What is Electric field intensity: Definition and 55 Discussions

An electric field (sometimes E-field) is the physical field that surrounds electrically-charged particles and exerts force on all other charged particles in the field, either attracting or repelling them. It also refers to the physical field for a system of charged particles. Electric fields originate from electric charges, or from time-varying magnetic fields. Electric fields and magnetic fields are both manifestations of the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces (or interactions) of nature.
Electric fields are important in many areas of physics, and are exploited practically in electrical technology. In atomic physics and chemistry, for instance, the electric field is the attractive force holding the atomic nucleus and electrons together in atoms. It is also the force responsible for chemical bonding between atoms that result in molecules.
Other applications of electric fields include motion detection via electric field proximity sensing and an increasing number of diagnostic and therapeutic medical uses.
The electric field is defined mathematically as a vector field that associates to each point in space the (electrostatic or Coulomb) force per unit of charge exerted on an infinitesimal positive test charge at rest at that point. The derived SI units for the electric field are volts per meter (V/m), exactly equivalent to newtons per coulomb (N/C).

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  1. A

    Electric field & force due to charged insulating hemispherical shells

    So I know I have to equate force on a hemispherical shell with spring force to get value of compression but I can't find the force on the hemispheres Some places that do have the solution use the formula : $$\text{Field of non-conducting hemispherical shell= } \frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_○} $$ This...
  2. L

    Maximum charge on a spherical capacitor

    The electric field is the one generated by the charge ##+Q## on the inner sphere of the capacitor, which generates a radial electric field ##\vec{E}=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\frac{Q}{r^2}\hat{r}## which, due to the presence of the dielectric, become...
  3. S

    Electric Field Intensity: Intersecting E-fields Explained

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  4. M

    Find the electric field intensity from an infinite line charge

    what I've done so far? -i've determined the vector between the point (4, 0, 0) and the point P. (4, 6, 8) - (4, 0, 0) (0, 6, 8) -The norm of this vector is the radial distance of the line to point P (the value of “ρ” in the formula) √(0^2 + 6^2 + 8^2) = 10 -> ρ = 10 -and its unit vector is...
  5. PKM

    What should be the electric field intensity inside a sphere

    If the force acting between two point charges were proportional to \frac{1}{r^ 3}, instead of \frac{1}{r^ 2}, what would be the electric field intensity and charge density inside a charged solid metallic sphere?
  6. J

    Electric field intensity at a distance

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The radiations from the bulb spread radially outwards such that "Power at a distance r" = Power radiated/4πr2 . If distance is unchanged and power halved then the intensity should also be halved . From this I get E' = E/2 ...
  7. E

    Electric Field Intensity of a line on bisecting plane

    Homework Statement A very thin, finite, and uniformly charged line of length 10 m carries a charge of 10 µC/m. Calculate the electric field intensity in a plane bisecting the line at ρ = 5 m. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Not sure why I'm not getiting this but I've been at this...
  8. S

    Time period of small oscillations of the point dipole

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  9. Cocoleia

    Electric field intensity on thin electric sheets

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  10. J

    How to calculate the Electric Field due to Capacitors?

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  11. L

    Electric field at a point inside of a uniformly charged ball

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  12. C

    Electrostatics || A cone charged unifomly, find intensity

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  13. azizlwl

    Electric Field Intensity. Finite sheet of charge.

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  14. P

    Finding electric field intensity

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  15. rizwanibn

    Coulomb's law and Electric field intensity problem

    I am not getting the answer to this question as shown in the textbook. Please help...! My attempt is in the last attachment. Thanks.!
  16. azizlwl

    Electric Field Outside a Uniformly Charged Spherical Shell

    Homework Statement Show that the electric field E outside a spherical shell of uniform charge density ρs is the same as due to the total charge on the shell located at the centre. Homework Equations Using only Coulomb's Law E=Q/4πε0 ar The Attempt at a Solution If i assumed it as circular...
  17. B

    Electric Field Intensity and Infinite Sheet Charges

    Hey, Just wanted to thank everyone for their time to help solve people problems, I can generally find all my answers here but I made an account now because i can't seem to find a related problem to this. In general the textbook for these types of problems make the plane z=something. In this...
  18. H

    Do We Use Charge Sign in Electric Field Intensity Formula?

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  19. deedsy

    Spherical Charge Distribution - Electric Field Intensity

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  20. M

    Electric field intensity around a wire

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  21. Nero26

    Finding the charge density,when Electric field intensity is given.

