Solving OPAMP Circuit Analysis Problem

In summary: And that's what you've done so far.In summary, OPAMP circuit and output voltage are shown in image below. Assuming that OPAMP is ideal, come up with a solution by hand. When time dependent source is active, our circuit is: v2(t)=0\rightarrow v1(t)=0i2(t)=0\rightarrow iin(t)=ic(t)iin(t)=\frac{vin(t)}{R1}v3(t)+\frac{1}{C}\int ic(t)dt+R1iin(t)-vin(t)=0For positive
  • #1
Here is my task:

OPAMP circuit and output voltag are shown in image below. Assuming that OPAMP is ideal, come up with a solution by hand.


Then change capacitor's value from 200nF to 33nF and output voltage will be:


Explain why output voltages are different ( first has triangle shape and gradually decreases and second has cut off bottom and doesn't decrease).

Here is what I have done:
Since there are two sources, one DC and one time dependent pulse waveform, I used superposition method. When time dependent source is active, our circuit is:

[tex]v2(t)=0\rightarrow v1(t)=0[/tex]

[tex]i2(t)=0\rightarrow iin(t)=ic(t)[/tex]


[tex]v3(t)+\frac{1}{C}\int ic(t)dt+R1iin(t)-vin(t)=0[/tex]

For positive input voltage [tex]vin(t)=1V[/tex] we have:

[tex]v3(t)=-\frac{1}{RC1}\int vin(t)dt=-50\int 1dt=-50t,\,\, 0\leq t\leq 100*10^{-3}s[/tex]

For negative input voltage [tex]vin(t)=-1V[/tex] we have:
[tex]v3(t)=-\frac{1}{RC1}\int vin(t)dt=-50\int (-1)dt=50t,\,\,100*10^{-3}s\leq t\leq 200*10^{-3}s[/tex]
But I don't know what to do next :(
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  • #2
The output should comprise a triangle wave produced by integrating the squarewave, plus a slow ramp produced by integrating a small fixed current. Does your mathematical derivation exhibit these two features?

The waveform from your simulation is what I'd expect to see.
  • #3
Here is how I have done it:
I found Fourier series of [tex]vin(t)[/tex], [tex]vin(t)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{2(1-(-1)^{n})}{n\pi }\sin{(nw0t)}[/tex]. Then I used superposition method to find [tex]viz(t)[/tex]. When [tex]vin(t)[/tex] is active, our circuit is (I didn't show OPAMP power supply):

Using KVL I got:
[tex]viz(t)+\frac{1}{C}\int i(t)+Ri(t)=vin(t)[/tex]


[tex]viz(t)+\frac{1}{R1C}\int vin(t)+R1\frac{vin(t)}{R1}=vin(t)[/tex]
[tex]viz(t)=\frac{-1}{R1C}\int (\sum_{1}^{\infty}2\frac{1-(-1)^{n}}{n\pi }\sin{(nw0t)})dt[/tex]
[tex]viz(t)=\frac{-2}{R1C}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1-(-1)^{n}}{n\pi }\int \sin(nw0t)dt=\frac{2}{R1C}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1-(-1)^{n}}{n^{2}\pi w0 }\cos{(nw0t)}[/tex]
  • #4
Here is plot of viz(t)

Now it is necessary to do DC analysis and add viz(t) and Viz and (hopefully) we will get output as in simulator. I didn't do DC analysis yet.
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  • #5
With referece to your infinite series... Uh huh. That's all well and good, but what does but tell you? I think you are expected to come up with an analysis and explanation of what you see in the waveforms. Along the lines of what I outlined.

OPAMP circuit and output voltage are shown in image below. Assuming that OPAMP is ideal, come up with a solution by hand.

I don't see much call for Fourier here. Not explicitly, anyway.
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  • #6
Well, I thought I must have explicit expression of input voltage for analysis. How would I express output voltage (viz(t)) if I hadn't expression for input voltage?
  • #7
etf said:
Well, I thought I must have explicit expression of input voltage for analysis. How would I express output voltage (viz(t)) if I hadn't expression for input voltage?
I think you should express each input as a function of time, then integrate and sum the result.

