Solving Laplace and Heat Equation in 3D Rectangular Solid

In summary: The solution is always the trivial one. The equation is a linear equation, and the solution can be multiplied by a constant. Knowing that 0 is a good solution doesn't give you anything. Try solving the boundary conditions. You'll see that on the three of the faces of the cube, T is zero and on all the rest, its derivative is zero. Then write T as sum C(n,m,l) sin(pi n x/a) cos(pi m y/b) cos(pi (l+1/2) z/c) It is a general way to write the function taking care of the constraints automatically.
  • #1
Heat equation

Given the 3-D rectangular solid with sides of length a, b and c in the x, y and z directions, respectively. Find the function T(x,y,z,t) when
Laplace(T)=1/K(dT/dt) subject to the following conditions:

1) Initial conditions: T(x,y,z,0)=0
2) Boundary conditions
a. dT/dx + h(1)T = 0 for x=0
b. T = 0 for x=a
c. dT/dy = 0 for y=0
d. dT/dy = 0 for y=b
e. dT/dz = 0 for z=0
f. dT/dz + h(2)T = 0 for z=c

Anyone plese suggest me, I don't understand. Thank you.
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  • #2
?? What have you tried? I don't see any reason why T(x,y,z,t) identically equal to 0 isn't the solution. It satisfies all the conditions, doesn't it?
  • #3
HallsofIvy: it is, but it's the trivial one.. it's a linear equation, the solution can be multiplied by a constant, and knowing that 0 is a good solution doesn't give you anything..
try the following steps:
1) solve the boundary. you'll see that on the three of the faces of the cube , T is zero and on all the rest, its derivative is zero
2) write T as
sum C(n,m,l) sin(pi n x/a) cos(pi m y/b) cos(pi (l+1/2) z/c)
it is a general way to write the function taking care of the constraints automatically
3) now, just calculate the time dependence of C(n,m,l) by applying laplacian to the general notation (pay attention that the functions of the series are orthogonal)
  • #4
please help

I can solve this equation for y only and x , z. I can't find it. Please describe to me. Thank you.
  • #5
please help

Anyone please help me. I can not solve it.
Thank you
  • #6
Clearly the "existance and uniqueness" theorem applies to this. T(x,y,z,t) identically equal to 0 may be trivial but it's the only one you're going to get!
  • #7
Actually i didn't pay attention to the condition T(x,y,z,0)=0, which really makes the problem trivial (T=0 always), but if it's so, the boundary conditions have absolutely no meaning.. are you sure there's no typo?
  • #9
I can solve variable of x and y but variable z i can not solve it.
Anyone please suggest me. Thank you
  • #10
Read back through this. You have already been told the solution several times!

It really doesn't matter whether the variables are x, y, z, or anything else.

FAQ: Solving Laplace and Heat Equation in 3D Rectangular Solid

1. What is the Laplace equation and how is it solved in a 3D rectangular solid?

The Laplace equation is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a physical system in terms of its spatial variations. It is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. In a 3D rectangular solid, the Laplace equation can be solved by using numerical methods or analytical techniques, such as separation of variables or the method of images.

2. What is the Heat equation and how is it solved in a 3D rectangular solid?

The Heat equation is a partial differential equation that describes the transfer of heat in a physical system. It is commonly used in fields such as thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and materials science. In a 3D rectangular solid, the Heat equation can be solved by using numerical methods or analytical techniques, such as the method of separation of variables or the finite difference method.

3. What are some real-world applications of solving Laplace and Heat equations in 3D rectangular solids?

The solutions to Laplace and Heat equations in 3D rectangular solids have many practical applications, including heat transfer analysis in buildings and electronic devices, fluid flow simulation in pipes and channels, and electrostatic field calculations in electronic circuits.

4. Can the Laplace and Heat equations be solved simultaneously in a 3D rectangular solid?

Yes, the Laplace and Heat equations can be simultaneously solved in a 3D rectangular solid using either numerical methods or analytical techniques. This is useful in modeling complex physical systems where both heat transfer and spatial variations must be taken into account.

5. Are there any limitations to solving Laplace and Heat equations in 3D rectangular solids?

There are certain limitations to solving Laplace and Heat equations in 3D rectangular solids, such as the assumptions made in the boundary conditions and the accuracy of the numerical methods used. Additionally, for more complex systems, the equations may become too difficult to solve analytically, and numerical methods must be used instead.

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