgrade back to girlfriend will cost you quite a bit.

Yeah, that one is notorious for deleting all your bank accounts.
  • #44
Moonbear said:
Yeah, but you finally figured out where the trolley stop was and where to hop on. Much better than when you were getting passed by every 5 min without knowing how to even find the stop. :biggrin:
Yeah, I got a commuter pass. I asked the conductor how much a downgrade would cost. She said if you have to ask, you can't afford it.
  • #45
Note to self: To get laid, learn what a trolley is.

See, you can learn all sorts of useful things here on PF.
  • #46
Well...if you are in a relationship now, you need to dump the other girl before you ask a new one out.
  • #47
mcknia07 said:
Well...if you are in a relationship now, you need to dump the other girl before you ask a new one out.

I think the "official guys and rats rule book" states that you dump girl one only after girl two goes out on several dates with said guy. This gives guys and rats more options.
  • #48
edward said:
I think the "official guys and rats rule book" states that you dump girl one only after girl two goes out on several dates with said guy. This gives guys and rats more options.

Ahh, ok...this must be the reasoning behind every guys thinking...very rational...
  • #49
mcknia07 said:
Ahh, ok...this must be the reasoning behind every guys thinking...very rational...

Fortunately not every guy plays by the "guys and rats rule book". I am sure that there are still a few keepers out there.
  • #50
BobG said:
The three worst fashion decisions:


1. Goth/punk

I dated a gorgeous goth girl. She was a professional, worked in an office, so she didn't dress in a way out there fashion or wear a lot of make up or anything like that. She would dress in 'gothier' clothes sometimes when she went out but generally just wore lots of black and darker colours... oh and boots.
I wasn't able to find any pics that look much like her but this might give you an idea...
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  • #51
talking about opposites attract, nerd with goth...
  • #52
Please I need some advice too. I just don't know where else to turn... please help, and don't make stupid jokes please because this is serious

Ok, so I know this girl, she has a bright green mohawk that goes halfway up her pate, then her head is shaved from that point on to show off the tattoo of the chinese character for "life" she had done on her cranium just above her forehead; she has four eyelid-piercings, and dresses in golden leather parachute pants and poodle-skin tanktops... I totally got the hots for her.

anyway, I finally got the nerve to ask her out the other day when I came back from the D&D convention with my mom to change my shirt because I got a nosebleed and totally messed up my "Han Shot First" T-Shirt ... her dorm is on the other side of this park in front of my place. The park is 8KM across, and her dorm is 10KM down the road on the other side of the park. There is a "no biking" rule at this park, so I can't just ride my bike across. I can either walk with my bike all the way across and then ride my bike down the road, or just walk straight through the park to her dorm, or I could walk some distance across the park and then ride my bike.

Considering I have a date with her right now and am already late, and that my walking speed is 6KM/h, while I ride my bike at 10KM/h... what is the quickest way for me to get there?

Plz help!
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  • #53
mobiusdafrost said:
talking about opposites attract, nerd with goth...

Most goths are nerds/geeks.
  • #54
moe darklight said:
Considering I have a date with her right now and am already late, and that my walking speed is 6KM/h, while I ride my bike at 10KM/h... what is the quickest way for me to get there?

Trolley perhaps.
  • #55
TheStatutoryApe said:
Most goths are nerds/geeks.

Some are just plain idiots.
  • #56
Borek said:
Some are just plain idiots.

True aswell. ;-)
  • #57
borek said:
trolley perhaps.

  • #58
moe darklight said:
Plz help!

This fills me with so many conflicting emotions I don't know what to say. Whether to laugh, cry, deride or derive; that is the question!
  • #59
franznietzsche said:
This fills me with so many conflicting emotions I don't know what to say. Whether to laugh, cry, deride or derive; that is the question!

are you saying my girl-problem was not actually physicsforums-appropriate for once?

Borek said:
Trolley perhaps.

if it all works out. until then, I'm stuck riding my own bike.
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  • #60
moe darklight said:
are you saying my girl-problem was not actually physicsforums-appropriate for once?

Have you had other ones that were?
  • #61
franznietzsche said:
Have you had other ones that were?

The last girl I fell in love with, whom I met at a Simple Plan rawk-show, told me she'd love to go out with me but she and her family are going on vacation to a planetary system 4 Ly from Earth on a spaceship that travels at a speed of 0.97C and reaches maximum speed in 2 minutes (she has a very strong bone-structure; which I find totally hot). Considering we're the same age now, I'd like to know our age difference when she gets back.
  • #62
moe darklight said:
The last girl I fell in love with, whom I met at a Simple Plan rawk-show, told me she'd love to go out with me but she and her family are going on vacation to a planetary system 4 Ly from Earth on a spaceship that travels at a speed of 0.97C and reaches maximum speed in 2 minutes (she has a very strong bone-structure; which I find totally hot). Considering we're the same age now, I'd like to know our age difference when she gets back.


These threads are like the airplane on the conveyor belt. Instead of bad questions about physics, these are bad questions about life.

Life is sink or swim. Sometime you just need to let people drown.
  • #63
Cyrus... will you be my wingman?
  • #64
moe darklight said:
Cyrus... will you be my wingman?

I don't think his bone structure is strong enough to go after the woman you described.
  • #65
moe darklight said:
Cyrus... will you be my wingman?

Goose, I can't reach the handles. You're going to have to pull them for me. EJECT EJECT EJECT!
  • #66
moe darklight said:
anyway, I finally got the nerve to ask her out the other day when I came back from the D&D convention with my mom to change my shirt because I got a nosebleed and totally messed up my "Han Shot First" T-Shirt ... her dorm is on the other side of this park in front of my place. The park is 8KM across, and her dorm is 10KM down the road on the other side of the park. There is a "no biking" rule at this park, so I can't just ride my bike across. I can either walk with my bike all the way across and then ride my bike down the road, or just walk straight through the park to her dorm, or I could walk some distance across the park and then ride my bike.

Considering I have a date with her right now and am already late, and that my walking speed is 6KM/h, while I ride my bike at 10KM/h... what is the quickest way for me to get there?

Plz help!
Since you're still waiting by your computer for a response, set off across the park at an angle of about 36.9 deg from the across-the-park direction, towards the side that she lives. Hopefully, you walk just as fast pushing your bike as you do when you're not. Else, you might miss your date.
  • #67
*gets protractor*

... I sure hope she's still there.
  • #68
she has four eyelid-piercings, and dresses in golden leather parachute pants and poodle-skin tanktops... I totally got the hots for her.

Four-eyelid piercings? Ah, the solution to this one is TOO simple. All you need is a strong enough electromagnet and she will be irresistably attracted to you.

Considering I have a date with her right now and am already late, and that my walking speed is 6KM/h, while I ride my bike at 10KM/h... what is the quickest way for me to get there?

The quickest way for you to get there is a straight line and since the Earth is curved you would have to take a subterranean approach. I suggest wading through the sewer or drainage system to get there. Sure, you will stink at the end of it, but it is clearly the most direct approach and it lacks traffic.
  • #69
Renge Ishyo said:
Four-eyelid piercings? Ah, the solution to this one is TOO simple. All you need is a strong enough electromagnet and she will be irresistably attracted to you.

The quickest way for you to get there is a straight line and since the Earth is curved you would have to take a subterranean approach. I suggest wading through the sewer or drainage system to get there. Sure, you will stink at the end of it, but it is clearly the most direct approach and it lacks traffic.

You could take a gravity train. It would take you 42 minutes.
  • #70
I usually wake up before it gets really ugly.

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