Integrals going to 0 implies functions go to 0?

In summary, the given statement is not true as there are counterexamples that show the functions do not converge pointwise to 0 almost-everywhere, even though their integrals tend to 0.
  • #1
gauss mouse

Homework Statement

This question is not the assignment problem but I think that if the result I mention here is true, then my assignment problem will be solved.
Let [itex](X,\Sigma,\mu)[/itex] be a measure space.
Suppose that [itex] (h_n)_{n=1}^\infty[/itex] is a sequence of non-negative-real-valued integrable functions and that
\lim_{n\to \infty}\int_Xh_nd\mu=0.
Is it true that the functions [itex]h_n[/itex] converge pointwise to [itex]0[/itex] almost-everywhere?

The Attempt at a Solution

My intuition is that since the [itex]h_n[/itex] are non-negative functions, we can rule out the possibility of cancellation but I don't know what else to do and maybe the result is not even true anyway.

I'd really appreciate any help!
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  • #3
Consider [0,1] with Lebesgue measure and:

h0(x)=1 everywhere -> integral is 1

h1(x)=1 for x<1/2, h1(x)=0 for x>=1/2 -> integral is 1/2
h2(x)=1 for x>1/2, h2(x)=0 for x=<1/2 -> integral is 1/2

h3(x)=1 for x<1/3, h3(x)=0 for x>=1/3 -> integral is 1/3
h4(x)=1 for 1/3<x<2/3, h4(x)=0 else -> integral is 1/3
h5(x)=1 for x>2/3, h5(x)=0 for x<=1/3 -> integral is 1/3

and so on. As you can see, the integral converges to 0, but hn does not converge pointwise anywhere.

Edit: Oh, you were quicker. Well here is an explicit example that it is wrong.
  • #4
Take a function whose graph looks like a rectangle. e.g.

[tex]f(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x \in [0,1] \\ 0 & x \notin [0,1] \end{cases} [/tex]

If you make a sequence of functions that just drags the rectangle back and forth, you get a sequence of functions whose integrals are all 1, but doesn't converge pointwise to 0 in any part of the real line that the rectangle moves through infinitely often.

Now, shrink the width of the rectangle as you drag it back and forth. You've now added in the extra feature that the integrals decrease in size: you can make it decrease to 0 if you want. But your sequence still doesn't converge pointwise to 0 in the regions that the rectangle moves through.

If you also increase the size of the interval through which the square moves back and forth, you will have a sequence of functions that doesn't converge pointwise anywhere.

For added fun, you can make the height of the rectangle grow without bound (but slow enough that it's area still decreases to 0), so that the sequence of functions isn't even bounded above, even though each individual function is bounded.

FAQ: Integrals going to 0 implies functions go to 0?

1. What is the significance of integrals going to 0?

Integrals going to 0 can indicate that the function is approaching 0 as the independent variable approaches a certain value. This can be useful in analyzing the behavior and limits of a function.

2. How is the concept of integrals going to 0 related to the concept of limit?

Integrals going to 0 is closely related to the concept of limit, as it is essentially the limit of the integral as the independent variable approaches a certain value. This can help in determining the behavior of a function at a particular point.

3. Can integrals going to 0 also imply that the function is approaching infinity or negative infinity?

No, integrals going to 0 only implies that the function is approaching 0 as the independent variable approaches a certain value. It does not necessarily indicate anything about the behavior of the function at infinity.

4. How can the concept of integrals going to 0 be applied in real-world scenarios?

Integrals going to 0 can be applied in various real-world scenarios, such as in physics where it can be used to calculate the work done by a force or the total energy of a system. It can also be used in economics to analyze the change in total revenue or cost as a variable changes.

5. Are there any limitations to the use of integrals going to 0 in mathematical analysis?

Yes, there are certain limitations to the use of integrals going to 0, as it may not always accurately represent the behavior of a function. It is important to also consider other factors and approaches in mathematical analysis to fully understand the behavior of a function.

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