Why Is Static Friction Acting on Block B?

In summary, the conversation discusses two blocks, A and B, with weights 20 N and 100 N, respectively, being pressed against a wall by a force F. The coefficients of friction between the blocks and between block B and the wall are given as 0.1 and 0.15, respectively. The frictional force applied by the wall on block B is being calculated, and the conversation also touches upon the concept of Newton's third law and equilibrium.
  • #1

Homework Statement

;Given in the figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 N and 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed against a wall by a force F as shown. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.1 and between block B and the wall is 0.15, the frictional force applied by the wall on block B is

Homework Equations

f 1(static friction force acting on block A)=20 N=mass of A multiplied by g.

The Attempt at a Solution


Here f 2=f1+ m g B= 120 N
The only thing I don't understand is why f1 is acting on block B?[/B]
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  • #2
gracy said:

Homework Statement

;Given in the figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 N and 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed against a wall by a force F as shown. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.1 and between block B and the wall is 0.15, the frictional force applied by the wall on block B is
View attachment 81959 [/B]

Homework Equations

f 1(static friction force acting on block A)=20 N=mass of A multiplied by g.

The Attempt at a Solution

:View attachment 81960
Here f 2=f1+ m g B= 120 N
The only thing I don't understand is why f1 is acting on block B?[/B]
Because action and reaction are equal and opposite. If B is exerting a force f1 up on A, A must be exerting a force of the same magnitude down on B.
  • #3
The coefficient of [static] friction is a limit on how high the frictional force can go before the objects that are in contact start slipping. It may or may not be the applicable limit in this case. First one needs to decide whether the blocks are sliding or are sticking.

A coefficient of friction [static or dynamic] relates the tangential force of friction to the perpendicular force with which the surfaces are pressing on one another. This perpendicular force is usually called the "normal force". The word "normal" in this case means "perpendicular", not "ordinary".

With this in mind, what is the normal force between block B and the wall?
  • #4
jbriggs444 said:
The word "normal" in this case means "perpendicular", not "ordinary".
Oh,this I know of course.:smile:
  • #5
haruspex said:
Because action and reaction are equal and opposite. If B is exerting a force f1 up on A, A must be exerting a force of the same magnitude down on B.
But ,f1 is not exerted by A alone,it's a force of friction.It is due to contact between both A and B.Newton's third law will be applicable here also?
  • #6
gracy said:
But ,f1 is not exerted by A alone,it's a friction force.It is due to contact between both A and B.Newton's third law will be applicable here also?
As far as A is concerned, it is just an external force exerted on it. Doesn't matter whether it's friction or, or a nail, or magnetic...
Similarly for B. Yes the action and reaction law applies.
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Likes gracy
  • #7
haruspex said:
Yes the action and reaction law applies.
Oh,this I didn't know of course.:smile:
  • #8
Thanks jbrigs444 and haruspex .
  • #9
Then f 1(static friction force acting on block A) should also be =f2 +mA multiplied by g
  • #10
gracy said:
Then f 1(static friction force acting on block A) should also be =f2 +mA multiplied by g
But if it is true we will not get the same answer for f2 i.e 120N.
  • #11
gracy said:
Then f 1(static friction force acting on block A) should also be =f2 +mA multiplied by g
  • #12
For the same reason i.e Newton's third law.
  • #13
gracy said:
For the same reason i.e Newton's third law.

Show your work. Why does Newton's third law require that f2 = f1 + mAg?
  • #14
Because of Newton's third law f2 will also act on block A But in downward direction because f2 is acting on B upward.So for equilibrium of block A.
So f1=f2+mA g
  • #15
gracy said:
Because of Newton's third law f2 will also act on block A But in downward direction because f2 is acting on B upward.So for equilibrium of block A.
So f1=f2+mA g
That is a completely incorrect understanding of Newton's third law. F2 acts between block B and on the wall. It does not act on block A at all.
  • #16
jbriggs444 said:
F2 acts between block B and on the wall. It does not act on block A at all.
Oh,sorry.I misunderstood f2.My bad.I thought f2 is force of friction between the two blocks experienced by Block A.
I labeled that f2 =friction between wall and block B but forgot.Really sorry.
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  • #17
gracy said:
.I thought f2 is force of friction between the two blocks experienced by Block A.
Even this is wrong.But now I am clear .I know force of friction between the two blocks experienced by Block A is f1 acting in downward direction.
  • #18
My ideas and thoughts are all jumbling.I think,I should sleep now.

FAQ: Why Is Static Friction Acting on Block B?

1. What causes the blocks to stay in place against the wall?

The blocks stay in place against the wall due to the forces acting on them. The force of gravity pulls the blocks towards the ground, while the frictional force between the blocks and the wall prevents them from sliding down.

2. Can the weight or mass of the blocks affect their stability against the wall?

Yes, the weight or mass of the blocks can affect their stability. Heavier blocks will have a stronger force of gravity pulling them down, making it harder for the frictional force to keep them in place. Lighter blocks may be easier to keep in place against the wall.

3. What is the relationship between the angle of the blocks and their stability against the wall?

The angle of the blocks can affect their stability against the wall. If the blocks are pushed too far out from the wall, the frictional force may not be strong enough to keep them in place. The closer the blocks are to being parallel with the wall, the more stable they will be.

4. How does the surface material of the blocks and the wall affect their stability?

The surface material of the blocks and the wall can affect their stability. If the blocks and the wall have rough surfaces, the frictional force between them will be stronger and the blocks will be more stable. However, if the surfaces are smooth, the frictional force may not be strong enough to keep the blocks in place.

5. Is there a maximum weight or mass that the blocks can have in order to stay in place against the wall?

There is no specific maximum weight or mass for the blocks to stay in place against the wall. The stability of the blocks will depend on a combination of factors such as the angle, surface material, and the strength of the frictional force compared to the force of gravity. However, generally, heavier blocks will require a stronger frictional force to stay in place against the wall.
