How is high temperature reactor design different?

In summary, high temperature reactors (HTR) are different from low temperature reactors (LWR) in that they operate at higher temperatures and use different materials and fuels. While LWRs use an alloy of Zr and other elements for the cladding material and UO2 or (U, Pu)O2 for fuel, HTRs can use materials such as He, Na, Pb, molten salt, or supercritical water. The fuel in HTRs can also be in the form of cermet or metal compounds, such as UN, UC, or (U,Pu)N or (U,Pu)C. The challenge for HTRs is finding materials that can withstand the high temperatures and radiation environments.
  • #1
I think its common knowledge that the next generation of nuclear reactors are going to operate at much higher temperatures than current designs in order to get away from the Rankin cycle and take advantage of thermochemical cycles, but what is it that makes high temperature reactors (HTR) different than low temperature reactors? Does it mostly only have to do with the materials used to construct the reactor or are different fuels and control rod materials used?
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  • #2
The working fluid temperatures in high temperature reactors are higher than those in conventional LWRs, and the materials are necessarily different.

Let's consider LWRs.

PWRs (pressurized water reactors) operate with a primary circuit temperature of about 285-293°C inlet and about 325-330°C outlet at a nominal pressure of ~2270 psia. The fuel is subject to a number of engineering constraints under normal and off-normal conditions (NUREG-0800, Chapter 4.2). Basically the fuel is not allowed to melt (no centerline melting), must have less than 1% strain, and must not allow cladding lift-off in the event of design basis transients.

BWRs operate with the coolant at saturation conditions with a nominal core pressure of about 1045-1055 psia.

In LWRs the cladding material is an alloy of Zr and usually Zr-Sn or Zr-Nb with other alloying elements, e.g. Fe, Cr, Ni and others in lesser quantities. The fuel is UO2 or (U, Pu)O2, with additions of gadolinia, erbia or ZrB2 for reactivity control.

High temperature plants can use He (gas), Na or Pb (Pb-Bi) (liquid metal), molten salt or H2O. With respect to H2O, there is consideration of a supercritical water reactor which would have an operating conditions exceeding (374°C, 22 MPa, or 705°F, 3208 psia). Fuel materials could be cermet or metal fuel or UN, UC or (U,Pu)N or (U,Pu)C or possibly silicide.

See the concept here -

The operating environments of the Gen IV concepts are very challenging for the materials and engineering.

The idea is however to increase the temperature in order to increase the efficiency. In addition to producing electrical power, heat would also be used for chemical processes, e.g. hydrodgen production using the S-I process.
  • #3
So, high temperature reactors do in fact use different U-based fuels than the typically low temperature reactors? And really what it all comes down to then is just finding the right materials that can handle those temperatures then right?

In the case of an S-I or Cu-Cl cycle, would any of these chemicals ever make direct contact with the reactor itself or would a large heat exchanger be involved?
  • #4
Topher925 said:
So, high temperature reactors do in fact use different U-based fuels than the typically low temperature reactors? And really what it all comes down to then is just finding the right materials that can handle those temperatures then right?
The high temperature reactors do use U-235 (or Pu-239), and perhaps U-233 if a thorium cycle is employed, and these fuels would likely be in a different form than UO2, and would be clad in different alloys rather than the conventional Zr-alloys now employed in LWRs. And it is most definitely a matter of finding the right materials to resist degradation in the radiation environment at those temperatures and in contact with any working fluid that is not chemically inert, i.e. not He.

In the case of an S-I or Cu-Cl cycle, would any of these chemicals ever make direct contact with the reactor itself or would a large heat exchanger be involved?
My understanding is that there would be a heat exchanger involved and the chemical reactor would be located ex-core.

FAQ: How is high temperature reactor design different?

1. What is a high temperature reactor?

A high temperature reactor (HTR) is a type of nuclear reactor that operates at temperatures above 700°C. It uses fuel made from ceramic materials, such as uranium dioxide, which can withstand high temperatures and produce more energy than traditional nuclear reactors.

2. How is the design of a high temperature reactor different from other nuclear reactors?

The design of a high temperature reactor is different in several ways. Firstly, it uses a different type of fuel, as mentioned earlier. It also has a different cooling system, typically using helium gas instead of water. Additionally, HTRs have a unique safety system that uses natural properties of the reactor to shut itself down in the event of an emergency.

3. What are the advantages of high temperature reactor design?

There are several advantages to high temperature reactor design. One of the main advantages is its increased efficiency and energy output compared to traditional nuclear reactors. HTRs also produce less nuclear waste and have a lower risk of radioactive material release in the event of an accident. Additionally, the high temperatures reached by HTRs make them suitable for a variety of industrial processes, such as hydrogen production and desalination.

4. Are there any challenges or limitations to high temperature reactor design?

While there are many benefits to high temperature reactor design, there are also some challenges and limitations. One limitation is the high cost of constructing and maintaining HTRs, which can make them less feasible for some countries. Additionally, the high temperatures and unique fuel used in HTRs require specialized materials and technology, which may not be readily available in all areas.

5. How is high temperature reactor design being used today?

High temperature reactors are currently being used for a variety of purposes around the world. Some countries, such as China and South Korea, have operational HTRs that are used for electricity generation. Other countries, such as the United States and France, are conducting research and development on HTR technology for potential future use. Additionally, some HTRs are being used for industrial processes and research purposes, such as the production of medical isotopes.
