Magnetic flux Definition and 367 Threads

In physics, specifically electromagnetism, the magnetic flux through a surface is the surface integral of the normal component of the magnetic field B over that surface. It is usually denoted Φ or ΦB. The SI unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb; in derived units, volt–seconds), and the CGS unit is the maxwell. Magnetic flux is usually measured with a fluxmeter, which contains measuring coils and electronics, that evaluates the change of voltage in the measuring coils to calculate the measurement of magnetic flux.

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  1. S

    Flux linking (and de-linking?)

    Initially the current is non-zero therefore we have a magnetic field present, and at the end there is no current therefore there is no magnetic field present. When we open the switch, and the current drops to 0, there is a change in the magnetic flux of B, as the field from A has gone. This...
  2. B

    Flyback Converter Magnetic Flux Calculation

    Hi I am designing a flyback converter. The calculation (.jpg file) is based on Daniel W. Hart Power Electronics book. The transformer model consists only of an ideal transformer and its magnetizing inductance (or "primary inductance" in some textbooks). The datasheet of the transformer's core...
  3. Manuel12

    Magnets with Halbach array in an AC generator

    As a project, I am demonstrating electromagnetic induction by making an AC generator. The magnets I currently have access to are very strong neodymimium countersunk magnets, but I noticed that they utilise a Halbach array. I am aware that this means the magnet has alternating N-S poles spaced...
  4. besebenomo

    Magnetic flux with magnetic field changing direction

    Sorry if I post again about this topic (last time I promise!) but I still have some doubts regarding the concept of flux. This collection of problems I have quite standard but there are so many variations. Here is the circuit in question: Something tells me that I could write a function that...
  5. besebenomo

    Magnetic flux of magnetic field changing as a function of time

    $$B(t) = B_{0} \frac{t^2}{T^2}$$ for ##0 \leq t \leq T## The issue here is more conceptual, because once I find the flux of B I know how to proceed to find the current. I got velocity (but it seems to me that it is the initial velocity), I could use it to find the time in function of space...
  6. A

    I Derivation of the magnetic flux in coaxial cable

    The magnetic flux ##\phi_m = \int{BdA}## The magnetic field of the coaxial cable B = ##\frac{I_{enc} \mu_0}{2\pi r}## since surface area of a cylinder = ##2\pi rdr L, dA = 2\pi L dr## where L is the length of the coaxial cable so ##\phi_m = \int{\frac{I_{enc} \mu_0}{2\pi r}2\pi L dr}##?
  7. Hasan2022

    COMSOL simulation of a 3D Ferrite Bar Numerical Model For Magnetic Flux

    Hi, I am willing to simulate a 3D ferrite bar transmitter and reciever where coupling coefficient k and Bt magnetic flux density on the each side uses the finite element method for solving partial differential equations. The Magnetic Fields module has equation (jωσ − ω2ε0εr)A + ∇ × H = Je...
  8. L

    Flux of constant magnetic field through lateral surface of cylinder

    If the question had been asking about the flux through the whole surface of the cylinder I would have said that the flux is 0, but since it is asking only about the lateral surfaces I am wondering how one could calculate such a flux not knowing how the cylinder is oriented in space. One could...
  9. Mr_Allod

    Total Josephson current through junction with magnetic field

    Hello there, I am given a diagram of a Josephson Junction like so: With a magnetic field ##B = \mu_oH## in the z-direction. I'm reasonably sure ##d_x,d_y,d_z## are normal lengths, not infinitesimal lengths although that is up for debate. Using the above equations I rearrange the expression...
  10. J Silva

    Is the magnetic flux density B constant?

    Summary:: Is the magnetic flux density B constant? Is the magnetic flux constant? I am working on a project design for Uni and I am stuck. In a magnetic circuit is either the magnetic flux or the magnetic flux density B constant? This magnetic circuit has all different cross section areas and...
  11. A

    PPMT, Magnetic Flux Switch, electro-permanent magnet generator

    Ok so here is something that made me scratch my head and I still can't come to a final conclusion. The basic idea is seemingly simple. You have permanent magnets attached to a core, the field lines close on both magnets through the core, so far so good. but the core also has electromagnets , put...
  12. H

    Magnetic Flux: Why Does it Stay the Same?

