Elecric charge and electric field

In summary: Yes, you can find the acceleration of the problem by multiplying the velocity by the acceleration due to gravity.
  • #1

My problem is:

An electron( mass m=9.11 x 10^-31 kg) is accelerated in the uniform field E( E=1.45 x 10^4 N/C) between two parallel charged plates. The separation of the plates is 1.10 cm. The electron is accelerated from rest near the negative plate and passes through a tiny hole in the positive plate. With what speed does it leave the hole?


m=9.11 x 10^-31 kg
E=1.45 x 10^4 N/C
distance= 1.10 x 10^.2 m
q= -1.6 x 10^-19 C

qE(s) = ½ mv^2 - ½ mv^2

-1.6 x 10^-19 C= ½ (9.0 x 10^-31 kg)(v)^2

solve for v

v=7.14 x10^-7 m/s

Is this the correct way of approaching the problem, or answer?
Please help

Thank You
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  • #2
Energy is the correct method, but you made an error in your calculation.

The electron goes through the E field acquiring kinetic energy equal to the loss in potential energy. Its total potential energy is given by [itex] PE = qE\Delta x [/itex], with delta x being the separation of the two plates. Since it starts at rest and experiences no other forces, the final kinetic energy will be equal the initial potential energy.

[tex] \frac{1}{2}mv^2 = qE\Delta x[/tex]

You seem to have equated the charge with the final kinetic energy on the step before "solve for v".
  • #3
A funnier way of writing the potential energy of an electric field:
  • #4

Whozum said that I should use this equation:
[tex] \frac{1}{2}mv^2 = qE\Delta x[/tex]

So all I would have to do is plug everything in right? :smile:

My work

(1/2)(9.11 x 10 ^31)V^2=(1.6 x 10 ^-19)(1.45 X 10^4)(.11)

V^2=((1.6 x 10 ^-19)(1.45 X 10^4)(.011)
)/((1/2)(9.11 x 10 ^31))

V=7.49 X 10^-25 m/s

But I looked at the back of the book and gives the answer of 7.49 X10^6 m/s

Did I forget something?

Please help and Thank You
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  • #5
FluxCapacitator said:
A funnier way of writing the potential energy of an electric field:
Quantum electrodynamics?

And uhh... check your electron mass again, I'm pretty sure an electron is lighter than the sun. :smile:
  • #6

I see what I did wrong. :blushing:


(1/2)(9.11 x 10 ^31)V^2=(1.6 x 10 ^-19)(1.45 X 10^4)(.11)

V^2=((1.6 x 10 ^-19)(1.45 X 10^4)(.011)
)/((1/2)(9.11 x 10 ^-31))

V=7.49 X10^6 m/s

Thanks :smile:
  • #7

The second portion of this question asks:

Show that the gravitational force can be ignored.

I found that I can ignore gravitational force as long as the size of qE / m relative to g. As long as qE / m is much larger than g, gravity can be ignored. Gravity is very easy to account for, of course : simply add mg to the free-body diagram and go from there.

So if that's the case couldn't I just find the acceleration of the problem, since I already found the velocity and see if this is true.

Thank You

FAQ: Elecric charge and electric field

1. What is electric charge?

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience electromagnetic interactions. It can be positive or negative and is measured in units of Coulombs (C).

2. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a force field that surrounds an electric charge or group of charges. It is a vector quantity that describes the direction and strength of the force that a charge would experience if placed at a certain point in space.

3. How is electric charge created?

Electric charge is created through the transfer of electrons between atoms. This can happen through friction, contact, or induction. The net amount of charge in a closed system always remains constant, as stated by the law of conservation of charge.

4. What is the relationship between electric charge and electric field?

An electric charge creates an electric field in the space surrounding it. The strength of the electric field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the charge.

5. What are some real-life applications of electric charge and electric field?

Electric charge and electric field have many practical applications in our daily lives. Some examples include powering electronic devices, creating static electricity for industrial processes, and using electric fields in medical imaging techniques such as MRI machines.
