Computational physics Definition and 167 Threads

Computational physics is the study and implementation of numerical analysis to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. Historically, computational physics was the first application of modern computers in science, and is now a subset of computational science.
It is sometimes regarded as a subdiscipline (or offshoot) of theoretical physics, but others consider it an intermediate branch between theoretical and experimental physics - an area of study which supplements both theory and experiment.

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  1. S

    Mathematica Mathematica: Speed up NIntegrate

    I have simplified my problem here, in my actual problem the matrix is much bigger which makes it impossible to find eigenvalues analytically. So, I chose standard BCS problem (2x2 matrix) to demonstrate my problem with Mathematica. But, with even this simple case, it takes forever to integrate...
  2. C

    MSc Computational Physics: career options & salary?

    I have a BSc of Physics from a different university. I start my MSc of Computational Physics next semester (I've just been taking courses at the new university this semester). I am an above-average programmer with a pretty good background in CS theory. I am very multidisciplinary and have lots...
  3. J

    What options are available for pursuing a PhD in computational physics?

    Undergrad here. Does anyone on this forum have experience working in a computational physics research group at the graduate level? I noticed Carnegie Mellon has "computational physics" as a research area for its physics PhD students. It sounds like it would be right up my alley but it's unclear...
  4. E

    Computational Physics: Four Wave Mixing Signal Amplification

    I made this code for a non linear process called Four Wave Mixing in which. Two pulses will enter a fiber to get a new wave called idler and try to amplify the signal but I think it's not working well because of the units so I called them in the figure arbitrary units until the problem is fixed...
  5. H

    Useful Classes for Computational Physics?

    I'm an undergraduate Physics major. By next semester I'll be three classes away from a Computer Science minor. I've taken a few programming classes and really enjoyed them(java and C#), so I will most likely be going the theoretical/computational route for grad school. I've selected some...
  6. J

    Is computational physics a PhD area of study?

    If someone wanted to go into computational physics, would that be the PhD area of study, or is it just a branch of the better known areas, like hep, condensed matter, etc. Also is it considered theoretical or experimental? (I would assume experimental). Thanks!
  7. S

    Computational Physics or E+M course

    Next semester I have a choice to take a computational physics course or E+M 2. The materials covered in the computational physics course are: applications of scientific computational techniques to solutions of differential equations, matrix methods, and Monte Carlo methods used in physics...
  8. T

    Java Suitability of Java for computational physics, as compared with C or F

    I have recently begun physics graduate school. My own programming background is in Java, but I haven't done much computational physics of a caliber that required me to implement things *well*. My research advisor states that most of the numerical simulation that takes place in our field...
  9. C

    Good careers in Computational Physics?

    I'm trying to go into big data and I like physics so I'm going for a degree in computational physics. I'm thinking of learning Hadoop and Storm, because all of the corporate careers seem to require them. Am I barking up the right tree? What kind of career path will a Bachelor's in Computational...
  10. P

    Computational Physics Book Based ON ''c'' Programming

    I am a beginner at computational physics. I have knowledge on C programming only and some knowledge on numerical analysis. please suggest me books which I can follow to learn Comp.physics. The book must be based on C programming. I do not have knowledge on python, java or fortran. please help.
  11. C

    Undergrad computational physics text?

    Hi everyone. I've had my BS in physics for 5 years now, and I'm looking to brush up on some areas that I never covered in my undergrad career. Specifically, I'm looking for an undergrad computational physics textbook that I could use to work through some "real-world" physical examples and...
  12. N

    Computational Physics vs Computational Engineering

    Hi everyone, next year i will finish my Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, since physics is my passion , i was a little bit in doubt to which course to choose in order to become a physicist. My doubt is about these courses: - Photonics Engineering (from electronics eng. department)...
  13. G

    Computational physics specialization

    I really like all (most) fields of physics and I find it hard to choose a specialization for my master's and eventually my career. Is it possible to specialize in computational physics so that I could work in many different fields?
  14. C

    Masters in computational physics

    Has anyone here done a masters in computational physics? I am doing a double major in computer science and physics and it was always my intention to combine both fields for a career. I am basically finished with my CS degree and I have a very valuable internship at a large IT company doing...
  15. J

    Comp Sci Computational Physics Programming using fortran g95

    Homework Statement Create a program that computes for the value of sine function. Then compute for its integral from 0 to pi with N intervals, where N=4,8,16,256 and 1024 and compare the result for the trapezoid and simpson method. Homework Equations Trapezoid rule of Integration...
  16. J

    Computational Physics Machine Problem

    We need to think of a machine problem which we are going to simulate and solve using fortran programming. Can someone please give me an idea on what machine problem to do? Something easy please coz I don't really have much idea about programming. I only know the basics. Thanks :)
  17. J

    Computational Physics (Making programs for interpolation and differentiation)

    Homework Statement Chapter 4 1. Write a program that implements the first order (linear) interpolation 2. Write a program that implemets n-point Lagrange interpolation. Trean n as an imput parameter. 3. Apply the program to study the quality of the Lagrange interpolation to functions...
  18. K

    Which is the Best Computational Physics Book Based on C Programming?

