Recent content by snypehype46

  1. snypehype46

    Riemann curvature coefficients using Cartan structure equation

    To calculate the Riemann coefficient for a metric ##g##, one can employ the second Cartan's structure equation: $$\frac{1}{2} \Omega_{ab} (\theta^a \wedge \theta^b) = -\frac{1}{4} R_{ijkl} (dx^i \wedge dx^j)(dx^k \wedge dx^l)$$ and using the tetrad formalism to compute the coefficients of the...
  2. snypehype46

    I Computing Ricci Tensor Coefficients w/ Tetrad Formalism

    Ok I see, so for the term ##\Gamma^3_{[13]}##, we used the last equation. My point of confusion is why we don't care about the factor involving ##\theta^2 \wedge \theta^3##
  3. snypehype46

    I Computing Ricci Tensor Coefficients w/ Tetrad Formalism

    @martinbn what is the meaning of the dots?
  4. snypehype46

    I Computing Ricci Tensor Coefficients w/ Tetrad Formalism

    I'm reading "Differentiable manifolds: A Theoretical Physics Approach" by Castillo and on page 170 of the book a calculation of the Ricci tensor coefficients for a metric is illustrated. In the book the starting point for this method is the equation given by: $$d\theta^i = \Gamma^i_{[jk]}...
  5. snypehype46

    Computing OPEs of linear dilaton CFT

    I'm trying to do the following question from David Tong's problem sheets on string theory: > A theory of a free scalar field has OPE $$\partial X(z)\partial X(w) = \frac{\alpha'}{2}\frac{1}{(z-w)^2}+...$$. Consider the putative candidate for the stress energy tensor $$T(z) = \frac{1}{\alpha '}...
  6. snypehype46

    I Mass spectrum of open bosonic strings

    I'm learning string theory from the book by Zwiebach and others. I'm trying to understand the quantisation of the open string and its mass spectrum. In light-cone gauge the mass-shell condition of an open string is given by: $$M^2 = 2(N - 1)/l_s^2$$ where ##N =...
  7. snypehype46

    Exercise involving Dirac fields and Fermionic commutation relations

    I'm trying to the following exercise: I've proven the first part and now I'm trying to do the same thing for fermions. The formulas for the mode expansions are: What I did was the following: $$\begin{align*} \sum_s \int d\tilde{q} \left(a_s(q) u(q,s) e^{-iq \cdot x}+ b_s^\dagger(q) v(q,s)...
  8. snypehype46

    Computing the spectrum of a Lagrangian in field theory

    I have the following lagrangian density: $$L = \bar{\psi}i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi - g\bar{\psi}(\sigma + i\gamma^5\pi)\psi + \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \sigma)^2+ \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu \pi)^2 -V(\sigma^2 + \pi^2)$$ where $\pi$ and $\sigma$ are scalar fields. I have show that this...
  9. snypehype46

    Amplitude of Feynman diagram in ##\phi^4## interactions

    This is not really homework assigned to me but I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm trying to work through the book "Quantum Field Theory for Gifted Amateurs" by Tom Lancaster. I'm doing the questions on Chapter 19 to understand how to draw Feynman diagrams and work out their amplitude. One of...
  10. snypehype46

    I Functor between the category of Hilbert Space and the category of sets

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I think I understand that is what's intended. My question is more: why is it not possible to find such a functor?
  11. snypehype46

    I Functor between the category of Hilbert Space and the category of sets

    I have a question that is related to categories and physics. I was reading this paper by John Baez in which he describes a TQFT as a functor from the category nCob (n-dimensional cobordisms) to Vector spaces. At the beginning of the paper @john baez...
  12. snypehype46

    I Help with a paper on semiclassical strings in anti-desitter space

    Hi, I was given the task to read this paper entitled "A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence" by Polyakov. On page 7 of this paper it is mentioned that the maximal radial coordinate of the string is p0 and that the string is constrained by...