What I think you are doing is expressing the input as a Fourier series and integrating that, then using a computer program to convert that back to a function of time and plot it. That is a roundabout process I doubt you would have time to pursue in any exam.

Have you memorised the Fourier series of a triangle wave?
  • #8
Now I'm completely lost. I did analysis in Multisim and I got same shape for output voltage but different peak to peak value of signal. I give up. Here is code in Matlab I used to plot viz(t) I got by hand:
for n=1:10000
suma = suma + ((1-(-1).^n).*(cos(n.*w0.*t))./(n.*n.*pi.*w0));
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  • #9
In my view, you've shown all the mathematics that's needed back in your first post: the integral of a step. Now, apply that to one cycle and show how the squarewave input becomes a triangular wave at the output, and how the other input leads to a ramp at the output. Then combine them.

It might be instructive if you were to extend the duration of your simulation, so you capture some "interesting output" when non-linear things start to appear.

Before you dive into complicated maths you should look back at what you are specifically asked to explain, in post #1. I interpret it to be they want you to demonstrate a practical understanding of that circuit's behaviour under the two different conditions.
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  • #10
When using the 33nF capacitor, could you also please record the waveform at the junction of R1 and R2. It might contain some answers ...
  • #11
I think I solved it (without Fourier series :) )
Firstly I analysed circuit for t between 0 and 0.1s (VCC=15V, vin(t)=1V). I got vout(t)=-57.5t. Then I analysed circuit for t between 0.1s and 0.2s (VCC=15V, vin(t)=-1V). I got vout(t)=42.5t. On time interval between 0s and 0.2s our output voltage vout(t) is


What do you think? I didn't plot it on some wider interval since it's a little bit tricky to connect those lines and plot :)
  • #12
Here is code I used for plot:
>> t1=linspace(0,0.1,100000);
>> t2=linspace(0.1,0.2,100000);
>> vout1=-57.5.*t1;
>> vout2=-5.75+42.5.*(t2-0.1);
>> plot(t1,vout1,t2,vout2)
>> grid
It is necessary to plot decreasing line, then on it's end increasing one etc. :)
  • #13
That looks good, providing it agrees with your actual circuit. You don't need to do anymore computations in order to be able to sketch a dozen or more cycles, because each will drop by 5.75V and then rise by 4.25V --- so you can fill in the rest of the waveform by hand.

FAQ: Solving OPAMP Circuit Analysis Problem

What is an OPAMP and how does it work?

An OPAMP (operational amplifier) is an electronic device that amplifies the difference between two input voltages. It has a high input impedance, low output impedance, and a very high gain. It works by comparing the voltages on its two input terminals and producing an output voltage proportional to the difference between them.

Why is solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems important?

Solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems is important because OPAMPs are commonly used in electronic circuits and understanding how they work is crucial for designing and troubleshooting circuits. These problems also help improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills for scientists and engineers.

What are the key steps to solving an OPAMP circuit analysis problem?

The key steps to solving an OPAMP circuit analysis problem are as follows:

  • 1. Identify the circuit configuration and draw a schematic diagram.
  • 2. Simplify the circuit by replacing the OPAMP with its equivalent circuit model.
  • 3. Apply Kirchhoff's laws and Ohm's law to analyze the circuit.
  • 4. Use the ideal OPAMP assumptions to determine the output voltage.
  • 5. Check for any non-ideal effects and make necessary adjustments.

What are some common challenges when solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems?

Some common challenges when solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems include understanding the ideal OPAMP assumptions, identifying and analyzing the different circuit configurations, and dealing with non-ideal effects such as offset voltage and input bias current. It is also important to have a good understanding of basic circuit analysis techniques and mathematical skills.

Are there any useful tools or resources for solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems?

Yes, there are several useful tools and resources that can aid in solving OPAMP circuit analysis problems. These include circuit simulation software, online tutorials and guides, textbooks, and practice problems with solutions. It is also helpful to have a solid understanding of basic circuit analysis concepts and to consult with other experts in the field for additional guidance.

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