    Can anyone recommend a good book on computational physics. I have a good understanding of C and would like the book to be based around C. Thanks =D
  19. Astronuc

    Computational Physics and Advanced Computing in Nuclear Engineering

    We occasionally get questions related to codes and computational methods. There have been considerable advances in computational methods and computational systems in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear engineering. This thread serves to address previous developments and follow current...
  20. N

    Alternative to Computational Physics

    Hello I'll get straight to the point. I'm really interested in going into Computational Physics. Where I live (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) not many offer that program nor are any of them close to me who do offer the program. I was wondering if it would be alright for me to do something...
  21. N

    Computational Physics: University Programs in Toronto, Canada

    Do universities offer both as a mixed program? Or do I have to major in one and minor in the other? If it would help, I'm in Toronto Canada. Thank you. :)
  22. C

    Computational Physics: Should I Get a BS or BA?

    Hello, I'm interested in pursuing a career in computational physics or any field that involves computer science and physics (both are my majors). I have also considered video game programming and simulation/modeling. You get the idea. My question is - for someone who wants to be a...
  23. T

    Courses Which Computer Science Course to Help in Computational Physics

    I'm doing a computational emphasis at my university and since it is as I said an emphasis not a lot of classes are required for it. I look at other schools that offer a BS in computational physics and they require a lot more CS classes. What I'm looking for is some advice in which CS or EE...
  24. G

    Numerical Analysis or Computational Physics

    So, I want attend either college X or Y; I'm using variables because I don't want to expand on the college, et cetera. If I choose to attend college X, I have to take a Computational Physics class to acquire the B.S. in Physics. Unfortunately, college Y does not offer Computational Physics as...
  25. N

    What Does a Computational Physicist Do?

    I'm an undergraduate aiming for a physics major, and I love computer science and numerical algorithms. I'm wondering: What does a computational physicist do? Would a computational physicist be programming all day or solving equations all day? I'm just kind of confused where the physics ends...
  26. K

    What Should You Study to Become a Computational Physicist?

    Hello! Some questions regarding Computational Physics: 1. Education: In becoming a Computational Physicist, What would one take as a major in the undergraduate level, and as well as in the graduate and post graduate levels (Masters and Phd, respectfully)? - Would one take a BS major in...
  27. M

    Physics Is a Transfer to UCSD for Computational Physics a Good Idea?

    Hi everyone, I'm a freshman at a community college in California. I'm planning to transfer to UC San Diego later because of their undergraduate program- B.S. in Physics with specialization in Computational Physics. I really like science and it's my dream to become a scientist but I want to...
  28. S

    Can I do grad studies in computational physics if my BSc is in chemistry?

    Hello everyone, Just wondering how different the two really are. I'm interested in developing functionals and was wondering if the two are really distinguishable. On an added note, by the time I graduate, I will have had two research terms in computational chemistry. One applications, and the...
  29. M

    Physics A-Levels for Theoretical Physics: Maths, Physics, Computing?

    I'm doing Physics, Maths and Further Maths for A Levels. I'm planning on doing Theoretical Physics in University. I had A* in Maths and A in Physics for GCSE's. I'm wondering if I should choose another subject? If so, what? Would computing be a good idea?
  30. L

    Which programming language is best for computational physics and modeling?

    I'm interested in picking up some programming skills specifically for modeling or solving physics-related things. Like solving PDE problems, like the heat or wave equation boundary problems I had in my PDE course. I'd also like to learn how to make animated simulations of the solution for...
  31. Z

    How different are Computational physics and straight physics?

    Hello, I'm a UK user, I'm 15 but I'm in lower 6th thanks to being accelerated a year. I'm very interested in physics, but I was wondering how different are the BSc courses in Computational Physics and straight Physics. Thing is, I'm not sure I'm intelligent enough to do straight physics, but I...
  32. F

    What's the difference between theoretical and computational physics?

    As I understand it, the days of paper and pencil are mostly over. So what exactly do computational physicists do that that makes them different from theoretical physicists?
  33. V

    Learn Computational Physics: An Engineering Degree Guide

    Hello all, I am currently doing an engineering degree. I am interested in doing physics related computing. Can anyone tell me what exactly is simulation? I don't have a thorough background in physics but I am willing to learn. Is that okay to work in the field of "computational physics"...
  34. C

    Physics Computational physics job prospects?

