Electric Field Intensity. Finite sheet of charge.

In summary, the problem statement is that a finite sheet of charge, of density ρ=2x(x2+y2+4)^3/2, lies in the z=0 plane for 0≤x≤2m and 0≤y≤2m. Determine E at (0,0,2)m. The Attempt at a Solution starts with dE=ρdA / R^2 aR which does not match with dE=k∫∫ 2x(x2+y2+4)^3/2 dy dx (-xax-yay+2az ) /x2+y2+4)^3/2. My
  • #1
problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A finite sheet of charge, of density ρ=2x(x2+y2+4)^3/2, lies in the z=0 plane for 0≤x≤2m and 0≤y≤2m.Determine E at (0,0,2)m


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

dE=ρdA / R^2 aR

E=k 2x(x2+y2+4)^3/2 dy dx (-xax-yay+2az ) /x2+y2+4)^3/2

E=k∫∫ 2x dy dx (-xax-yay+2az)


How x and y component of E are different in the answer?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you see a difference between the x- and the y-dependence of ##\rho## ?

Or: Can you see x = y is not a symmetry line ?

(edit: forgot the +4 in the first upload)

Once again: making a drawing is soooooo useful !
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  • #3
Thanks for the visual. Is there method to find a point of symmetry on that surface?
  • #4
What if there isn't ?
  • #5
BvU said:
What if there isn't ?
Do I have to use mathematical theorem? If so I have to give up on this problem. I know how to use Coulomb law and multiple integration with help of Mathematica. This question no 2.50 from Schaum's Electromagnetics.
  • #6
Ah, didn't really read the small print :smile: and just answered the question "How x and y component of E are different in the answer?". So now it's time to go through your steps and see why you and Schaum end up with different answers.
Let me please use ##\hat\imath,\ \hat \jmath ,## and ##\hat k## instead of ##a_x, a_y, a_z## as Cartesian unit vectors.

Stumble on the first step:
Your relevant equation only describes ##|\vec E|\ ##, so it doesn't help you find the components.
Google (or look up in Schaum) the right equation and look at it carefully: the only vector that determines the direction of ##|\vec E|\ ## in there is ##\vec r-\vec r'## and you can't take it out of the integral because it varies with ##d\vec r' = dx dy##.

Attempt at solution starts with
azizlwl said:
E=k∫∫ 2x(x2+y2+4)^3/2 dy dx (-xax-yay+2az ) /x2+y2+4)^3/2
which does not match with
azizlwl said:
dE=ρdA / R2 aR
(it looks to me that even the brackets don't match...)

My advice: Don't give up. This exercise is very important for your understanding and further curriculum. Make a drawing that shows ##\ \vec E\ ## at ##(0,0,2)## due to a small patch of charge ##\rho dxdy## located at ##\vec r' = (x, y)## in the x,y plane. You will see that the maker of the exercise chose a very nice expression for ##\rho##.

The consider what you have to integrate to find the x-component of ##\vec E##, ##\ \vec E_x = \vec E \cdot \hat\imath \ ##, and remember that you can bring constant factors into the integral. Then idem the y component and the z-component.

Sounds perhaps a bit cryptic. But you should really work this out yourself - if I do it for you it does not help you. So try a first step and post when you get stuck.
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  • #7
Nice of you to like my post. I hope it's for the encouragement, because I am far too critical about your contents. Let me repair the expression with an extra bracket and look at it again... :rolleyes:
  • #8
OK, so it's all pretty minor. You're doing great and the only glitch is for the x component. All my well-intended teaching blabla doesn't help if you do the ##Ey = k\iint 2xy\, dx dy ## completely correctly and all you are missing is the ##Ex = k\iint 2x^2 \,dx dy ##. Look at this last one again and tell me it was in fact easy ! (and hopefully also that you could have done it without crutches like Mathematica (*) just as well !)

I did find a worked out example for the first few steps. Later on he brings ##\sigma = \rho## outside the integral because it's constant -- you can't do that, but thanks to the nice ##\rho## function you could do other things to get simple integrals...and you did. It was just the last step that went off the rails a little bit.

(*) I have nothing against Mathematica, but here it's just like using a calculator for 2 x 3
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  • #9
Thanks. My fault is on the unit vector. I used to deal with constant z component.
So the unit vector should be (- xi - yj+2k)/|R|. Maybe using aa, ay and az is confusing.

FAQ: Electric Field Intensity. Finite sheet of charge.

1. What is electric field intensity?

Electric field intensity is a measure of the strength of an electric field at a specific point in space. It is defined as the force exerted on a unit positive charge placed at that point.

2. How is electric field intensity calculated for a finite sheet of charge?

The electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge can be calculated by dividing the surface charge density (σ) by two times the permittivity of free space (ε0). This can be represented by the equation E = σ/2ε0.

3. What is the direction of the electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge?

The direction of the electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge is perpendicular to the surface of the sheet. This means that the electric field lines will be parallel to the sheet and will point away from the positive charges and towards the negative charges.

4. How does the distance from the sheet of charge affect the electric field intensity?

The electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge decreases as the distance from the sheet increases. This is because the electric field lines spread out as they move further away from the sheet, resulting in a weaker electric field.

5. Can the electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge be negative?

Yes, the electric field intensity for a finite sheet of charge can be negative. This occurs when the surface charge density is negative, which means that the electric field lines will point in the opposite direction, towards the positive charges on the sheet.