    I calculated in this way as attached and got the correct answer. However I still wonder why the magnetic flux is the same in both coils, or this presumption is not right.
  13. boysenbeary

    Find maximum current in a coil using oscilloscopes and Faraday's Law?

    The experiment consists of a large field coil (connected to a current source) surrounding a coplanar and coaxial small detector coil in the center of the field coil connected to the oscilloscope. 1. Matching Current v. Time Graphs to Oscilloscope Graphs Example of one pair of graphs (I'll...
  14. L

    Magnetic Flux through a Closed Surface and Maxwell's laws

    Hi everyone, I have a question about Maxwell's laws. According to Maxwell the magnetic flux of a magnetic field through a close surface is 0. But his third law says the circuitation of an electric field depends from magnetic flux variation. I can't understand how this can be possible since...
  15. cestlavie

    Magnetic flux given magnetic field and sides (using variables)

    I know the answer is ##ka^3/2##. I got ##ka^2## and I don't know how to get the right answer. I saw an explanation using integrals, but my class is algebra-based. My attempt: ##Flux=ABcos\theta##. I figure ##cos\theta## is 1 becuase the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the...
  16. E

    Determining the direction of current due to a change in magnetic flux

    This is supposed to be very basic, where the loop is held there is a declining magnetic field in direction (-z), therefore the current is supposed to be clockwise. However in the answers it is said the the current is anti clockwise. That doesn't make sense to me. Is there a mistake in the answers?
  17. Jy158654

    Calculation of Change in Magnetic Flux Linkage of a moving wire

    Can anyone explain the above answer to me? What does the "change in area" mean?
  18. lelouch_v1

    Magnetic Flux outside of a long solenoid

    I have been reading Griffith's Introduction to Electodynamics and i am currently at the chapter about magnetostatics. There is an example about a long solenoid with n units per length and radius R that shows a way of finding the magnetic vector potential. The magnetic field inside the solenoid...
  19. funmi

    Why does a change of magnetic flux induce an EMF?

    How and why does a changing magnetic flux induce an emf? Why doesn't a static one also produce one? How are the electric and magnetic forces related? Why do you move a wire through a magnetic field so that the wire, the motion, and the magnetic field are all mutually orthogonal in order to...
  20. A

    Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux density

    I'm trying to understand the relationship between the "number" of field lines passing through a region and the magnetic force in this region.I understand that the drawings are of course conceptual: we cannot draw "all" the field lines (although can be visualized with iron fillings).Also the...
  21. The forgetful one

    Magnetic flux density of a relativistic electron

    q = 1.602e-19C mass_electron = 1.098e27 c = 3e8 Omega(Mag_flux_den) = 5GHz Lorentz factor = 100 synchrotron radiation at frequency v = 5GHz Mag_flux_den = (Omega(Mag_flux_den) * c * Mass_electron * Lorentz factor) / mass_electron Mag_flux_den = (5000 x 3e8 x 1.098e27 x 100 ) / 1.602e-19 =...
  22. Boltzman Oscillation

    Engineering How can I find this formula for the magnetic flux density? (EMagn)

    I drew an illustration to make this easier: Point P is where I wish to find the magnetic flux density H. Given the Biot-Savart formula: $$d\textbf{H} = \frac{I}{4\pi}\frac{d\textbf{l}\times\textbf{R}}{R^2}$$ I can let $$d\textbf{l} = \hat{z}dz$$ and $$\hat{z}dz\times\textbf{R} =...
  23. asadahmad_7869

    How to find the charge at time = t (at any instant)

    I was not able to derive the charge on the capacitor. But then, I arbitrarily assumed ##\phi=B.A## (Dot product of Magnetic field and Area) Then, proceeding as follows, ##\phi=BA\cos(\omega_0 t)## ##\frac{d\phi}{dt}=−BA\omega_0\sin(\omega_0 t)## Now at ##t=0, \phi=BA\cos(0)=BA## Therefore...
  24. archaic

    Magnetic flux (and flux in general)

    The general interpretation of flux as I understand it (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is that it represents how much something is going through another (surface or volume (and perhaps lines?)), I'll quote Khanacademy : Considering that magnetism is a force, I very well understand that we...
  25. Zack K

    Current induced on a coil by a changing magnetic flux in another coil

    I will first calculate the magnetic flux of the coil in motion. $$\frac {d\phi}{dt} = -\frac {dB_{loop}}{dt}A = -\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\mu_o}{4\pi}\frac {2\pi NR^2I}{(R^2+z^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}})A$$differentiating in terms of ##z##, we get $$\frac {d\phi}{dt} =(\frac{\mu_o}{4\pi}\frac {6\pi^2...
  26. A

    Shielding a wire from magnetic flux

    Assume such a situation, if I have a wire and some part of that wire passes through a hole in the core of an inductor or transformer or any other high magnetic field environment , are there ways to shield the wire, the part that intersects with the B field in order to prevent the field from...
  27. mertcan

    Is Magnetic Flux Truly Conserved at the Interface of Air and Iron Core?

    Hi, initially I have read that magnetic flux is conserved in iron core, also I know divergence of B is zero but this conservation implies that there is no flux at the interface of air and iron core surface. We still magnetic field even at the interface so there must be flux. Why do we exclude...
  28. shahbaznihal

    Total magnetic flux of a solenoid

    There is a solenoid of a certain radius, carrying a certain current. I draw an amperian loop of radius greater than the radius of the solenoid. If I calculate the total flux through this loop it should be, 1) Non zero for an ideal solenoid (where the field outside the core of the solenoid is...
  29. U

    Calculation of Change in Magnetic Flux Linkage Across a Wire

    Homework Statement A straight wire of length 0.20m moves at a steady speed of 3.0m/s at right angles to a magnetic filed of flux density 0.10T. Use Faraday's law to determine the e.m.f. induced across the ends of a wire. Homework Equations E= Nd Φ/dt but N=1 so E= dΦ/dt The Attempt at a...
  30. Andres Padilla

    How to measure the magnetic field/ induced fem in a system

    Homework Statement Hello, this is like an experiment of engineering.It is called a induction stove. The system consists of a bycicle, where I am going to pedal. This will turn a disk that have 20 small magnets around its circuference. Once the disk starts to turn, it will produce a constant...
  31. Yousuf Ejazi

    Calculate the induced EMF for angle α

    I have a question in my book and it’s confusing me a bit. I tried to search online for similar solved problems but couldn’t succeed. So here it goes:Calculate the induced EMF in a conductor loop when the angle between \vec{A} ~ and~ \vec{B} ~is~ changed ~from ~{0 °}~ to ~{α °} in 1 second...
  32. N

    How to calculate magnetic flux from voltage?

    I understand that magnetic flux density is measured in Teslas or Weber’s per square meter and that voltage or emf is measured using faraday’s law of induction which is E= - N dφ/dt Where N= number parallel fields Φ = magnetic flux (Wb) E= emf (V) What I don’t understand is the time function...
  33. A

    What is the Magnetic Flux of a White Dwarf Derived from the Sun?

    Homework Statement The sun has a rotational period of 25 days. Finding the rotational period if it can shrink to form a white dwarf (##R_{WD}=10^3Km##). Knowing that the density of magnetic flux of the Sun on the surface is ##1 Gauss##, finding the magnetic flux of the white dwarf. Homework...
  34. Cardinalmont

    Inducing EMF Through a Coil: Understanding Flux

    Thank you for reading my post. I can understand why a change in magnetic flux through a conducting surface would induce an emf, but how does this work when inducing an emf through a coil? How does the flux through the empty space between the wires have an effect on the electrons in the wire...
  35. Cardinalmont

    Flux in a Uniform Magnetic Field

    Thank you for reading my post. I was thinking about induced emf and magnetic flux and I realized I have a huge misunderstanding, but I don't know exactly what it is. Below I will list 4 statements which I logically know cannot all be simultaneously true. Can you please tell me which one(s) are...
  36. W

