Torque, Rotation, Pulley problem

In summary, a block that is 2.5 kg and a block that is 1.5 kg are attached to opposite ends of a light rope. The rope hangs over a frictionless pulley that is 30 cm in diameter and has a mass of .75 kg. When the blocks are released, the lighter block will have an accelerated of 26.133 m/s^2.
  • #1
1. A 2.5 kg block and a 1.5 kg block are attached to opposite ends of a light rope. The rope hangs over a solid frictionless pulley that is 30 cm in diameter and has a mass of .75 kg. When the blocks are released, what is the acceleration of the lighter block.

Ok, the book says 2.2m/s^2, but i cannot come to that, and the book has been wrong in the past. I'm pretty sure the acceleration on the block will be the same as the tangential acceleration of the rope over the pulley, which is angular acceleration*r

2. a=angular acceleration/r
angular accereration=Net Torque/Moment of Inertia(I)
Net Torque=mass of b1*gr-mass of b2*gr
I=1/2(mass of pulley)(r)^2

3. Ok here we go.


Net Torque=2.5kg(9.8m/s^2)(.15m)-1.5kg(9.8m/s^2)(.15m)

angular acceleration= 1.47/.0084375


Who's right and who's wrong, or are both of us wrong?
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  • #2
cdbowman42 said:
Net Torque=mass of b1*gr-mass of b2*gr
This is incorrect. The net torque on the pulley would be due to the tensions in the rope, not the weight of the blocks. (The tension in the rope does not equal the weight of the blocks.)
  • #3
But assumimg the rope is massless and the pulley is frictionless, wouldn't the tension in the rope be equal to the weight of the blocks?
  • #4
cdbowman42 said:
But assumimg the rope is massless and the pulley is frictionless, wouldn't the tension in the rope be equal to the weight of the blocks?

that would be assuming it is in equilibrium. But there is acceleration.
  • #5
cdbowman42 said:
But assumimg the rope is massless and the pulley is frictionless, wouldn't the tension in the rope be equal to the weight of the blocks?
No. As azicker93 points out, if that were true the blocks would be in equilibrium.

Perhaps you're thinking of when you have a massless rope and a frictionless and massless pulley. In that case, the tension would be uniform throughout the rope--the same on both sides of the pulley. But that's not relevant here.
  • #6
Ok so the tensions in each side are different. But are the accelerations of both blocks the same?
  • #7
Ok here is my new approach.

alpha=angular acceleration
M=mass of pulley
m1=1.5 kg block
m2=2.5 kg block
a=acceleration of blocks
alpha=Net Torque/I
alpha =2(T1-T2)/Mr

acceleration is in the negative direction since the heavier block is moving down
a= -alpha*r
= -r*[2(T1-T2)/Mr]
a= -2(T1-T2)/M

I rearrange the above equation to get:
T1-T2= -(1/2)Ma
Phew, ok, I do Newton's second law for
each block and get:

Now i use substitution with these 3 equations to solve for T1, T2, and a.

T1-T2= -(1/2)Ma

I come out with a= -15.68, T1= -8.82, and T2= -14.7

And -15.68 m/s^2 doesn't agree with the books answer of 2.2 m/s^2

Where did i go wrong this time? I have a feeling it may have something to do with both blocks are accelerating in different directions.
  • #8
I think you're messing up with signs.
cdbowman42 said:
Ok here is my new approach.

alpha=angular acceleration
M=mass of pulley
m1=1.5 kg block
m2=2.5 kg block
a=acceleration of blocks
alpha=Net Torque/I
alpha =2(T1-T2)/Mr
Note that since T2 > T1, this makes alpha negative. Not a good idea. Let alpha be the magnitude of the acceleration, and write it with T2 - T1, instead of T1 - T2.

acceleration is in the negative direction since the heavier block is moving down
a= -alpha*r
= -r*[2(T1-T2)/Mr]
a= -2(T1-T2)/M
Let 'a' stand for the magnitude of the acceleration. Then the acceleration of m_2 will be -a (using the standard convention of up = positive) and the acceleration of m_1 will be +a.

Redo your equations with that in mind.
Where did i go wrong this time? I have a feeling it may have something to do with both blocks are accelerating in different directions.
As I point out above, I believe you made mistakes with the sign of the acceleration.

(Note: If you ever get a negative value for tension, you know you made an error somewhere.)
  • #9
Ok that worked. Now, is there an easier way to solve this?

FAQ: Torque, Rotation, Pulley problem

1. What is torque and how is it related to rotation?

Torque is a measure of the turning or twisting force of an object. In rotational motion, torque is the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis or pivot point. It is directly related to the force applied and the distance from the axis of rotation.

2. How do I calculate torque in a pulley system?

To calculate torque in a pulley system, you need to multiply the force applied to the pulley by the radius of the pulley. This will give you the torque at the point where the force is applied. If the pulley is connected to other objects, you will need to take into account the torque from those objects as well.

3. How does the number of pulleys affect the torque and rotation in a system?

The number of pulleys in a system can affect the torque and rotation in different ways. In a simple pulley system with one fixed and one movable pulley, the force required to lift an object is reduced but the distance over which the force must be applied is increased, resulting in the same amount of torque. In a system with multiple pulleys, the torque can be increased or decreased depending on the arrangement of the pulleys.

4. What is the difference between static and dynamic torque in a rotating system?

Static torque refers to the torque required to start an object rotating or to keep it rotating at a constant speed. Dynamic torque, on the other hand, refers to the torque required to change the rotational speed of an object. In simpler terms, static torque is the force needed to overcome inertia, while dynamic torque is the force needed to change the speed of rotation.

5. How do I solve a torque, rotation, or pulley problem in a physics or engineering context?

To solve a torque, rotation, or pulley problem, you need to first identify all the forces acting on the system and their direction. Then, you can use the equations for torque, rotational motion, and pulley systems to calculate the unknown variables. It is important to keep track of units and use the correct formulas for the specific problem at hand.

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