Penny sits on top of a frictionless sphere, please

In summary: And isn't Cosθ really = (R-h)/R?In summary, Penny sits on top of a frictionless sphere, urgent please. Homework is discouraged and if that is too subtle, it's just not permitted, even through PM.
  • #1
Penny sits on top of a frictionless sphere, urgent please

Homework Statement

At the top of a frictionless sphere of radius R a penny is given a push to speed x. At what angle, measured from the vertical does the penny leave the surface?
Physics news on
  • #2

Welcome to PF.

What considerations do you think need to be made?

Maybe start with what condition determines when it will lose contact?
  • #3

Normal reaction = 0 when the block has left the surface. Did you try that out?
  • #4

I have no clue how to start this problem, I look at a similar problem here ( but i could not figure out what the last post tried to say. This is going to be a problem on my test tomorrow and I need to figure it out. Do any of you guys have aim or msn?
  • #5

Well admittedly that was a brilliantly constructed suggested direction to go in solving the problem.

Maybe you should consider using some of that to figure it out?

Doing homework through other venues is not something encouraged here. And if that is too subtle, it's just not permitted, even through PM.
  • #6

The thing is that i don't care much for the answer, I want help on starting the problem so I can work it on my own. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction please?
  • #7

You have to work on it. If you don't, then what is the point in doing homework? You should at least try.
  • #8

malta said:
The thing is that i don't care much for the answer, I want help on starting the problem so I can work it on my own. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction please?

Well ... I'd start with that even if I did suggest it myself.
  • #9

I have been working on it, I've been stuck on the damn problem for 3 days now, I know that energy and momentum are conserved, but I can't seem to translate that into actual equations : /

Edit: ok i think I am getting somewhere.

I know that the point where the particle leaves is = 0, so mgcosx-ma=0 right?

So Cosx = a/g

Also Etot = Ekin + Epot= .5mv^2 - mgh= 0
=====> v^2= 2gh

But I am stuck in a loop now haha
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  • #10

Am I getting closer to figuring this out? haha
  • #11

malta said:
I have been working on it, I've been stuck on the damn problem for 3 days now, I know that energy and momentum are conserved, but I can't seem to translate that into actual equations : /

Edit: ok i think I am getting somewhere.

I know that the point where the particle leaves is = 0, so mgcosx-ma=0 right?

So Cosx = a/g

Also Etot = Ekin + Epot= .5mv^2 - mgh= 0
=====> v^2= 2gh

But I am stuck in a loop now haha

OK it's good knowing that momentum is conserved and perhaps you will need that elsewhere on your exam. But ... not on this problem.

Now the mgCosθ term is the weight component of gravity. But isn't what you are interested in balancing the outward centripetal acceleration? mv2/R ?
  • #12

Ok so this is independent of the mass of the penny and of g. So would i have

mgcosx= mgh + mv^2/R??
  • #13

malta said:
Ok so this is independent of the mass of the penny and of g. So would i have

mgcosx= mgh + mv^2/R??

Part of the problem with that equation is that 2 of those terms are Force, the other energy.
  • #14

Gotcha so it would only be

mgcosx= mv^2/R? But what would i solve for?
  • #15

malta said:
Gotcha so it would only be

mgcosx= mv^2/R? But what would i solve for?

Since V is, as you found, a function of h, and so is θ ...
  • #16

Alright, so since v^2 = 2gh you substitute and get Cosx= 2h/r. But how is theta a function of h??
  • #17

malta said:
... Cosx= 2h/r. But how is theta a function of h??

Even better then eh?

Looks like you can do a lot of substituting.
  • #18

Yeah but with what? what can i substitute cosx with?
  • #19

malta said:
Yeah but with what? what can i substitute cosx with?

For one thing it's not 2h/r.

But if you make a drawing you can figure out what Cosθ is in terms of R and h.
  • #20

Ok let's see now, so Cosx= a/g

a= v^2/R

So Cosx= a/g = v^2/ Rg = 2h/R

Ok and Cosx=R-h/R

So R-h/R = 2h/R

thats what I could figure out, but i need to figure out the angle when it drops off the sphere
  • #21

  • #22

malta said:
Ok let's see now, so Cosx= a/g

a= v^2/R

So Cosx= a/g = v^2/ Rg = 2h/R

Ok and Cosx=R-h/R

So R-h/R = 2h/R

thats what I could figure out, but i need to figure out the angle when it drops off the sphere

That's almost right.

Cosθ is what you're solving for right? So don't you need to be eliminating h and not Cosθ?

And isn't Cosθ really = (R-h)/R ?
  • #23

Oh ok yeah I am solving for Cosx=(R-h)/R
So wouldn't the angle be arcCos of (R-h)/R?
  • #24

malta said:
Oh ok yeah I am solving for Cosx=(R-h)/R
So wouldn't the angle be arcCos of (R-h)/R?

Yes. But you need to eliminate h. Or eliminating R works too.

Cosθ is just a dimensionless ratio.
  • #25

How would I go by eliminating either h or R? Also would you mind looking at my other post about static friction, its driving me nuts trying to figure it out

Thanks for your help man
  • #26

You have it sitting right in front of you.

2h/R = (R-h)/R

2h = R - h

R = 3h


Cosθ = (R - h)/R = (3h - h)/3h = 2h/3h = 2/3
  • #27

oh haha yeah that makes sense, thanks for all your help man, I am trying to pull an all nighter here for physics. Thanks again

FAQ: Penny sits on top of a frictionless sphere, please

1. What is the physics behind Penny sitting on top of a frictionless sphere?

The physics behind Penny sitting on top of a frictionless sphere is related to Newton's laws of motion and the concept of centripetal force. The frictionless surface of the sphere allows for the penny to maintain its position without any external forces acting on it.

2. How does the frictionless surface affect Penny's position on the sphere?

The frictionless surface eliminates any opposing forces that would cause the penny to roll or slide off the sphere. This allows the penny to remain in a state of equilibrium on top of the sphere.

3. Can the penny stay on top of the frictionless sphere indefinitely?

In theory, yes, the penny can stay on top of the frictionless sphere indefinitely as long as there are no external forces acting on it. However, in reality, there may be small imperfections in the surface of the sphere or disturbances in the environment that could eventually cause the penny to fall off.

4. What would happen if the frictionless surface was replaced with a surface that has friction?

If the frictionless surface was replaced with a surface that has friction, the penny would eventually start to roll or slide off the sphere due to the opposing forces of friction. This would result in the penny losing its state of equilibrium and falling off the sphere.

5. How is this concept of frictionless surfaces and centripetal force used in real life?

This concept is used in various industries, such as in the design and operation of roller coasters, centrifuges, and even in the study of planetary motion. The elimination of friction allows for smoother and more efficient movement, while the use of centripetal force helps to maintain stability and balance.

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