Hello. I understand that plotting the hauptpole (I believe it's called "instantaneous center of rotation" in English) in STATICS is useful for virtual displacements.
I know the rules: Hauptpol (ICR, which is denoted (0, #member) ) are located where a support of a member is fixed. For a member...
I want to calculate center of rotation for monocopter, from inertial reference frame,earth.
One case when fly in the air in one steady height/place and second case is in free space,then has rocket engine instead fan.
I draw forces what I think that must exist.
Ft(thurst)= 100N
Dear People,
I have a question. I have a rotating tube like a line that has two end and one of them is the center of rotation (like a watch arrow just tube), and inside the tube a mass that is moving towards the center of rotation. So the masses moving along the line aka along the length of the...
I'm not too sure how to account for both the mass and the rope at once.
I think the following are true for the two individually:
For the mass at the end, ## T = m ω^2 L ##, following from ##a = v^2/r##and ##v=ωr##.
For the rope, ##dT = ω^2 r dM##, where ##dM = λ dr## and λ is the mass per unit...
In absence of any other forces, if you push a free object not on the center of mass, during the application of the force (not after) should it only rotate around its instantaneous center of rotation (also called pole or center of oscillation/percussion)? Or it can also be subjected to...
<Mentor's note: ^Moved from a technical forum and therefore no template.>
at the instant shown during deceleration, the velocity of the tire is 40 ft/s to the right and the velocity of point A is 5ft/s to the right. locate the instantenous center of rotation.
Can the instantaneous center of...
The problem is this, what happens to angular momentum, tangential velocity and centripetal force when you change the center of rotation.
For example, if we have rotating hinged arm, weight at the end, with certain angular momentum and tangential speed etc. which then gets stopped at...
Suppose we have a rigid body that rotates around a point P other than its center of mass, with point P being a point of the rigid body. This implies that there are external forces to the rigid body. If the external forces cease to exist(like we have an axis passing through P and we suddenly...
Homework Statement
Where are the instantaneous centers of rotation?
Instantaneous center of rotation =
1. Velocity is 0 in this point.
2. This can be also a point where 2 parts "touch" each other and have the same velocity in this point.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution...
Suppose we have a free rod on a frictionless surface: if we hit it on a tip it will translate and rotate around its CM.
What happens if we hit it at any other point between tip and CM? will it still rotate around CM?, if not, is it easy to find the center of rotation?
If not, are the 3...
Homework Statement
what is the instantaneous center of rotation for the rigid body.
OA = 16
AB = 25
AD = 60
BC = 35
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am assuming the values angles and vectors from red...
Homework Statement
A guy is spinning on a chair with his hands at rest on his lap. As he is spinning, a large mass drops into his hands/lap. Does the guy continue spinning at the same rate, a slower rate, or a faster rate?
This video demonstrates what happens when the guy drops mass...
I want to find the instantaneous center of rotation of a differential drive robot. Assuming I know that the robot will travel with a particular linear and angular velocity (v,w) I can use the equations (given here http://rossum.sourceforge.net/papers/CalculationsForRobotics/CirclePath.htm...
I am trying to solve the following problem:
va=vr+ ω × rra
vb=vr+ ω ×(rra+rab)
vc=vr+ ω × (rra+rac)
I know the vectors va, vb, vc, rab and rac and I want to know the angular velocity vector, the radius rra and the velocity vr. Physically it means that I know 3 points on a rigid...
The figure below shows the piston-cylinder-crank arrangement in an internal combustion engine. When the piston is in the position shown in the figure, it has a downward speed of 900ft/min.
I converted the 900ft/min to 180in/sec.
I did the whole problem but I realized I used the wrong length...
If w = 1.0 rad/s
lenght 1 = 2 m
lenght 2 = 3 m
lenght 3 = 4 m
each circl is a object weighing 1 kg.
find center of rotation
and tension in the massless rods
getting center of rotation was easy
but tension..
well i know if there's 3 objects, to get...