Materials on heat & gas behaviour

In summary, the speaker is looking for training materials on the behavior of gas under heat, specifically information on boiling point and density factors. They are advised to consult any thermodynamics text or the NIST database REFPROP for this information.
  • #1
Dear All,
I am looking some meterials on Gas behaviour on the heat, like boiling point, density factors and other. Please advice me on the training materials regarding to this.
Thanks in advance
Jaykar N
Engineering news on
  • #2
Why don´t you use the shapiro´s book?
  • #3
jaykar said:
Dear All,
I am looking some meterials on Gas behaviour on the heat, like boiling point, density factors and other. Please advice me on the training materials regarding to this.
Thanks in advance
Jaykar N

Any thermodynamics text would have this information. If you are looking for specific properties of various substances, REFPROP from NIST is a great database.


Related to Materials on heat & gas behaviour

1. What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Heat is the energy transferred from one object to another due to a difference in temperature. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. So, heat is the transfer of energy, while temperature is a measure of the amount of energy present in a substance.

2. How do materials behave when heated or cooled?

When materials are heated, the particles within the material gain energy and start moving faster, causing the material to expand. On the other hand, when materials are cooled, the particles lose energy and slow down, causing the material to contract. This behavior is known as thermal expansion and contraction.

3. What is the relationship between heat and gas behavior?

When heat is added to a gas, the molecules in the gas start moving faster and the gas expands. This is because the increased energy causes the molecules to collide more frequently and with greater force, leading to an increase in pressure and volume. On the other hand, when heat is removed from a gas, the molecules slow down, and the gas contracts.

4. How does the behavior of gases change with changes in temperature and pressure?

As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of gas molecules also increases, causing them to move faster and take up more space. This results in an increase in pressure and volume. Similarly, when pressure is increased, the gas molecules are pushed closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume and an increase in temperature.

5. How do different materials respond to heat and gas behavior?

Different materials have different thermal conductivity, which is the ability to transfer heat. Some materials, such as metals, have high thermal conductivity, meaning they can conduct heat quickly, while others, such as wood, have low thermal conductivity. This can affect how materials respond to changes in temperature and gas behavior.
