Recent content by Prof. 27

  1. Prof. 27

    Finding Cosets of subgroup <(3,2,1)> of G = S3

    Wait I think I just figured it out. Since one of the elements of H is the identity element g must be one of the three elements listed in gH.
  2. Prof. 27

    Finding Cosets of subgroup <(3,2,1)> of G = S3

    Okay, so this makes more sense now. I was in the mindset of Zn when I saw H. So we have S3 = {(1)(2)(3), (1)(2, 3), (3)(1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2), (2)(1, 3)} With H = <(3,2,1)> Using permutation multiplication to generate H we get: (3,2,1)^1 = (3,2,1) = (1,3,2) (3,2,1)^2 = (1,2,3) (3,2,1)^3...
  3. Prof. 27

    Finding Cosets of subgroup <(3,2,1)> of G = S3

    Homework Statement Find all cosets of the subgroup H in the group G given below. What is the index (G : H)? H = <(3,2,1)>, G = S3 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I will leave out the initial (1,2,3) part of the permutation. We have S3 =...
  4. Prof. 27

    System.Threading Multiple Timers in C#

    Homework Statement Basically I'm trying to create two timers using System.threading.timer that run in parallel. One that runs for a minute, one that runs for a second. When I run the program I get nonsensical output. Despite reading a lot of stack overflow questions I can't seem to find where...
  5. Prof. 27

    Angle between vector and tangent vector

    Homework Statement My problem is: For the logarithmic spiral R(t) = (e^t cost, e^t sint), show that the angle between R(t) and the tangent vector at R(t) is independent of t. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution The tangent vector is just the vector that you get when you take the...
  6. Prof. 27

    Solve Difficult Integral: ∫ex t-2 dt

    Oh I'm so sorry! I mis-wrote the integral. It is: ∫e-x2 x-2 dt
  7. Prof. 27

    Solve Difficult Integral: ∫ex t-2 dt

    Homework Statement Hi, I'm doing a variation of parameters problem for my differential equations class. It requires solving the integral: ∫ex t-2 dt I am sure my professor did not give me an impossible integral and that there is some algebraic "trick" to solving it, but despite going through...
  8. Prof. 27

    Comp Sci Problem with C++ Information Structures, Pointers, Arrays

    Didn't change anything. Thanks for the pointer though.
  9. Prof. 27

    Comp Sci Problem with C++ Information Structures, Pointers, Arrays

    Homework Statement So I'm getting an error when I try to compile my C++ code: Debug Error Abort() has been called I have commented the code reasonably well, but the idea of the program is to take a file, separate the contents in each line to a part of a structure containing: Product Lookup...
  10. Prof. 27

    Why Am I Getting Two Blocks of Zeroes in My Console Output?

    Additionally, I'd add I'm setting up to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
  11. Prof. 27

    Why Am I Getting Two Blocks of Zeroes in My Console Output?

    Homework Statement So, I'm getting two blocks of zeroes in my console output from this program. After much effort (and stack exchange) I'm still unable to get it working. Could someone point me to a solution? Mod note: Added code tags Homework Equations #include<iostream> #include<iomanip>...
  12. Prof. 27

    Showing that Something is a Subspace of R^3

    Thanks. That makes sense I think.
  13. Prof. 27

    Showing that Something is a Subspace of R^3

    Changed parts in bold Later changes are in italics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since y,z ∈ ℝ y+z ∈ ℝ because ℝ is closed under addition. So x ∈ ℝ. :Break: Let u = (x,y,z) be some vector in W. Let v = (a,b,c) be some vector in W...
  14. Prof. 27

    Showing that Something is a Subspace of R^3

    Okay, so x + a = y + z + b + c, which satisfies the dependence of both x,a on the other respective components. So (x+a,y+b,z+c) is in W?
  15. Prof. 27

    Showing that Something is a Subspace of R^3

    Homework Statement The question asks to show whether the following are sub-spaces of R^3. Here is the first problem. I want to make sure I'm on the right track. Problem: Show that W = {(x,y,z) : x,y,z ∈ ℝ; x = y + z} is a subspace of R^3. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution...