What is the fraction of an iceberg's volume exposed in seawater?

  • #1

Homework Statement

The density of ice is 920 kg/m3, and that of seawater is 1030 kg/m3. What fraction of the total volume of an iceburg is exposed?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know your supposed to do volume of the ice divided by the volume of the seawater, x 100. But, I'm having trouble finding the volumes. V=m/density... but how do u find the mass? Or is there a different way of doing it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Compare the volume of seawater displaced to the volume of the iceberg. The fraction of the iceberg above the water level is independent of its mass or volume. (Just call the mass "m"--you'll find that it will cancel out.)

To proceed, consider the forces acting on the iceberg. And consider Archimedes' principle and buoyant force.
  • #3
By a FBD (the iceberg is in equilibrium), so you know that the gravitational force must equal the buoyant force.

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