Deriving continuity equation of phase space in Statistical Mechanics

In summary, the conversation discusses deriving the continuity equation using the fact that phase space points are not created or destroyed. The Leibniz rule for integration extended to 3-d is used, and the total number of phase points and the density function are introduced. The conversation then delves into the concept of conservation of phase points and the change in number within a given volume. The question posed is about understanding the idea that phase points can only be added or subtracted from a volume through its boundary, and the potential discrepancy between this concept and the fact that the number inside the volume is changing.
  • #1

So I am aiming to derive the continuity equation using the fact that phase space points are not created/destroyed.

So I am going to use the Leibiniz rule for integration extended to 3-d:

## d/dt \int\limits_{v(t)} F dv = \int\limits_{v(t)} \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} dV + \int\limits_{A(t)} F \vec{u_{A}}.\vec{n} dA ##,

##\vec{n}## the normal unit vector, where ##F=F(x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},t) ##

##\vec{u_{A}} ## is the surface velocity.

So let ##N_{D}## denote the number of phase points in a volume element ##D##, ##N## the total number of phase points.

Conservation of phase points =>
## \frac{d}{dt} N_{D}(t) =0 ##

## = - N \frac{d}{dt} \int\limits_{D} dp dq \rho (p,q,t) ##

where ##\rho = \rho (p,q,t) ## is the density of function.

So by Leibniz rule above I get a term describing the change due to the changing surface of ##A## - ## \partial D ## here

## = - N \int\limits_{\partial D} \rho \vec{V}.\vec{n} d\sigma ##, which is fine ,

where ##\vec{V}## is the velocityMY QUESTION:

The corresponding term to ##\int\limits_{v(t)} \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} dV ## is zero here.
I.e the contribution due to the change of ##\rho## within ##V##. I'm just having a little trouble understanding this conceptually... so my book states that:

"Since phase points cannot be created the only way that phase points can be added or subtracted from the volume V is to flow across its boundary, S. "

That's fine, and seems to make sense to me. But, if points are flowing across the boundary then surely the number inside V is changing. So looking at
## \int\limits_{v(t)} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} dV ##,

##\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} \neq 0 ## if there is either a change in the number of phase points or a change in the volume, doesn't saying that the number is changing across the surface => number is changing within the volume and so ##\neq 0 ## for a given volume due to the number of phase points changing?

( I am fine with the rest of the derivation just stuck in this step)

Many thanks in advance.
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  • #2

FAQ: Deriving continuity equation of phase space in Statistical Mechanics

1. What is the continuity equation in Statistical Mechanics?

The continuity equation in Statistical Mechanics is a fundamental equation that describes the conservation of probability in phase space. It states that the change in the probability density of a system over time is equal to the divergence of the probability flux.

2. How is the continuity equation derived in Statistical Mechanics?

The continuity equation can be derived by applying the Liouville's theorem to the probability density function of a system in phase space. Liouville's theorem states that the phase space volume is conserved over time, which leads to the continuity equation.

3. What is the significance of the continuity equation in Statistical Mechanics?

The continuity equation is significant because it relates the microscopic behavior of a system to its macroscopic properties. It allows us to understand how the probability distribution of a system evolves over time and how it affects the observable properties of the system.

4. Can the continuity equation be applied to all systems in Statistical Mechanics?

Yes, the continuity equation can be applied to all systems in Statistical Mechanics, as long as the system can be described in terms of a probability density function in phase space. It is a fundamental equation that is applicable to both classical and quantum systems.

5. Are there any limitations to the continuity equation in Statistical Mechanics?

One limitation of the continuity equation is that it assumes that the system is in equilibrium or near-equilibrium, where the probability distribution does not change significantly over time. It may not accurately describe the behavior of systems that are far from equilibrium or undergoing rapid changes.

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