Old version of Norton on windows XP

  • Thread starter Kenneth Mann
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In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties with installing Norton Internet Security on a system that was previously running Windows 98 and was upgraded to Windows XP. The user encountered issues with uninstalling the old version of Norton and installing the new one, and sought advice on how to properly remove the old version from their system. Other users shared their experiences and offered solutions, such as editing the registry and disabling startup programs. The conversation also raises concerns about the compatibility and effectiveness of Norton with Windows XP.
  • #1
Kenneth Mann
I recently installed WIN XP on a system that had 98 previously. The last thing I did before that was to go through the "Wizard" for uninstalling Norton Internet Security for that version, as instructed. All seemed to go well, according to indications, so when finished, I installed XP. When I then started to install the new Internet Security, lo and behold, the old version was still there. Now, I can't put on the new while the old is still there, and XP is incompatible with the old, and won't cooperate in its removal. (To make things worse, I also found an old version of Norton Antivirus.)

When I go to the Norton website I cannot find a solution for this problem. On the other hand I don't see why I should have to pay them for a phone contact, just to get their product installed. Does anyone have any possible answers?
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  • #2
Why did you do an upgrade? Clean install is much better. Wipe out the partitions using the windows xp cd, recreate the paritions as NTFS (not fat32) and the install.
  • #3
Kenneth Mann said:
I recently installed WIN XP on a system that had 98 previously. The last thing I did before that was to go through the "Wizard" for uninstalling Norton Internet Security for that version, as instructed. All seemed to go well, according to indications, so when finished, I installed XP. When I then started to install the new Internet Security, lo and behold, the old version was still there. Now, I can't put on the new while the old is still there, and XP is incompatible with the old, and won't cooperate in its removal. (To make things worse, I also found an old version of Norton Antivirus.)

When I go to the Norton website I cannot find a solution for this problem. On the other hand I don't see why I should have to pay them for a phone contact, just to get their product installed. Does anyone have any possible answers?

The only way to uninstall Norton at this point would be to go into the registry file and delete all keys that point to that utility. Then one simply deletes the files and folders from the C-drive.

To edit registry file, one runs regedit. Then search on the key strings related to the applications to be deleted, e.g. "Norton" or something like that. Then deleted the keys. I am not sure about upgrades, but they might try to preserve the old registry file somehow, which means old apps are still linked, but the remove or uninstall function may not work.

*** WARNING *** Do NOT edit the registry unless you are sure of what you are doing! It it the brains of the PC and one can disable a PC by deleting the wrong keys.
  • #4
You should do a back up of the registry before you do anything. It's quite easy. Run REGEDIT and FILE...EXPORT. That will save you a copy of the registry before you make changes.

I am really wondering if Norton is more trouble now than it's worth. I have tried a couple of Norton products with XP and they both caused nothing but trouble. If you have problems with XP not shutting down in the future...it's Norton.
  • #5
dduardo said:
Why did you do an upgrade? Clean install is much better. Wipe out the partitions using the windows xp cd, recreate the paritions as NTFS (not fat32) and the install.

Sorry to be a little off topic, but why you recommend NTFS? Any good?
  • #6
NTFS is superior to fat32 because if fragments less and has security descriptors. It also supports larger partition sizes.
  • #7
FredGarvin said:
You should do a back up of the registry before you do anything. It's quite easy. Run REGEDIT and FILE...EXPORT. That will save you a copy of the registry before you make changes.
Excellent advice, Fred!

FredGarvin said:
I am really wondering if Norton is more trouble now than it's worth. I have tried a couple of Norton products with XP and they both caused nothing but trouble. If you have problems with XP not shutting down in the future...it's Norton.
My wife installed Norton Utilities with a firewall, and apparently, according to a thread on forum in www.winguides.com, the Windows networking would be disabled, which is what happened. I still have to figure out how to re-enable it.
  • #8
I work in call center for a university and Norton is a big cause of our headaches. What has been working for us is disabling all startup programs with 'msconfig' run from the command line and restarting your computer.

I believe the reason why Norton is hard to uninstall is because it is overaggressive. When you try to uninstall it, it thinks you are a virus!
  • #9
Thanks. I was afraid that you'd tell me what you did. I was hoping for an easy way out. Guess I'll have to devote the weekend.

FredGarvin said:
I am really wondering if Norton is more trouble now than it's worth. I have tried a couple of Norton products with XP and they both caused nothing but trouble. If you have problems with XP not shutting down in the future...it's Norton.

Since I installed XP my system, doesn't shut down automatically. I have to do it manually after signing off; and even then it sometimes comes back up (so I have to stay around and watch it.)

Still I want to have the package if it will let me. It has saved me from some pretty nasty intrusions in the past, including FTP varieties. (One even had the temerity to carry a title with "Doom" in it.)

The only reason I spent the money on XP is because my ISP pretty much requires the change.

  • #10
There is no ISP that requres Windows XP. NONE. If they told you that then they are lying. Who is your ISP? What type of service do you have (dialup/dsl/cable)?

I have installed Norton sucessfully without problem on a CLEAN INSTALL of windows xp. Don't start mixing in legacy junk from a previous install, especially a competely different version of windows.
  • #11
dduardo, are you really in a need of adding more of your feelings into your post like that ? :biggrin:. Installation of an addtitional software if compatible with platform, sure there is no problem, feel free to give it a go and let it make you feel how you'd like feel...:biggrin:

FAQ: Old version of Norton on windows XP

1. What is "Old version of Norton" on Windows XP?

"Old version of Norton" refers to an outdated version of the Norton antivirus software that was commonly used on computers running the Windows XP operating system. This version is no longer supported by Norton and may not provide adequate protection against modern threats.

2. Can I still use the old version of Norton on Windows XP?

Technically, you can still use the old version of Norton on Windows XP, but it is not recommended. This version is no longer supported by Norton and may not be able to effectively protect your computer against viruses and other security threats.

3. How do I update the old version of Norton on Windows XP?

If you are still using the old version of Norton on Windows XP, it is important to update to a newer version. You can do this by purchasing a newer version of Norton or switching to a different antivirus software that is compatible with Windows XP.

4. Is it safe to use the old version of Norton on Windows XP?

Using the old version of Norton on Windows XP may not provide adequate protection against modern security threats. It is recommended to update to a newer version or switch to a different antivirus software that is compatible with Windows XP.

5. Can I still get support for the old version of Norton on Windows XP?

No, Norton no longer provides support for the old version of their antivirus software on Windows XP. It is recommended to update to a newer version or switch to a different antivirus software that is compatible with Windows XP for ongoing support and protection.

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