    Is a computational physics major a good compromise for someone who is not sure if they'd like to go deeper into physics, or start working for scientific or software companies?I ask because I live in the Bay area, and with Silicon Valley here, would a B.S. in applied physics sound like a good...
  35. T

    Physics Computational Physics: Is It Employable in Industry?

    I'd like to apply to university in an undergrad physics program because I love math and physics (I took college mechanics, E&M and currently taking waves and modern physics). The university I plan to go to offers different specializations for the final year, one of them being computational...
  36. G

    Had computational Physics today successfully modelled any reaction in chemistry?

    I read a book about Feynman,saying that the chemistry may be explained by quantum physics. I got a question now: Are there anybody on the world had maken a practical numerical model which had modeled any chemistry reaction successfully from principle of Physics? I know some chemistry people...
  37. A

    Questions on Studying Computational Physics in Undergrads

    Well, I just learned that my department offers a Computational Physics sequences for 1 year. From the syllabus, it seems computational physics involves numerical analysis and some simulations. I want to know, is this a subject by itself (meaning there are some researches going on it...
  38. G

    Exploring Computational Physics: Tips for Undergrad Research Success

    Hi, Im an undergrad physics student and trying to get a research position at my school. I've talked to one researcher and he didn't have a use for me but advised me to look into computational physics work with another professor. What is computational physics exactly? I know that you can...
  39. A

    Advice on doing an MS in computational Physics (graduated with B.Tech in CSE)

    Hello, I am a Computer Science and Engineering B.Tech. from ISM Dhanbad (equivalent to IIT), India. Recently, I have become interested in the Computational Physics MS program which I read about on this forum (recommended many times by ZapperZ). The interest arose mainly because I have always...
  40. H

    Monte Carlo Computational Physics Project

    Hi, I am doing an undergraduate physics project by writing a C++ code to implement the Metropolis algorithm to a simple 2d one component plasma. In short, I have to determine the equilibrium configuration at each temperature by means of the Metropolis algorithm and then compute ensemble...
  41. K

    Canadian University Programs for Computational Physics | Honors Physics

    Hi! I'm a Canadian student who's starting an honors physics program (with a minor in compsci) this coming fall. I'm trying to figure out where I should go for my master's and PhD. I'm interested in computational physics, and also have an interest in astrophysics and condensed matter physics...
  42. X

    Need an idea for a computational physics project

    I need an idea for a final project for my computational physics course. The problem is that I've only had intro mechanics and intro E&M courses so far and I'm currently taking modern physics. It seems like any interesting projects would require more physics than I've had so far. I was...
  43. R

    Computational physics problems that involve nontrivial CS concepts?

    I'm a 3rd year physics major and my friend is a 3rd year computer science major, and for a bit of fun we want to do some sort of project that will utilize both of our skills. Some sort of computational physics problem seems appropriate, but with my limited knowledge, it seems that a lot of them...
  44. G

    Is there anyone who is good at computational physics?

    Homework Statement I tried to solve mechanical system of particles. I first tried with two particles rotating with respect to each other. Of course, i solved this using computer with Runge kutta 4th order method. Here's the problem. I used the same method in C and Mathematica. In mathematica it...
  45. E

    How Can MATLAB Implement the Leapfrog Method for Satellite Motion Simulation?

    Using Matlab to solve for the satellite motion in a central gravitational field F=-GmM r/r2. Motion is in a plane.Variables are position(x,y),velocity(vx,vy) and accelration (ax,ay). Apply the leapfrog method.I need the theoretical solution alone to input into Matlab. Thanks.
  46. N

    Computational Physics Courses for Engineering Students

    Hi All. I'm an engineering student switching over to physics. I was wondering what would be some of the courses that I would have to take if I wanted to get proficient at crudely modeling physical phenomenon...e.g collapse of a proto solar disk...formation of planets, impacts of comets etc...
  47. L

    Help me come up with a computational physics project

    Homework Statement I am taking a computational physics course right now and we have to do a project for the semester. I have been trying to think of a project to do. It can be a pretty wide range of things. So far we have been doing various numerical approximations with different...
  48. W

    Python Exploring Computational Physics with Python

    Hello, I have recently become interested in computational physics. I know a good deal of Mathematica. Recently I have heard great things about Python. My questions are: 1) How useful is Python in computation? 2) Would there be a better program to learn instead of Python for computation? Any...
  49. W

    Programs in Computational Physics

    Hi all. This question has been asked previously on this forum but there was no reply I think. Which are the good programs for computational physics? I did (am doing) my Bachelor's and Master's in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay. I got interested in CFD at first, but then my senior thesis...
  50. B

    Physics Computational Physics: Careers & Demand - Brin

    I *think* I am interested in Computational Physics, from what I have seen around from Googling the topic, as well as from some YouTube videos. I was wondering what kind of careers are available for someone interested in Computational Physics (I want to do something in research) and are...