    The magnetic flux density at point P between parallel wires

    Homework Statement In the picture at points A and B are two thin parallel wires, where traveling currents are 15 A and 32 A to opposite directions. The distance between wires is 5.3 cm. Point's P distances from A and B are the same. Calculate the magnetic flux density at point P. Homework...
  37. rishi kesh

    Engineering Resultant magnetic flux in a 3-phase induction motor

    Homework Statement I have some attachements below from my textbook. According to it the value of resultant flux is constant in magnitude and 1.5 times the maximum value of flux. But i have a doubt regarding how it is proved. The magnetic flux waveforms are 120° apart from each other and at...
  38. D

    Magnetic flux in tap changing transformers

    Hi guys, Non engineer here trying to understand an engineering principle. I think I must be going wrong somewhere in my thought process. 1. Faraday tells us that the EMF generated in the secondary of a transformer is equal to the change in magnetic flux divided by the change in time. 2. The...
  39. Y

    Why does the magnetic flux in a solenoid depend on the number of loops?

    In a solenoid of N loops and uniform magnetic field B, the magnetic flux is B*N*A, where A represents the area surrounded by each loop. I see that the N comes from the fact that you have one A for each turn, and you have N turns, so the total "area" is NA, but why do we use this? Why isn't...
  40. T

    Temperature and magnetic flux density

    Hello all; I am new in this forum, currently in High School. For some time now, I have been looking online for a relationship between temperature and magnetic flux density of a ferromagnet; below the Curie point. However, I can't seem to find any relationship or formula. Do any of you know...
  41. mertcan

    Magnetic flux is the same if we apply the Biot Savart?

    Hi, initially I am aware that magnetic flux is conserved due to divergence of magnetic field is zero and for long solenoid, magnetic field inside is uniform. So magnetic field intensity (B) at point P,Q,S, T,R,U(in the attachment) must be same. But my question is : can we obtain the same...
  42. T

    Magnetic flux and inductance?

    If a current flows in a straight wire, a certain amount of magnetic flux will be generated around it. Now suppose I put an iron tube around the wire (but don't change the current). I know the inductance will increase, but is that because more total flux is now being generated, or is the total...
  43. B

    Magnetic Flux Questions from Japanese University Exam Papers

    Hello everyone, This is my first post here Firstly, I'd like to start by saying that it's my best intention to follow the rules on this forum. Therefore, if I've posted this in the wrong section please forgive me, I will try and learn the ropes quickly. One of my students has given me some...
  44. V

    Finding the magnetic flux from a 3 Dimensional Shape

    Homework Statement In Fig. 32-9 there is a + x-directed uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T filling the space. Find the magnetic flux through each face of the box shown. Homework Equations ΦM = B ⊥ A = BA cos θ The Attempt at a Solution My attempt is attached to this post. How do I determine which...
  45. S

    Magnetic Flux vs Temperature Relationship in Ferromagnets

    Hi everyone, I have recently done an experiment testing the effect of temperature on magnetism through measurement of magnetic flux at a constant distance away from the measuring device. I used a range of 0-90 C for neodymium and bar magnets, and found a reasonably linear trend, with a similar...
  46. L

    Magnetic Flux through conductor coil

    Homework Statement Consider a conductor loop which rotates about the y-axis with angular velocity w. The positive y-axis is directed into the paper, the x-axis to the right and the z-axis upwards. There is an inhomogeneous magnetic field along the positive x-axis. Calculate the magnetic flux...
  47. Asmaa Mohammad

    The magnetic flux and the induce emf in the dynamo.

    Homework Statement Multiple-choice question: Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know that the induced emf is maximum when the coil is parallel to the direction of the magnetic flux, so I should choose either B or C, and I have read the the rate by which the coil cut the magnetic...
  48. Pushoam

    Magnetic flux rule for calculating motional EMF

    Homework Statement Griffith ( Introduction to electrodynamics , 3 ed.) says in Problem 7.9: An infinite number of different surfaces can be fit to a given boundary line, and yet, in defining the magnetic flux through a loop, Φ = ∫B.da, I never specified the particular surface to be used...