Recent content by RJ Emery

  1. R

    B Galactic Sheets and Voids

    I’m interested in learning more about galactic sheets and voids. Via testimonials, what books or texts discuss and expound on that topic?
  2. R

    Book Recommendation for learning about the Higgs Boson (layman level)

    Summary: Non-Mathematical Description of the Higgs Boson I seek a recommendation for a book written for the layman describing the physics of the Higgs boson and related topics. Books that I have found tend towards the history leading up to the discovery of the Higgs or biographies of Peter...
  3. R

    Quantum Modern Physics Textbook Recommendations for Top-Tier Universities

    I seek current textbook recommendations for Modern Physics (Relativity, Quantum, Nuclear, Particles), upper undergraduate and graduate level, preferably that which are used at top-tier universities. Suggestions appreciated.
  4. R

    I Dark Energy: Exploring Negative Pressure's Role in Universe Expansion

    If you bothered to read the original post, I gave the publication, issue date, and page number. The article is not available online in the public domain. You will not be getting a link because there is no link.
  5. R

    I Dark Energy: Exploring Negative Pressure's Role in Universe Expansion

    A link to what? The original article online? It is behind a paywall, and unless you have a paid subscription to SA (I do) you won't be able to access it. Furthermore, I quoted the relevant paragraph. That's all there is to it. If you wish to read the full article, visit your local library.
  6. R

    I Dark Energy: Exploring Negative Pressure's Role in Universe Expansion

    In an article published in Scientific American, authors Adam Riess and Mario Livio wrote: Why negative pressure? I would think the pressure would be positive, thus making gravity repulsive.
  7. R

    B How can a particle be its own antiparticle?

    I seek an explanation as to how a particle can be its own anti-particle. I would think the instant such a particle comes into existence, it would self-annihilate.
  8. R

    Volcanic Ash Clouds -- Why do they flatten at certain altitudes when rising?

    In the continental United States, all weather generally moves west to east or northeast, so your observation about the tip of the anvil does not surprise me. Nevertheless, thanks for sharing.
  9. R

    Volcanic Ash Clouds -- Why do they flatten at certain altitudes when rising?

    They might or could. They are typically near the top of the troposphere and flow westerly (west to east), but they may not be above an erupting volcano.
  10. R

    B What Happens When You Fall Into a Black Hole According to Stephen Hawking?

    Thank you for the elaboration. It is most helpful.
  11. R

    B What Happens When You Fall Into a Black Hole According to Stephen Hawking?

    Ah, yes! Gravitational redshift would explain it. Thank you.
  12. R

    B What Happens When You Fall Into a Black Hole According to Stephen Hawking?

    Stephen Hawking, in his book Brief Answers to the Big Questions (2018), wrote the following (pp. 106-107): "If you fall towards a black hole feet first, gravity will pull harder on your feet than your head, because they are nearer the black hole. The result is that you will be stretched out...
  13. R

    Volcanic Ash Clouds -- Why do they flatten at certain altitudes when rising?

    Why do plumes of smoke or ash rise to a certain elevation and then appear flattened?
  14. R

    How Many Natural Elements Are There?

    I always thought there were 92 natural elements, ending with atomic number 92 Uranium. However, I read where 94 are considered natural, to wit, 93 Neptunium and 94 Plutonium. Yet, the latter two need to be synthetically prepared. How can they be considered natural? Was 94 always the accepted...
  15. R

    Source for Reviews/New Listings for STEM Titles

    I am a reader of the NYT and the WSJ, and I am interested in all things STEM qualitative or quantatative. The level of complexity is not important. If I do not know the mathematics, I will learn it to add to my repertoire. I have no idea what Virasoro algebras are, but I will soon find out...