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  22. F

    Electric field intensity with a charge decreasing over time

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  23. K

    Relation b/w Electric Field Intensity and Potential Gradient

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  24. C

    Theory about electric field intensity

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  25. A

    Electric Field Intensity at a point due to a infinite line charge

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  26. J

    Calculating Electric Field Strength Between Two Point Charges

    A +7.5 nC point charge and a -2.0 point charge are 3.0 cm apart. What is the electric field strength at the midpoint between the two charges? just give me the formula ?
  27. 0

    Electric field intensity inside parallel-plate capacitor filled with water

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  28. U

    Electric field intensity 'inside' a wire carrying current

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  29. T

    Calculating Electric Field Intensity at (0, 0, z)

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  30. D

    Does Electric Field Intensity Depend on Separation Distance or Charge on Plates?

    I have a text that claims that the intensity of the electric field between two parallel plates is independent of the separation distance and depends only on the charge on the plates. Is this correct?
  31. S

    Difference between electric field intensity of plane and conducting sheet

    what is the difference between the electric field intensity of 1)infinite plane charged sheet whose formula is E=\sigma/2\epsilono and 2)infinite conducting charged sheet whose formula is E = \sigma/\epsilono
  32. L

    Electrostatics - calculation of electric field intensity

    electrostatics --- calculation of electric field intensity Homework Statement My aim is to calculate electric field intensity at a point P where the test charge qo is kept which is at a distance r from the source charge q is kept. Homework Equations Why it has mentioned limit qo...
  33. A

    Find the electric field intensity at point D

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  34. E

    Electric Scalar Potential and Electric Field Intensity

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  35. T

    Finding electric field intensity, power, current given current density

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  36. P

    Finding Electric Field intensity

    Homework Statement A proton traveling along the x-axis is slowed by a uniform electric field E. At x = 20 cm, the proton has a speed of 3.5 x 106 ms-1 and at x = 80 cm, its speed is zero. Find the magnitude and direction of electric field intensity. Can someone please! check my procedure...
  37. A

    Understanding Electric Field Intensity of Point Charges

    Why do we take a point charge always while estimating the electric field intensity of a system of charge? as in Coulomb's and Gauss's Law etc.
  38. Z

    Electric Flux Density / Electric Field Intensity

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  39. K

    Relationship between electric field intensity and potential

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  40. I

    Electric Field Intensity and Potential Difference

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  41. I

    What is the electric field intensity at point A due to two point charges?

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  42. E

    Optimizing radius for minimus electric field intensity

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  43. S

    How Does Charge Distribution Affect Electric Field Intensity at the Origin?

    Homework Statement A rod of length l with a uniform charge per unit length lambda is placed a distance d from the origin along the x axis. A similar rod with the same charge is placed along the y axis. Determine the net electric field intensity at the origin.Homework Equations Electric Field...
  44. J

    Calculating Electric Field Intensity with Two Spherical Shells

    Hi Two spherical shells where the inner has a radius a and the outer a radius of b. The inner has a total charge of -Q whereas the outer shell has a total charge +Q. The question is to calculate the electric field intensity everywhere in space. My question is now, how do I choose the limits...
  45. R

    Point-Plane Electric Field Intensity

    Hi folks. I have read in several papers that the electric field intensity adjacent to the very tip of an electrode (the "point" in a point-plane geometry) surrounded by a dielectric medium is given by 2V / [r ln(4d/r)] where r is the tip radius, d is the point-plane spacing, and V is...
  46. A

    Electric field intensity/ charge magnitude question

    Homework Statement Two equal but oppositely charged points are 1.0 m apart in a vacuum. The electric field intensity at the midpoint between the charges is 2.4x10^5 N/C. What is the magnitude of each charge? Homework Equations Electric force= Kc (q/r^2) Kc=8.99x10^9 The Attempt at...
  47. I

    Why is the electric field intensity zero at only one point?

    Suppose you have a Cartesian coordinate system with: a 2uC charge at (0,0) and a -8uC charge at (4,0), why is there only one point in which the EFI is zero (-4,0)? Shouldn't that be the first point where the EFI is zero (so (-5,0),(-6,0)... all have Electric Fields of zero) The reason I...
  48. S

    Charge and Electric Field Intensity

    If there are two bodies, such as a sphere and a thin rod (each with exactly the same charge), why does the sphere have a greater electric field intensity? Are there any other variables that influence the electric field intensity if the charge is not an ultimate dependent factor? If the...
  49. A

    E&M - Electric Field Intensity in Microwave

    Hi, This problem has me stumped and I keep thinking that I'm missing something simple. The question gives us a simple model for modelling a microwave. We consider a plane wave traveling through an object in the microwave (in the z direction), with no reflection. So, the general form should be...