Recent content by Edgewood11

  1. E

    How is energy produced through nuclear fusion?

    Why isn't helium's binding energy less than deuterium and tritium combined? Helium= 28 MeV Deuterium= 2 MeV Tritium= 8 MeV I thought fusion created energy because helium's binding energy is less than d and t?
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    How is energy produced through nuclear fusion?

    How is mass lost in fusion and how is this mass turned to energy? I need a very detailed explanation as to how mass is lost in deuterium/tritium fusion and how energy is produced (e=mc2).
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    How is energy produced through nuclear fusion?

    Why does nuclear fusion produce energy? I understand that strong forces overcome electrostatic forces and a neutron is released. But why does this happen? Where does e=mc2 come? What matter is converted to energy?
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    How is energy produced through nuclear fusion?

    I need a detailed explanation as to how nuclear fusion works. How it produces energy and why? Be very specific as I have a general understanding.
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    Programs Job outlook for a physics degree

    So essentially you won't even end up doing physics. What would you suggest as a major? I love biology but more specifically biochemistry. However I do not see high salaries. Furthermore, there are not nearly as many coop opportunities as engineering.
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    Programs Job outlook for a physics degree

    Hello, My name is John and I live in the cincinnati area in Ohio. I am a senior this year and I am going through the process of finding a college and choosing a major. Initially, I was dead set on a biochemistry degree. However, through research and looking at facts and figures the salary...
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    Quantum physics computer program simulations

    Does anyone know of any computer programs that can be used for quantum mechanics applications?
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    How Can I Determine the Eye Color Alleles I Might Pass to My Children?

    Blue eyes are most certainly homozygous dominant (bb). Therefore it will depend on your significant other's eye color. If she has brown eyes then your offspring will probably have brown eyes (Bb).
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    Neurological mechanism for perceiving time?

    Circadian rhythms are found in many different organism such as plants. In fact, plants use light and photoperiods to tell time. When nights get longer/shorter they will flower accordingly. As for humans, melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland at night and is used to tell time...
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    Hiroshima Little Boy Atomic Bomb Physics Help

    Hiroshima "Little Boy" Atomic Bomb Physics Help I just wanted some feedback on a paper I just finished. Did I do everything correctly and does it make sense? It seems my data supports information I found online: "It contained 64 kg (140 lb) of uranium, of which less than a kilogram underwent...
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    Photon detector used in Young's Double Slit experiment?

    Would Kodak film for a disposable camera work and closely replicate his results?
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    Laser pointer shined on photographic film?

    Because I'm talking about just standard film you would put in an old throw away camera. I didn't think that kind of film was that sensitive.
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    Laser pointer shined on photographic film?

    What would happen if I bought highly sensitive photographic film such as ASA 800 and shined a laser pointer on it? When I get it developed will the photons that the laser emitted show up on the film?
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    Photon detector used in Young's Double Slit experiment?

    I am trying to recreate Young's double slit experiment and I can't figure out what he used to detect the photons. In some things I read it says he used a photographic plate. However, these are outdated and no longer available. Any ideas?